Macrumors still nuking posts without even so much as a word


Mama's lil stinker
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Main Camera
Seemed innocent enough, this is the exchange, now gone without any notification from staff. I think they're just so trigger happy that they can't even keep track.

Screen Shot 2022-09-17 at 2.14.30 PM.png

Screen Shot 2022-09-17 at 2.14.47 PM.png


Site Champ
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Smells like the MyPillow guy is running the place over there now.
It's one step step back. Our little friend Mi7chy got suspended twice, because the mods finally woke up from their comas. He's been rather subdued lately, and I assume was warned one more strike and he's banned, and thusly has decided to take his marbles and go kick anthills elsewhere. It probably helps that maflynn retired and is no longer able to actively protect the more obvious PC trolls, although he is still posting, for whatever reason. I guess he still has some extra time while not enjoying his Windows PC. Still, some of the less overt malcontents are still doing their thing, and getting new posters banned because they don't know the game over there.

In regards to the non-tech forums at MR, I never visit those, so I can't say much about them, other than I don't know why a site that is specifically meant for Apple enthusiasts even bothers having them if they're just going to turn it into a virtual police state.


Reaction score
So what?

It is a private business, - a privately owned business - (with morality and ethics as an optional extra) and - as is the case with any business in the private sector in the US - it can police itself as it chooses or as it wishes. As can this forum.

Seriously, guys, do please try to get over MR.

While, yes, I can choose to read other threads here and elsewhere, I must say that two years after TA was established is - to my mind - long past time to be dwelling on MR.


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So what?

It is a private business, - a privately owned business - (with morality and ethics as an optional extra) and - as is the case with any business in the private sector in the US - it can police itself as it chooses or as it wishes. As can this forum.

Seriously, guys, do please try to get over MR.

While, yes, I can choose to read other threads here and elsewhere, I must say that two years after TA was established is - to my mind - long past time to be dwelling on MR.

the fact that “vaccinations are good” is now such a controversial opinion that MR forums is silently scrubbing such opinions seems worthy of discussion to me.


Mama's lil stinker
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Main Camera
It's one step step back. Our little friend Mi7chy got suspended twice, because the mods finally woke up from their comas. He's been rather subdued lately, and I assume was warned one more strike and he's banned, and thusly has decided to take his marbles and go kick anthills elsewhere. It probably helps that maflynn retired and is no longer able to actively protect the more obvious PC trolls, although he is still posting, for whatever reason. I guess he still has some extra time while not enjoying his Windows PC. Still, some of the less overt malcontents are still doing their thing, and getting new posters banned because they don't know the game over there.

In regards to the non-tech forums at MR, I never visit those, so I can't say much about them, other than I don't know why a site that is specifically meant for Apple enthusiasts even bothers having them if they're just going to turn it into a virtual police state.
Well, I would ask who among us has not been suspended over there at one time or another. By all accounts this was an amicable and friendly exchange, Frankie's post was honest and informative, while not insulting anyone. This seemed to be more about them not wanting anyone to vouch for vaccine efficacy than anything to me.


Site Champ
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Well, I would ask who among us has not been suspended over there at one time or another.
I haven't been suspended. I have had half of my posts mentioning @Cmaier removed for "discussing moderation". I don't know what went down when he took his leave, but I am certain that it remains a sore spot.
This seemed to be more about them not wanting anyone to vouch for vaccine efficacy than anything to me.
Divining the methodology of the MR mods is like trying to understand the nature of a singularity: forever out of reach, yet just close enough to think you may one day understand.
Seriously, guys, do please try to get over MR.
Some men want to watch the world burn, others just want to see the circus on fire. I've said before that this forum is fine standing on its own, that doesn't mean we can't gawk at the side show going on next door.


Mama's lil stinker
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Main Camera
I haven't been suspended. I have had half of my posts mentioning @Cmaier removed for "discussing moderation". I don't know what went down when he took his leave, but I am certain that it remains a sore spot.
One of the few, a sincere congratulations. Their loss is our gain, he'e been a great member of this site and has grown his area nicely, in all the time he's been here he's hasn't misstepped a single time but I think we have an entirely different threshold for that here.


Verified Warthog
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Kingdom of Sweden
Well, I would ask who among us has not been suspended over there at one time or another. By all accounts this was an amicable and friendly exchange, Frankie's post was honest and informative, while not insulting anyone. This seemed to be more about them not wanting anyone to vouch for vaccine efficacy than anything to me.
Never suspended. Just stopped participating more or less. Bad management tend to drastically decrease my active participation.

Since we're kinda on the subject here, I feel I should clear the air, and formally apologize for all those death threats.
Even the warranted ones? You’re a good person!


Site Champ
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One of the few, a sincere congratulations.
I've been posting at MR for years. I've been posting here for months. My post count is higher here than it is over there.
Their loss is our gain, he'e been a great member of this site and has grown his area nicely, in all the time he's been here he's hasn't misstepped a single time but I think we have an entirely different threshold for that here.
@Cmaier doesn't suffer fools, which I appreciate. I don't think most of us do, which is why the overall atmosphere here is better. Not only do we have a gracious host, but if the type of troll that pervades the MR forum were to try to pull that shit around these parts, then they'd get laughed out of the building. I don't think we see that sort of thing often because this site doesn't cater to the least common denominator.


Elite Member
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Well, I would ask who among us has not been suspended over there at one time or another. By all accounts this was an amicable and friendly exchange, Frankie's post was honest and informative, while not insulting anyone. This seemed to be more about them not wanting anyone to vouch for vaccine efficacy than anything to me.

Somehow I haven't, only warned. This would seem normal if I hadn't seen what others have been suspended for at times.
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