Yesterday I tried to put myself in the shoes of Twitter's leadership. Trump likely generates a substantial volume of their traffic (my guess is 25-40%). If they cut him off one day to another, that would create a very steep drop in twitter active daily users and drop in stocks. Twitter helped build and then continued enabling this shit, and they are totally hooked now. They know they can't keep Trump on their platform, but they want to buy time and dampen the fall. This just makes me even less fond of that platform. We know that no-censure right wing platforms aren't longitudinally viable because it disproportionately draws in fringe elements.
Even this forum largely draws in people with a certain mindset. It works and nice, because the active users aren't insane, and are here for real discussion. But if the purpose of this forum were to generate comparable traffic to MR, it would fail, no matter how bad the otherlands are because it largely lacks to polarization that motivates higher utilization.