Marjorie Taylor Green: What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with her?

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Deleted member 199

I mean.. the heading kind of sums it up.

Step 1.
Compare a government workplace policy on vaccinations and masks to the racial genocide of ~6m people

Step 2.
Add some cheese to go with the annoying whine, and claim that "any reasonable person wouldn't like those policies"

Step 3.
Prove a complete lack of understanding about how mask and vaccine policies are there to limit/reduce the spread and protect society at large, by claiming that you "trust your own immune system".

I mean seriously. What the fuck is wrong with your political system that people see Sarah Palin, say "fuck me, she is stupid" and the natural response of voters is "Hold my beer".

I'm aware that ridiculously stupid and unqualified politicians aren't limited to the US - but the tone deaf nature of what these clowns say, only to be 'rewarded' at the voting booth is, to paraphrase Jimmy Carr, a new kind of stupid.

Deleted member 199

Meanwhile, Florida Man tries to outdo the stupid and piss all over the 1st Amendment by stopping companies from exercising their right to not do business with whoever they choose. It is strange how GOP does not want the gay wedding cakes and yet they want to eat them too

I'm no fan of social media, but for this, honestly, I'd love to see them actually cooperate and just say "Ok, no social media for you" and block all access (both via IP blocking, and terms of service, so if a resident uses alternate means to access the site, its on them) from states that want to act like children.

That's the republican way right? If you don't like what a company does, just go use a different company.


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Meanwhile, Florida Man tries to outdo the stupid and piss all over the 1st Amendment by stopping companies from exercising their right to not do business with whoever they choose. It is strange how GOP does not want the gay wedding cakes and yet they want to eat them too

Can we pass federal laws to impose penalties on states that knowingly pass unconstitutional laws? So much government money wasted on court cases over these “laws” that the people passing them KNOW will never take effect. Similar to the abortion laws that make it illegal at 6 weeks with no exception for rape or incest.

Deleted member 199

Can we pass federal laws to impose penalties on states that knowingly pass unconstitutional laws? So much government money wasted on court cases over these “laws” that the people passing them KNOW will never take effect. Similar to the abortion laws that make it illegal at 6 weeks with no exception for rape or incest.
As much as the right seems to moan about the Supreme Court when they do things like declare right to marry extends to gay couples, they also want this challenged, so it goes to the supreme court because <checks Colbert's list> Fuckface Von Clownstick and the perennial Turtle of the senate loaded it up with conservatives who they hope will set precedent.

Deleted member 199

Florida is the ideal place for a bunch of Trumpers to die on the hill of climate change denial.
Surely it'd be a swamp. Rising sea levels don't matter if your Orange Jesus can just "drain the swamp".

On a related topic, I really want one of the networks to just run with "Florida man charged with sex trafficking of a minor." the Gaetz shit fest comes to a head. He is the epitome of "Florida man ..."


Egg Nog King of the Eastern Seaboard
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well besides her mom and dad being brother and sister? Man she is like the poster girl of trailer trash.

She's the prime example of that kind of upper middle class entitled suburbanite brand of crazy we have in abundance around here.

She's not trailer trash. She's Queen of the Karens.


Elite Member
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She's the prime example of that kind of upper middle class entitled suburbanite brand of crazy we have in abundance around here.

She's not trailer trash. She's Queen of the Karens.
didn't she just get her GED? or was that other one thats just like her?


I swear every tweet I come across from her gets dumber and dumber. She is so stupid and dense it hurts.
Pretty sure she hit every branch of the stupid tree being born - then discovered some bastard had placed a trampoline at the bottom, thus allowing her to take out any remaining branch on the rebound.

To call her “thick as shit” is to be mean to shit. At least shit can serve multiple purposes.

This totally vacuous airhead serves no purpose for the common good. Nothing she does or say helps society at large.

Fuck it, amoeba’s would be embarrassed to posses her lack of cognitive thinking skills.

And sadly, she’s just indicative of the caliber of people that apparently today’s Republican voter is attracted to.

Deleted member 199

At least shit can serve multiple purposes.
[Citation needed]

actually.. don't. I'm happier not knowing.

And sadly, she’s just indicative of the caliber of people that apparently today’s Republican voter is attracted to.
I'll be honest, I don't follow US politics enough to know what specific platforms the parties or individuals have, but it certainly seems from the outside, like "conservative" policy since W left office has been "not the Democrats".
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