You get how some of us may have had it coming from time to time (myself included) but there are also so many like yourself who have never been a problem of any kind over the years, so when you hear about incidents like this you just have to shake your head.
I still haven't had the hand of god come down upon me over at MR, but these days I post over here more than there. That place has its uses, such as needing advice on a specific type of cable for my monitor. That's where volume helps, but it means that the mods have an oddly strict interpretation of the rules, and don't handle it on a case by case basis.
I got a warning a couple of weeks ago for mentioning the word ‘tax’ in the F1 thread.
Despite being at MR for years, I had no idea that they had sports forums, or that Talked About was originally formed because of the moderation in their politics forum. Does that still exist? I just kinda assumed that people go to a MacRumors forum to discuss Macs and technology, but I suppose that is my lane and stick to it. Even in the tech forums, I constantly watch myself. I second guess everything, and make sure I don't put anything off-topic or personal in my posts.
I maintain that their loss is our gain, 99% of the users they've banned/penalized are really decent people who have never had any issues here.
I stopped mentioning
@Cmaier's insights over at the other place because half of my messages get deleted for "discussing moderation". The other half would make me a target for posters who still dislike him, yet he's not there to defend himself, so I stopped. I don't get it, because Cliff is one of the most mild-mannered people I have interacted with, so there's something rotten going on. Most of the folks there still appreciate what he has to say, but it's like kicking a hornet nest for the mods and a handful of others. I used to link to posts here, as well, as a subtle form of advertising this site, stating that "all reasonable people are welcome", which also irked some.
Regardless, I'm not so much of a refugee from MR, just a pilgrim. I've been posting at MR for years, at Talked About for months, and my post count is higher here than over there.