Mob storms Capitol

Listened to the Joe Walsh Show podcast from yesterday's show. One caller said he agreed with the violence on the capitol because their vote didn't count. I'm going to be generous and say his viewpoints come from buying Trump's bullshit for months 100%. But also wedged in his explanation he said "How do you think blacks get everything they want? Because they're willing to burn everything down." So much categorically wrong with that statement, but I also feel there's a good chance the guy doesn't even think he's racist. For whatever reason he probably thinks black people don't have it as bad as they do when when they do have a grievance it's isolated events that get blown way out of proportion. Short of any personal experience with black people, he's probably also been inundated with media of black criminals.

On some level I don't completely blame these people because what our country has inexcusably allowed them to be fed, but I also find it ironic that for a movement that is largely based on distrust of the media and politicians, they sure seem to buy in 100% from these supposed untrustworthy sources when it fits into their preconceived world view, as if Fox isn't also corporate controlled media. I don't see this kind of disconnect on the left.

I've wondered why progressive media has largely gotten a pass. They are just as much anti establishment but they tend to present facts over conspiracy theories and based on that should be considered more dangerous to the establishment than the blame fan fiction presented by the far right. Even more ironic is it's seen as leftists controlling censorship and yet the "Here's exactly fact based information on how the Democrats are fucking you." reporting gets a pass.
Listened to the Joe Walsh Show podcast from yesterday's show. One caller said he agreed with the violence on the capitol because their vote didn't count. I'm going to be generous and say his viewpoints come from buying Trump's bullshit for months 100%. But also wedged in his explanation he said "How do you think blacks get everything they want? Because they're willing to burn everything down." So much categorically wrong with that statement, but I also feel there's a good chance the guy doesn't even think he's racist. For whatever reason he probably thinks black people don't have it as bad as they do when when they do have a grievance it's isolated events that get blown way out of proportion. Short of any personal experience with black people, he's probably also been inundated with media of black criminals.

On some level I don't completely blame these people because what our country has inexcusably allowed them to be fed, but I also find it ironic that for a movement that is largely based on distrust of the media and politicians, they sure seem to buy in 100% from these supposed untrustworthy sources when it fits into their preconceived world view, as if Fox isn't also corporate controlled media. I don't see this kind of disconnect on the left.

I've wondered why progressive media has largely gotten a pass. They are just as much anti establishment but they tend to present facts over conspiracy theories and based on that should be considered more dangerous to the establishment than the blame fan fiction presented by the far right. Even more ironic is it's seen as leftists controlling censorship and yet the "Here's exactly fact based information on how the Democrats are fucking you." reporting gets a pass.
Statements like that show an ignorance of the facts. The numbers on health outcomes, lack of wealth, mistreatment by police, denial of credit, etc. are well-documented, and they clearly show that “blacks get everything they want” is the farthest thing from the truth.
Same here. But if you want to be facetious this time they were also outnumbered.
But they shouldn’t have been. They knew they needed full forces.
It occurred to me after listening again --yeah, with difficulty-- to tRump's obviously stage-managed video, that not only did it include an acknowledgment that it's not Trump who will be iinaugurated on Jan 20th, but that peaceful transition is called for and will occur and that rule of law must prevail.

He was trying to tell his base to chill for now, throwing in that line about how this is just the beginning.

(don't think Limbaugh heard the "chill" part).​
In the interim no matter how short that may be, I would expect the feds to make a strong showing of consequence for what happened on Wednesday.

Reality TV presidency is one thing, starring in a real bust and prosecution and sentencing to 10 years or more in the slam is something else. Time for that chapter to drop on a news streaming platform near all of us. For once I can see cable TV running a tight loop of something but their bottom line fascination will probably result in their picking the wrong clips as usual.
If it took you a second read, do you really think the Trumpanistas interpreted it that way?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347605364942901248/

This is what does it, and NOT getting covid from an administration that won't take it seriously?

Riiiiiiiightt... That ship is definitely sinking...
Next week? Jesus. Why wait? She’s just throwing it out there now for nothing.
Statements like that show an ignorance of the facts. The numbers on health outcomes, lack of wealth, mistreatment by police, denial of credit, etc. are well-documented, and they clearly show that “blacks get everything they want” is the farthest thing from the truth.
Does the truth matter if that person is never exposed to it? That's where regulations should kick in.
This is what worries me and hence why I was ranting this morning about unity and reconciliation

I don't really see the politicians' electoral vote objections as support for Trump. I see it as a tactic they will frequently use going forward because they are done winning on honesty. Republicans have been grumbling about unsubstantiated voter fraud for a long time. Trump just opened the floodgates to making it the default Plan A response anytime a Republican loses a race. I also wouldn't put it past them on trying to figure out how to pull off voter fraud in favor of their opponent but not get implicated in it. Unless you are a rich donor you shouldn't have any delusions that the Republican party actually cares about anything other than the party. Their entire platform will become selling you on how evil the Democrats are. It's practically there already.
Statements like that show an ignorance of the facts. The numbers on health outcomes, lack of wealth, mistreatment by police, denial of credit, etc. are well-documented, and they clearly show that “blacks get everything they want” is the farthest thing from the truth.

Agreed, but there is just so much to unpack in that statement that it would take too long to address and the more pressing concern right now is Trump.

My initial thought when I heard that statement was, so does he think not getting killed by the police in non-life threatening scenarios is just another example of getting special treatment in the long list of getting everything they want successes?
Another one over here

White House counsel Pat Cipollone is considering resigning, sources familiar with his thinking tell CNN. Since the election, he had considered it multiple times but has been urged to stay for the good of the country by members of the Senate and the Cabinet.

