You can't even tell anymore if they're deliberately twisting things to make Biden sound worse, or if they're just too stupid to realize all the things infrastructure is. Yes, it's bridges and roads, but it's a lot of other things, only a few of which were mentioned in that article. It's the drinking water supply, but it's also sanitary sewers. It's broadband, but it's also the electrical grid. It's more wind farms and solar panels. It's a build-out of electrical stations to charge cars along our roads and highways.
Heck, if you wanted to create even more jobs, you could invest in taking every old city that has above ground telephone and electrical lines, and planting that stuff underground. That alone would remove a lot of the ugliest aspects of older cities while keeping power lines from repeatedly blowing over from our ever more fierce storms. And while we're talking about that, what about shoring up our coasts from the rising oceans we've stupidly created?
There's absolutely no shortage of work to be done. These idiots just don't see it, or don't want to see it.