Mob storms Capitol

Wow. What a powerful, eloquent declamation. It's a shame he's not a natural born American, because that is a Republican I could vote for.
My very first vote ever was for a Republican. His name was Thomas Lawson McCall. He lost that primary to a scumbag. I have also voted for other republicans, as recently as 32 years ago. Not a one since then, and even then I felt a little uncomfortable about it.
One person's accounting of what happened...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1348365375449268226/
The more I read about this, the more I look forward to hearing the explanations that will be offered at the inevitable Congressional hearings. I don’t want to become a conspiracy theorist myself, but something looks very wrong here, to say the least.
One person's accounting of what happened...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1348365375449268226/
Biden needs to aggressively pursue EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the insurrectionist mob.

Then, a massive investigation of Capitol police, DHS, DoD... basically anybody who should have or could have any involvement in security needs to be compelled to testify. There is no way they didn’t know about this. Was it simply a failure to predict the possibility of violence? Or do we have people that were told to stand down by political appointees? Or even collusion between the insurrectionists and those sworn to protect their country?

An incredible statement from that twitter thread:

Even the March for Science had far more police for a non-partisan event featuring “Bill Nye the Science Guy.”
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apparently we are getting too worked up over this

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347908922292768771/
The acting SECDEF needs to face criminal charges for this. And I want the entire Joint Chiefs to testify as well as SECARMY that they truly approved less security for the science march than for this attempted insurrection. I cannot believe multiple 4-star generals actually approved such a deficient level of security.

They had requests in for more security and denied them. These Trump loyalists need to face jail time.
This is the PoS who absolutely had to be allowed to bring a gun to work (in the Capitol).

This is the PoS who absolutely had to be allowed to bring a gun to work (in the Capitol).

When is this traitorous nazi going to be arrested?
If that whole twitter account is true, then some of the republican politicians’ statements about how we should quickly move on and not look too much into this make a lot more sense.

Yeah because they are complicit or terrified.

And if they saw this video, are they still so ready to call for unity and harmony?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1348395383916027906/