Liz Cheney’s days seem to be numbered

It does feel like a slight shift. If it’s kept simple, and focus on notions of truth-telling, then maybe something good can happen.

I’ve got a feeling that her dad and lies about Iraq WMDs are going to get some coverage in 3..2..1.
Trump did call her a “warmonger” on his blog. Not entirely inaccurate, which is a change for him.
Trump did call her a “warmonger” on his blog. Not entirely inaccurate, which is a change for him.
Right, we should all remember that while she seems to be on the side of truth with Trump and the election, she's an extreme Bush era Conservative. Just look at her atrocious voting record that also sides with Trump in nearly every case. While I back her here I say we just let them eat their own, all of this is a gift to Democrats.
Right, we should all remember that while she seems to be on the side of truth with Trump and the election, she's an extreme Bush era Conservative. Just look at her atrocious voting record that also sides with Trump in nearly every case. While I back her here I say we just let them eat their own, all of this is a gift to Democrats.
She is part of the old guard - Nixon, Rumsfeld, Bush Sr., Cheney, Daughter of Cheney. They are NOT happy about Trump taking over their turf. No sympathy coming from this household either. Let them burn the party down, break it in half, whatever. Good riddance.
My favorite part of this entire story is how internet conservatives are projecting their butthurt onto liberals claiming they are mad over this. If anything this is just a win all around for non conservatives. The GOP just removed a hardline conservative from their leadership and they are tearing themselves apart trying to appeal to the orange shit stain. I don't see how any liberal will be upset over that.
I don't see how any liberal will be upset over that.

Republicans who bow to the orange one still have seats in Congress. As long as that's true, it's important that they are willing to adhere to basic social norms, such as not spreading lies about our elections. If we can expel every one of those shitheads from every form of government all the way down to HOAs, I'll cease being concerned about them.
I don’t know if I would be confident a viable third party fractured from the Republicans would guarantee Democrat wins, especially if it’s centrist. There are plenty of moderate independent voters who don’t like either party and see each as moving towards their far fringes. There’s plenty of baggage and evidence to throw at both parties to claim that’s exactly what they are doing.
My favorite part of this entire story is how internet conservatives are projecting their butthurt onto liberals claiming they are mad over this. If anything this is just a win all around for non conservatives. The GOP just removed a hardline conservative from their leadership and they are tearing themselves apart trying to appeal to the orange shit stain. I don't see how any liberal will be upset over that.
I’m restocking the popcorn. Let them hitch their wagon to Trump and discard anybody who doesn’t kiss the ring. We shall see how that works out for them…
It does feel like a slight shift. If it’s kept simple, and focus on notions of truth-telling, then maybe something good can happen.

I’ve got a feeling that her dad and lies about Iraq WMDs are going to get some coverage in 3..2..1.

Backlash referring to that war or anything else in the USA's prior history won't keep Liz Cheney from continuing to home in on deterioration of the GOP under Trump's reign. There's a big difference between what conservatives mean by a strong executive branch and the fascist-leaning brand of autocracy that Trump and his followers have pursued. And there's a big difference between a government lying to pitch a war and a president who lied 20k+ times on official matters in public, and who tried to go around corporations, Congress, courts and the Constitution whenever he could if they stood in his way-- all with apparent impunity, give or take a couple of impeachments not supported by more than a handful of his own party, and who then capped his career by inciting followers to try to keep him in office after he lost a re-election bid.

There was a (paywalled) piece in the Boston Globe about the GOP's decision to "live and die with the Big Lie" that included some interesting remarks about Cheney and her background, from a former WH chief of Staff for Bush 43, Andy Card, and from a former Wyoming Senator, crusty ol' Alan Simpson

In expelling Cheney from leadership, House Republicans besotted with Trumpism have deposed a figure who has been woven into its fabric for decades. People remember her as a child, wearing straw hats and campaign buttons when her father was running for Congress. In college, she wrote a thesis sketching out her belief that the president has unchecked war powers, according to a Slate reporter who tracked it down — a theme that would run through her family’s support of the Iraq war and other foreign interventions. But she also developed a deep respect of government, people close to her say.

“She grew up with him being very involved in understanding, leading, and respecting the institutions in government,” said Andy Card, who served as Bush’s chief of staff. “I also think she’s grounded in values rather than,” he paused, “she was never struck by personalities.”

People who know her say they are not surprised she has been willing to stick to deeply held convictions about the rule of law despite the obvious political risk, which already includes primary challengers for her House seat.

“If there is any attempt here to distort who Liz Cheney is, you can give it up. Go smoke something. She won’t change, she’s going to do exactly what she’s going to do,” said Alan Simpson, the former Wyoming senator and a Cheney family friend. “They don’t take crap off anybody, including the wizard himself.”

The piece also notes that Elise Stefanik has experienced a radical change of tactics since her earlier days in Congress when she was viewed as one of the more bipartisan-inclined Republican House members, and even distanced herself at first from Trump's ascension. Now she's his handmaiden in waiting, and yet there are plenty among her own party who doubt her credentials and even call her a liberal.

