Looking online at some DGEMM code, this is a double-precision matrix multiplication (DGEMM = Double-precision, GEneral Matrix-Matrix multiplication). Thus GF DGEMM is the rate at which this is executed in gigaflops (GF)Just saw this. Not sure what GF DGEMM is, or how competitive 800 Gflops of it is, but they seem impressed! Anyone know how compares to other cpus?
Specifically, it benchmarks the rate at which this operation is performed:
where alpha and beta are double-precision numbers, and A, B, and C are square matrices whose elements are double-precision
The comments say "
On exit, the array C is overwritten by the m by n matrix
*> ( alpha*op( A )*op( B ) + beta*C ).
I didn't look over the code that closely, but I'm guessing the reason they do C:=alpha*A*B+beta*C instead of D=alpha*A*B+beta*C is so that the code runs as a loop, continuously updating the value of C, thus allowing for a much longer run time than they would get with a single operation.
I found these measurements for other processors, but if the performance depends on the size of the matrices (I don't know if it does), these results may not be comparable if a different set of matrices were used: