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Aug 14, 2020
TLDR: There’s a very real chance Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders broke several laws and could possibly face serious political and legal jeopardy. It’s just accusations at this point, but it stinks to the highest. Just Blagojevich-level corruption.

Arkansas Governor and everyone’s favorite MAGA-administration Bullshitter Secretary Sarah “Huckster” Huckabee Sanders is facing intense scrutiny over a supposed lectern that taxpayers were initially on the hook for to the tune of just under $20,000.

They claim it was a specially made lectern from a specific brand, but that brand’s highest-cost lecterns are less than half of this expenditure. There’s also only been a pic of supposed lectern, and the company says the picture doesn’t appear to be one of theirs. And nobody has seen the actual lectern.

Additionally, beyond a 20k lectern being a dumb idea, there are emails and proof of vouchers being tampered with (illegal) to write a note on them that the charge will be reimbursed. The Arkansas state party ended up paying the bill, but that looked like a coverup after the fact.

Now here’s the really bad part. The cost of the lectern was just under a 20k, which I believe triggers some sort of approval or audit mechanism. The money was paid to a private small business owned by a former GOP and Political consultant. Sanders vacationed in Europe around the same time as this happened.

Additionally, this came to light from a FOIA request from a lawyer/blogger who was filing lawsuits for info, and Sanders called a special session where she tried (and I believe failed) to restrict certain things from being subject to FOIA.

There’s more to it, none of it good for Sanders, including republicans requested the audit and there are whistleblowers.

Sanders is playing the Trump card - acting ignorant and defiant. “I can’t show the lectern because it’s all you’ll talk about.” “Let’s focus on things that matter and not manufactured controversies”, etc. She hasn’t answered any questions though, not really. Just deflects. Apparently, white collar crime is ok as long as everything else isn’t perfect. White collar crime needs to be focused on absolutely last. Seriously, both the act and the attitude disgust me. Just because the state was reimbursed later doesn’t make breaking the law ok. Rob a bank before your paycheck hits and tell them your direct deposit will cover it, see how that works out for you.


Apparently the Huckabeast made an appearance in Las Vegas,

She watched from a luxury booth and was in the field at halftime and after the game, proudly posting selfies of her fêting. Of course, when asked how this happyfuntime was financed, her staff became all what happens in Vegas …
She probably needed a flag pole for the office. One that cost the same as her trip to the Superbowl. Also, her husband just started a flag pole business from home. Funny how things work out.
Now here’s the really bad part. The cost of the lectern was just under a 20k, which I believe triggers some sort of approval or audit mechanism.

It could very well be a threshold, that if exceeded, would require the lectern purchase be put out for bid. Rather than a much simpler sole-source purchase contract. That's very common in Federal purchases (with a higher threshold). And likely State purchases as well.
This f***** audit has been going on for months. Either it was a routine purchase that was on the up and up but flubbed, or it was a clear and obvious grift. Which it’s clear it was.

Public corruption in broad daylight, but she’s a MAGA cultist so will probably go through unscathed. Had this been a random clerk or secretary, they’d already be sentenced to some time in prison, I’ve seen it happen.