It's absurd to think of Trump and Melania and a security detail hanging out in the White House alone for 12 days. I am pretty sure the nuke codes have got some insulation around them by now although of course not sure who decided that and how Biden's dealing with it.

When Nixon's political support collapsed, four senators of his own party went to tell him that, and NIxon resigned the next day.

Here his own party's outgoing majority leader in the senate would like to crown Trump with a nice Kentucky ashwood baseball bat, and Kevin McCarthy just tweeted to warn off those who would impeach Trump because it will cause unrest.

And Trump is tweeting bullshit about how his great supporters will never be disrespected or treated unfairly.

Jesus Christ did he not see any pictures of the Senate Parliamentarian's office? Of Nancy Pelosi's office?​
Of a guy carrying the fucking confederate flag into the Capitol where it has NEVER been seen before?​

What to do, what to do.
On top of capital riots orchestrated by Trump isn't the mass exodus of staff and some staff remaining against their will to try to prevent a more dangerous meltdown reason enough to remove Trump from office? If this was a football game and on one side everybody walked off the field except the coach are they going to say "This in no way affects the game. Play on."? Really?
I am pretty sure the nuke codes have got some insulation around them by now although of course not sure who decided that and how Biden's dealing with it.
So, yeah, about that...

I follow two nuclear policy wonks on Twitter:
- William Perry (Secretary of Defense under Carter). Twitter or X not allowed/SecDef19
- Tom Collina, coauthor of The Button Twitter or X not allowed/TomCollina

They have been trying to bring light on one big issue for years:

The POTUS has absolute power over nuclear launches. He doesn't even need a reason, so he certainly doesn't need to give one.

Perry and Collina recently did an AMA on reddit, and they were very clear: if Trump says "Nuke Iran", the bombs WILL get dropped.
Assuming there are sane people around him (which hasn't been the case for a while) the most they could do would be to try to dissuade him, cajole him, distract him or gain some time by resigning or feeding him cheeseburgers or doing whatever. If when he's done with his cheeseburgers Trump then says "Nuke Iran. NOW" no further questions will be asked, no one else will be informed of it before it's been carried out, and by then Iran will be history.

Mind you, these guys have been studying this for years, and as Secretary of Defense, Perry was actually at the center of the issue during the Cold War, so they know what they are talking about. You can replace Iran with any country, by the way, it makes no difference: when it comes to the most powerful arsenal ever created, by design there are absolutely no checks and balances, absolutely no middle men, no intermediate steps, no safeguards. It wouldn't matter whether he decides to bomb Iran, South Sudan, or China (who would immediately retaliate and raze the US).

It wasn't much of an issue with sane people in power, but unfortunately Trump is who he is, and I wouldn't put it past him to fuck things up as much as possible out of spite.

12 days.
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Next week? Jesus. Why wait? She’s just throwing it out there now for nothing.

Hope Hicks is often deployed to calm Trump down. If she wants out now who could blame her and she may be leaving because she is afraid for either her own safety or because he asks her to help him frame his tweets which may end up seditious so implicate her in conspiracy to overturn a duly elected government, incite violence or whatever. And sure she just wants to leave because she'd like to not be there any more: what gain accrues to her that outwewighs all the potential downsides? More up-to-bitter-end knowledge of how it was at the end for a book sale? She has enough already.
Well this is something I had read tweets about but without links. Now there's a link with details. Ginny Thomas, wife of Justice Clarence Thomas was egging on the rallygoers. Justice Thomas himself apparently two days later amended her tweet to note that it was before violence erupted in the Capitol. She has not posted anything since.

Well this is something I had read tweets about but without links. Now there's a link with details. Ginny Thomas, wife of Justice Clarence Thomas was egging on the rallygoers. Justice Thomas himself apparently two days later amended her tweet to note that it was before violence erupted in the Capitol. She has not posted anything since.

She's an idiot for getting involved in that. I wouldn't count on seeing this take Thomas down though. In the current era, I think it's becoming more accepted that spouses can each do their own thing.
Well this is something I had read tweets about but without links. Now there's a link with details. Ginny Thomas, wife of Justice Clarence Thomas was egging on the rallygoers. Justice Thomas himself apparently two days later amended her tweet to note that it was before violence erupted in the Capitol. She has not posted anything since.

Fuck her.
Surely even those at the top of the GOP - and the letter from the ten former Defence Secretaries should serve as ample warning, every bit as much as the events of Wednesday - can see that Mr Trump cannot be - and should not be - trusted with the nuclear codes at the moment, as the humiliation of having to accept the consequencs of his defeat, along with his stratospheric narcissm - will cause him to lash out and start some fresh conflagration?
Once he nukes Iran that may be the line for Graham

But - and it is mindboggling, simply insane that I am even writing such a sentence - his character is such that he does not accept limits, constraints on his actions, humiliation, or accepting his new status as a "loser", and so, is capable of anything, will lash out, to cause mayham and destruction, to punish the world, (especially the US) for daring to reject him at the polls.

It is not enough for the Brahmins of the GOP to mutter - privately - about long spoons for supping with moral monsters, or Faustian pacts - this lunatic is dangerous, and cannot be allowed to further damage his country and the world in the period of just under a fortnight before Mr Biden is inaugurated.

If they won't impeach him, or invoke Art 25, they do have a responsibility to see that he is not permitted to do any more harm to his counry or the wider world.