Mob storms Capitol

CNN is reporting that Schumer and Pelosi have spent a lot of time on hold waiting for Pence to come to the phone, which he won’t. Obviously they want to ask him about the 25th. He’s ducking their calls. He’s climbed into a hole and pulled the hole in after him. And with cabinet members starting to resign, we can kiss the possibility of using the 25th goodbye.

And with a number of senators like Cruz still standing by Trump, I’m not sure impeachment, as necessary as it is, is likely either.

But we must try.
One thing that hasn’t been mentioned enough and that I just heard briefly on a podcast is that beyond the risk for people’s lives, and the idiot circus, hundreds of unidentified people were allowed to roam one of the main government buildings completely unchecked for several hours. They were able to log into the network, into senators’ computers, browse emails, copy files, steal hard drives... There’s a very real possibility that hostile powers (Russia, China, etc) could have left concealed devices to penetrate the network...

If this requires a complete overhaul, from having working in cabling data through large buildings and data centers, I estimate that it will take months during which they won‘t be able to do their work normally, precisely during the worst transition when it’s the most needed.

Looks like we missed our shared thought by 5 minutes.
One thing that hasn’t been mentioned enough and that I just heard briefly on a podcast is that beyond the risk for people’s lives, and the idiot circus, hundreds of unidentified people were allowed to roam one of the main government buildings completely unchecked for several hours. They were able to log into the network, into senators’ computers, browse emails, copy files, steal hard drives... There’s a very real possibility that hostile powers (Russia, China, etc) could have left concealed devices to penetrate the network...

If this requires a complete overhaul, from having working in cabling data through large buildings and data centers, I estimate that it will take months during which they won‘t be able to do their work normally, precisely during the worst transition when it’s the most needed.

And some of them are already having to do stuff like that thanks to the multi-agency impact of the Russian hack.

Here's a fun shits and giggles thought. Foreign agents joined in the chaos and took the opportunity to roam around the capitol building, and I don't know, sightsee. I know, far fetched because absolutely nobody saw this coming, aside from those who have access to an obscure technology called the internet.

And so as @despondentdiver says, it's not just what they took but may have left behind. Time for a few bug sweeps.
One thing that hasn’t been mentioned enough and that I just heard briefly on a podcast is that beyond the risk for people’s lives, and the idiot circus, hundreds of unidentified people were allowed to roam one of the main government buildings completely unchecked for several hours. They were able to log into the network, into senators’ computers, browse emails, copy files, steal hard drives... There’s a very real possibility that hostile powers (Russia, China, etc) could have left concealed devices to penetrate the network...

If this requires a complete overhaul, from having working in cabling data through large buildings and data centers, I estimate that it will take months during which they won‘t be able to do their work normally, precisely during the worst transition when it’s the most needed.
I saw this mentioned when the pictures of people going thru congress people's desks, and rumors that another hack had occurred.

Just another reminder of how well the law & order crowd have protected the country during this administration.
CNN is reporting that Schumer and Pelosi have spent a lot of time on hold waiting for Pence to come to the phone, which he won’t. Obviously they want to ask him about the 25th. He’s ducking their calls. He’s climbed into a hole and pulled the hole in after him. And with cabinet members starting to resign, we can kiss the possibility of using the 25th goodbye.

And with a number of senators like Cruz still standing by Trump, I’m not sure impeachment, as necessary as it is, is likely either.

But we must try.

Saw a list earlier of all the Congress people who are for removing Trump and was disgusted how it was all Democrats and a a couple independents. I think I saw 1 Republican. This leaves no doubt that the Republican party couldn't give less of a shit about the constitution and our democrasy.

Also read something earlier about Lindsey Graham saying something along of the lines of looking forward to working with the Biden administration and it referenced some past Republican politician or candidate saying how weak Lindsey is and will flip. Really? Working with a new administration is inexcusable because they are from the other party? Are any of these assholes capable of knowing we live in a country where you have to work with and compromise with different viewpoints, struggles, and priorities?
This posted over there,

Despite ordering more personnel to be present in preparation for the event, Capitol Police still found themselves overwhelmed when rioters began breaking into the Capitol, smashing windows and vandalizing offices.

On top of the fact that this was being planned for a month on social media, yet Capitol police were still unprepared?
"Overwhelmed". GMAFB, they were not "overwhelmed", they were opening the front doors for the rioters to let them in and having pictures taken with them. They were not even trying, as evidenced by the refusal of help.
"Overwhelmed". GMAFB, they were not "overwhelmed", they were opening the front doors for the rioters to let them in and having pictures taken with them. They were not even trying, as evidenced by the refusal of help.
From what I have seen, some tried and some didn’t. The traitors did kill one police officer who died today.
"Overwhelmed". GMAFB, they were not "overwhelmed", they were opening the front doors for the rioters to let them in and having pictures taken with them. They were not even trying, as evidenced by the refusal of help.
They were overwhelmed eventually, after they basically opened the door for those who did storm the capitol.

Yet, during the BLM protests there was an intention to meet those protestors with great force.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1284327262075129862/

Where the F was this? 👆 I'll tell you where, safely tucked away until a DIFFERENT group of people protests.

Literally the capitol is literally overrun, bodies all over the front of the building, and there was a delay of involving the Nat'l Guard. Yet during BLM protests we had helicopter buzzings. WTF?!

Not a big Kimmel fan but I had a good spit out my coffee moment (if I was drinking coffee) when he pointed out they oddly respected the velvet ropes and maybe they should have surrounded the building with velvet ropes.
A member of Congress from New Jersey was seen cleaning up garbage left by some of the Trump-incited mob in the rotunda of the Capitol last night. He is Rep.Andy Kim (D, NJ-03), American born son of Korean immigrant parents, a Rhodes Scholar, former civilian adviser to Petraeus and Allen in Afghanistan, NSC official in Obama administration. In an interview he said he just felt compelled by the experience of the desecration of the Capitol to try to do something to help make things better again and so had joined in when he saw some National Guard guys picking up trash the insurgents had left behind. This is a guy from South Jersey who in 2018 when he was campaigning for his first term was described by the GOP as "not one of us".... he was just re-elected to a second term.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347311506266984450/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347349017886412804/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347350719221919746/

Another criminal mastermind
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347334743323394048/

Also if you are a fanboy, seeing Lucy Lawless trending on Twitter because she finally went after d - bag Kevin Sorbo is kind of gratifying.

Also, no cares if Betsy quit NOW! She's still like a F ing Disney villain. She's evil and deserves no consideration ever.
This will NOT be ending anytime soon...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347360776223301633/

When the conspiracy theorists become the thing of conspiracy theories.


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347361165572272133/