It mattered little to the Republicans saying “yes” to remove Cheney that she has a more conservative record than Stefanik, nor that the claims of election fraud their party has embraced brought a violent insurrection to their workplace four months ago. What mattered was that Cheney opposes Trump.

“Liz Cheney was canceled today for speaking her mind and disagreeing with the narrative that President Trump has put forth,” said Representative Ken Buck, a conservative from Colorado who voted to support her, and who derided Stefanik as a “liberal.”

As Trump rose to prominence in 2016, Stefanik refused at points to even say his name. She skipped the GOP convention that year, and spent much of 2017 and 2018 opposing his key efforts like the Republican tax cuts, the Muslim ban, his approach to building a border wall, and his claims that he could pardon himself.

“I admired her and thought she was the future of the Republican Party,” said Sarah Longwell, a never-Trump Republican strategist — but that changed in late 2019, when Stefanik began ardently defending Trump during his first impeachment.

In televised hearings, Stefanik locked horns with House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, prompting Trump to brand her a rising star. By this year, Stefanik was a proponent of Trump’s election fraud claims who voted to overturn the election results even after a mob overran the Capitol.

“She decided to become one of Donald Trump’s biggest cheerleaders, and become kind of a Fox News celebrity,” Longwell said. “It’s like watching ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers.’ ”

So bottom line the Republican Party is experiencing a set of fissures that in total seem to belie whatever are Kevin McCarthy's hopes for a "unified message" after the ouster of Liz Cheney from the #3 leadership spot in the House. He's not going to be able to paper this over as time goes on.
Backlash referring to that war or anything else in the USA's prior history won't keep Liz Cheney from continuing to home in on deterioration of the GOP under Trump's reign. There's a big difference between what conservatives mean by a strong executive branch and the fascist-leaning brand of autocracy that Trump and his followers have pursued. And there's a big difference between a government lying to pitch a war and a president who lied 20k+ times on official matters in public, and who tried to go around corporations, Congress, courts and the Constitution whenever he could if they stood in his way-- all with apparent impunity, give or take a couple of impeachments not supported by more than a handful of his own party, and who then capped his career by inciting followers to try to keep him in office after he lost a re-election bid.

There was a (paywalled) piece in the Boston Globe about the GOP's decision to "live and die with the Big Lie" that included some interesting remarks about Cheney and her background, from a former WH chief of Staff for Bush 43, Andy Card, and from a former Wyoming Senator, crusty ol' Alan Simpson

The piece also notes that Elise Stefanik has experienced a radical change of tactics since her earlier days in Congress when she was viewed as one of the more bipartisan-inclined Republican House members, and even distanced herself at first from Trump's ascension. Now she's his handmaiden in waiting, and yet there are plenty among her own party who doubt her credentials and even call her a liberal.

So bottom line the Republican Party is experiencing a set of fissures that in total seem to belie whatever are Kevin McCarthy's hopes for a "unified message" after the ouster of Liz Cheney from the #3 leadership spot in the House. He's not going to be able to paper this over as time goes on.
We can cement over this fissure after they disappear into it, but what is still needed is an annual GOP Day of Shame, to highlight the decades of shame and unworthiness that have been repeatedly used to drag this country into the gutter.
We can cement over this fissure after they disappear into it, but what is still needed is an annual GOP Day of Shame, to highlight the decades of shame and unworthiness that have been repeatedly used to drag this country into the gutter.

They could start by reading bits of Orwell aloud... honestly it makes one's head spin how the Republicans project their own failings onto the Democrats in the interests of staying in power at all costs.

Wyoming state senator running against Cheney for House seat reveals he impregnated 14-year-old when he was 18

This is a gift to Cheney, because check out how far down the bottom of the barrel the GOP had to go to come up with this guy.

Anthony Bouchard told the Casper Star-Tribune newspaper on Thursday he married the girl after she turned 15 when they were both living in Florida.
"She was a little younger than me, so it's like Romeo and Juliet story. A lot of pressure, pressure to abort a baby. I'm going to tell you, I wasn't going to do it."
He told the Star-Tribune after the live stream that they got divorced three years after they married and said his former wife killed herself when she was 20.
"I'm going to stay in this race, we're going to continue to raise money, because my record stands on its own."

Yeah, that’s one way of putting it. 🤨

Wyoming state senator running against Cheney for House seat reveals he impregnated 14-year-old when he was 18

This is a gift to Cheney, because check out how far down the bottom of the barrel the GOP had to go to come up with this guy.

Yeah, that’s one way of putting it. 🤨
Yeah you got your girl friend pregnant when she was a minor, if a Democrat you’d be a pedophile :rolleyes:, but as a COT you’re Romeo, and it was true love, you stuck with it... until the divorce, then she killed herself. Please do stand on this record until you are swept away.
Reminder about the Liz Cheney that was always present, before some people & press tried to canonize her for stumbling into doing the right thing.

Soooo....the good ol' days when bad ideas at least had some misguided racist logic behind them. But maybe I'm old.