Mob storms Capitol

Why GOP will say Pelosi's impeachment drive is just out for personal revenge on behalf of her staffers and office door.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1348437346530824194/
There have been reports that an account surfaced on parler claiming to be an aide to Individual-ONE, saying that they were working to draft pardons for the Capitol Terrorists (probably not their actual words) and all they needed was names, addresses and charges for the vexed parties.

the DoJ office of the Acting Pardon Attorney responded
PLEASE let it be the feds inspired by years of Nigerian prince emails...
Newly elected rep Peter Meijer (R-MI):
I mean, we saw a number of senators and a handful of members of Congress change their perspectives. And I guess that's good, but it's not ideal. But what to me was the most bewildering was folks giving speeches that were written that morning as if we weren't in a body that had windows broken in just a few hours earlier, law enforcement drawing weapons. As if a woman hadn't been shot and killed 100 feet from where they stood, right? There was still dried blood out there.

And then one of the saddest things is I had colleagues who, when it came time to recognize reality and vote to certify Arizona and Pennsylvania in the Electoral College, they knew in their heart of hearts that they should've voted to certify, but
some had legitimate concerns about the safety of their families. They felt that that vote would put their families in danger.
Newly elected rep Peter Meijer (R-MI):
I mean, we saw a number of senators and a handful of members of Congress change their perspectives. And I guess that's good, but it's not ideal. But what to me was the most bewildering was folks giving speeches that were written that morning as if we weren't in a body that had windows broken in just a few hours earlier, law enforcement drawing weapons. As if a woman hadn't been shot and killed 100 feet from where they stood, right? There was still dried blood out there.
And then one of the saddest things is I had colleagues who, when it came time to recognize reality and vote to certify Arizona and Pennsylvania in the Electoral College, they knew in their heart of hearts that they should've voted to certify, but some had legitimate concerns about the safety of their families. They felt that that vote would put their families in danger.
Some of the real patriots were a quick-thinking Senate aide and some staffers she directed to ensure security of the boxes of electoral votes from the attentions of the maruading hordes in the Capitol on Wednesday. It's not that the replicas of the documents don't exist in other locations, but to retrieve and affirm their authenticity would have been very time consuming, possibly delaying the inaguration. It would have made for an even more terrible day had the boxes been taken as souvenirs and the ballots perhaps burned as a symbol of meeting Trump's desire to overturn the election.

This is the PoS who absolutely had to be allowed to bring a gun to work (in the Capitol).

Congresswoman Boebert's campaign team even made direct requests to right wing militia to serve as her security detail last summer. The 111% United Patriots came up with volunteers as requested. They are also known as the Three Percenters.

The Center for Strategic & International Studies describes Three Percenters as 'a far-right paramilitary group that advocates gun rights and seeks to limit U.S. government authorities."
This almost feels like it should go into the humour thread, but I am not laughing.

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https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1348335874153570307/

Those shitbags need to banned from holding office for life. The only complaint that even came up consistently with Arizona is that a historically red state voted for a Democrat.

On a side note, someone should start up #stoptheseat
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Arnie’s message is worth a watch. Some of the replies are unfortunately absolutely delusional. Apparently the coup attempt is now an excuse to punish the far fright. Well yes, when you do something wrong, then you are punished. Law and order? For some, sure. No, thank you, when it comes to us?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1348249481284874240/

That is superb, and I never thought that I would find myself saying - or thinking - such a thing about Arnie.
One person's accounting of what happened...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1348365375449268226/
This is potentially and hopefully a good step forward

If Republicans don't like the fact that a social media is banning people for inciting riots that lead to murders, they're sure aren't going to like this. Watching their heads explode for the next few years over common sense legislation is going to be satisfying.