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I saw a story that some of the house members who voted to challenge election results did so out of fear for their lives.I am going to put on my tin foil hat for a moment and consider
1. Are republican politicians really are this evil?
2 Are they afraid for their lives based on what they've started?
3. Are they worried about what Donald may do / say that could result in complete annihilation of their political careers, or the party itself?
4. All of the above?
We are far beyond cartoon villain levels of evil now. Of course this could be explained because when you smell your own farts all day, you end up believing in your own bullshit. This the us vs them mentality and nobody considers themselves as the bad guy, so the problem must be them. Point 2 is a definite possibility. Trump is deranged and so are his supporters. There have already been threats against politicians and there may be more that are being kept quiet. Moving on to point 3, this is certainly another possibility. If Trump speaks out against them to his supporters in his final act of vindictiveness, it could lead to massive fractures within the party that would take years, possibly decades, to rebuild. The same goes for singling out people. I am sure they've all seen the videos of MAGA deplorables calling for Pence's head as they ran riot in the Capitol building.
I cannot really single out any of these, so, in conclusion, I reckon it's 4.
So, what thwarted Trump’s slow motion, in-plain-sight attempt at a self-coup? Fortunately, there was pushback from all the key institutions you need for a coup. First, the military and other parts of the government resisted Trump’s efforts to personalize their power. Second, major media outlets reported the facts truthfully. Social media outlets flagged the president’s lies about the election—albeit belatedly—and Twitter and Facebook ultimately cut off his accounts. Third, the judiciary and courts held firm. “Trump judges,” all the way up to the Supreme Court, respected their oath of office and rejected the president’s appeals to overturn legitimate election results. Fourth, state and local government officials refused to be swayed. They repeatedly called out the lie that Trump had won the election. Finally, in the legislature, the vice president performed his constitutional role, as did the Republican Senate majority leader and most of the Senate. The only two elements that rallied behind the president’s coup attempt were the handful of senators and the majority of House Republicans and his popular support, in the form of an insurgency—the mob that stormed the Capitol.
The good news for the United States is that Trump’s “self-coup” failed. The bad news is that his supporters still believe the false narrative, the Big Lie that he won the election. Trump has not repudiated it, nor have the House and Senate Republicans who voted against the Electoral College results. Millions of people still think the election was stolen. They still support Trump the person, not the Republican Party, and many are prepared to take further action on his behalf.
I don't find that hard to believe at all. Like you, I have no sympathy for them because they created this Frankenstein's monster.I saw a story that some of the house members who voted to challenge election results did so out of fear for their lives.
GOP representative: Some Republicans voted to challenge election results due to safety concerns
Rep. Peter Meijer (R-Mich.) said that while some GOP members of Congress “share responsibility” for misleading the supporters of President Trump who stormed the U.S. Capitol last week, …thehill.com
I don’t feel much sympathy for them because they used the violent rhetoric to their advantage to get elected.
There's that term again, a slow-moving coup. And it actually predates Trump. Bill Maher has been using it for years now to describe the hold the Republican party has on states via gerrymandering, Moscow Mitch's refusal to fill the courts whenever a Democrat is in power, and the like. It's a party of fucking traitors.This is an outstanding piece in Politico magazine by Fiona Hill, the former diplomat we got to know more about when she testified at Trump's first impeachment trial. She defines what she means by self-coup, asserts that Trump attempted one, points out how it was forestalled and identifies who in government did or did not assist in deterring it.
Opinion | Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt. Here’s Why.
What Trump tried is called a “self-coup,” and he did it in slow motion and in plain sight.www.politico.com
But Hill also points out the biggest problem remaining...
I am going to put on my tin foil hat for a moment and consider
1. Are republican politicians really are this evil?
2 Are they afraid for their lives based on what they've started?
3. Are they worried about what Donald may do / say that could result in complete annihilation of their political careers, or the party itself?
4. All of the above?
We are far beyond cartoon villain levels of evil now. Of course this could be explained because when you smell your own farts all day, you end up believing in your own bullshit. This the us vs them mentality and nobody considers themselves as the bad guy, so the problem must be them. Point 2 is a definite possibility. Trump is deranged and so are his supporters. There have already been threats against politicians and there may be more that are being kept quiet. Moving on to point 3, this is certainly another possibility. If Trump speaks out against them to his supporters in his final act of vindictiveness, it could lead to massive fractures within the party that would take years, possibly decades, to rebuild. The same goes for singling out people. I am sure they've all seen the videos of MAGA deplorables calling for Pence's head as they ran riot in the Capitol building.
I cannot really single out any of these, so, in conclusion, I reckon it's 4.
And his mommy said he is the gentlest person she knows. I would hate to see the most violent person she knows.https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1348740338827939841/
(a town in Arizona)
Good. Throw them in general pop.![]()
'Several' Capitol police officers suspended over pro-Trump riot
Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, says that one of the officers was seen taking a selfie with members of the mob and that another was directing people while wearing a MAGA hat.www.nbcnews.com
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1348755230826094594/
this in the context of the fbi warnings issued today is concerning
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1348762788219420672/https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1348740338827939841/
(a town in Arizona)
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1348788537173430275/
Too soon?
US Capitol Police officer hailed as hero for diverting pro-Trump mob during riot
A US Capitol Police officer is being hailed as a hero after video shows him diverting a pro-Trump mob that breached the Capitol away from the Senate chamber.www.fox5dc.com
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