Jan 6 Committee Public Hearings

Just stop.... please. The DoJ is a recipient of information in this case, not power. The power the House has includes making criminal referrals when wrapping up an investigation, if it deems those referrals are warranted.
My guess is Fox News is losing their shit in no uncertain terms and their talking points, weak as they are, are making the rounds.
It's close to 2 years since the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. If the DOJ is having trouble pinning down Trump's legal responsibility for this event, then indict him for the stolen documents, which should be much easier to prove just based on his own statements, and while he is being tried or serving time for that the other crimes can be sorted out and additional indictments issued. Instead, he's still posting inflammatory rhetoric, running for president, grifting his followers and playing golf.
It's close to 2 years since the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. If the DOJ is having trouble pinning down Trump's legal responsibility for this event, then indict him for the stolen documents, which should be much easier to prove just based on his own statements, and while he is being tried or serving time for that the other crimes can be sorted out and additional indictments issued. Instead, he's still posting inflammatory rhetoric, running for president, grifting his followers and playing golf.

I have a feeling that's how it will play out. The DOJ isn't going to prosecute unless they're absolutely certain they can win. Seems the Jan6th stuff still needs more time, investigation, and finessing.

Try him on the classified documents, get a conviction/sentenced, futz with the likely appeal, etc while the other DOJ team is making the Jan6th case air-tight.
The thing that is irritating as fuck is that it’s blatantly obvious to everybody including Trump supporters what happened and who was ultimately responsible. And it’s not that Trump supporters don’t know that. It’s that they don’t give a shit and do mental gymnastics trying to justify it. “Those people were just angry that they’re country is getting stolen.” That’s not a defense, just like “Well, she was cheating on him” isn’t a defense for a guy putting a bullet in his wife’s head.

And since Trump is the head idiot of his wealth class (Musk is closing the gap) who only knows how to play the short game (and loses a lot of the time if you look at his business record), he could have just peacefully transferred power and would have a better chance of winning in 2024. But instead his chances of winning in 2024 are steadily declining and his chances of being thrown in jail and/or getting taken to the cleaners financially are steadily increasing. Sad.
What a waste.

Along with perpetuating American mythology and not being completely honest about our founding and history, I’m getting a bit tired of people saying “that’s not who we are”. Um, yes it is. Not all of us, but a scary percentage of us. We can debate what constitutes being a good person or bad person, but being a “hard working American” doesn’t mean you can’t also be a bad person. There are plenty of hardworking Americans who don’t do this shit. Also, clearly, being highly educated or paid doesn’t make you immune from being conned….or an idiot, but that’s from the other side of the coin.
The transcripts are interesting. Many of them are pages and pages of “I plead the fifth.”

To some of these far-right “celebs” like Roger Stone and Charlie Kirk, this is all a game.
He should plead the 5th to much more. Actually maybe he shouldn't say anything.

Yeah it's really funny but the thing is they are robbing us all blind 24/7 and eroding constitutional protections against setting up permanent housekeeping as a sole and completely authoritarian government, while providing these circus acts in the meantime to keep us entertained.
Yeah it's really funny but the thing is they are robbing us all blind 24/7 and eroding constitutional protections against setting up permanent housekeeping as a sole and completely authoritarian government, while providing these circus acts in the meantime to keep us entertained.

I remember a movie from the early '70s, Harry in Your Pocket, which instructed us on proper pocket-picking technique. They worked as a team, the woman providing a distraction while Harry slid the goods from the mark and quickly passed it to the drop who cleaned it out and left the leather in a nearby trash can. This is the Republican strategy: they are getting us to look elsewhere whilst they pick our pockets and launder the take through their drops.
I remember a movie from the early '70s, Harry in Your Pocket, which instructed us on proper pocket-picking technique. They worked as a team, the woman providing a distraction while Harry slid the goods from the mark and quickly passed it to the drop who cleaned it out and left the leather in a nearby trash can. This is the Republican strategy: they are getting us to look elsewhere whilst they pick our pockets and launder the take through their drops.

Except the whole operation is being filmed with our cell phones and the mark doesn’t give a shit. In fact when they find out they’d prefer they just hand over their wallet for efficiency as long as the thief is draped in the American flag.

Jan. 6 response would have been 'vastly different' if rioters were Black, House sergeant at arms told investigators​

William J. Walker, the head of the D.C. National Guard during the insurrection, also indicated he thought more people in the crowd would have died if the mob had been largely Black instead of overwhelmingly white.

Ya think? Look at how Republicans lost their minds when black people looted a Target, they were literally calling for blood in the streets. Then those exact same people cheered on a white angry mob who were attempting to take over the nation's capitol.

If any Republican showed the same outrage at the insurrection as they did any BLM march over the years then I applaud them. If not, they're just worthless hypocrites.