Mob storms Capitol


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1470485032364134403/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1470203142075600896/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1470180310860009472/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1470212194595921932/

Also, how do you hide behind "executive privilege", PERSONAL emails? I thought only things related to executive business got that protection? If it's personal? If not, why the F are you sending executive business material thru your personal email?

All those who cried about Hilary's server want to weigh in to defend & explain?
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Listen to the messages sent from Fox News “personalities” begging Mark Meadows to get Trump to tell his followers to stop ransacking the Capitol and go home.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1470551957093994497/

Of course, now these dipsticks are claiming that the whole thing was a tourist visit or something… but we got them on the record for what they actually thought at the time.

One other question comes to my mind: how can anybody think that Fox is anything other than an extension of the Republican Party if their employees have the cell number of the Trump WH chief of staff and apparently text him regularly?

Shut down Fox and you can kneecap the GOP.
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I would highly recommend this podcast on the insurrection. I listened to the first episode and I’m hooked. Super in-depth on the causes and the people behind it in detail I haven’t seen anywhere else.

Also, how do you hide behind "executive privilege", PERSONAL emails? I thought only things related to executive business got that protection? If it's personal? If not, why the F are you sending executive business material thru your personal email?

All those who cried about Hilary's server want to weigh in to defend & explain?
Of course, now these dipsticks are claiming that the whole thing was a tourist visit or something…
The obvious solution for them is to demand a change of venue. To, say, Marseille. I mean, who knows what American tourists are like if not the Europeans. The "they were just tourists" defense would work like a charm across the pond.
So, ANTIFA is trending on Twitter again this week, for the exact same reasons.

They DIDN'T do anything! Yet fingers were pointed in their direction at the time.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1470559556719759365/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1470552398754193422/
Well, you know, I didn't have — that was a rally that was there … and if you look, it was a massive rally with hundreds of hundreds of thousands of people. I think it was the largest crowd I've ever spoken before … but if you would've looked at the crowd's size — nobody wants to talk about that. I believe it was the biggest and most people I ever — and I've spoken to very big crowds. I have never spoken in front of a crowd that size — nobody ever talks about that. … And then, unfortunately, some bad things happened. But also, the other side had some bad things happen.

That is a very sick man.

I mean, he's always talked about himself and seen the world through the eyes of what can you do for Donald Trump. But he's talking about the insurrection and the only angle he can come at it from is wow, what a huge crowd I drew! He is literally no longer capable of focusing on anything other than bragging to support his fragile ego.

And he likes to slam Biden's mental acuity...
And he likes to slam Biden's mental acuity...
I suspect it is probably true that Biden has lost a step or two. After all, in about 50 weeks, he will start in on his eighth decade of life. But twenty years ago, he was some seventy percent more intelligent that CFEFWSG, while now he is only up by maybe 55 or 60%. CFEFWSG on the other hand has lost almost nothing of what he never really had to begin with, and his flimflam skills are starting to give out on him, even with the assistance of the immense RWBS machine.
I don’t want to be too hyperbolic comparing this to Hitler’s beer hall putsch, but….

Imagine if when Hitler and his coconspirators got dragged into court their entire defense was “No I didn’t” or “I don’t want to talk to you.” and the court responded with “Very compelling argument. You’re free to go.” And I’m sorry, but contempt of Congress is a far lesser crime than what is being investigated here. Even with those convictions they might as well be saying “You’re free to go.” Hey, maybe those convicted can write a manifesto type book while in prison. What’s the worst that can happen?

I fail to see how this whole process is anything other than a show guided under the cloud of mob rule, not wanting to piss off the already hyper volatile Trump supporters. Ultimately nothing will be done about it. They’ll scapegoat and punish the soldiers while giving the generals who sent them into battle a pass. They’ll think the greater good is avoiding the immediate rage of the mob while ignoring the greater danger of sending out the message you can get away with this practice run. Plan and follow through better next time.
I don’t want to be too hyperbolic comparing this to Hitler’s beer hall putsch, but….

Imagine if when Hitler and his coconspirators got dragged into court their entire defense was “No I didn’t” or “I don’t want to talk to you.” and the court responded with “Very compelling argument. You’re free to go.” And I’m sorry, but contempt of Congress is a far lesser crime than what is being investigated here. Even with those convictions they might as well be saying “You’re free to go.” Hey, maybe those convicted can write a manifesto type book while in prison. What’s the worst that can happen?

I fail to see how this whole process is anything other than a show guided under the cloud of mob rule, not wanting to piss off the already hyper volatile Trump supporters. Ultimately nothing will be done about it. They’ll scapegoat and punish the soldiers while giving the generals who sent them into battle a pass. They’ll think the greater good is avoiding the immediate rage of the mob while ignoring the greater danger of sending out the message you can get away with this practice run. Plan and follow through better next time.
What do you propose the Dems do? They have an extremely slim majority in the House. The GQP is not going to do jackshit. They can't break the rules of law in order to punish those that, y'know, broke the rule of law. They have to gather evidence. They may have to impeach colleagues from the other side who'll have unanimous support of their fellow GQP members. The courts are stacked with the assistance of their party leader in the Senate. The Supreme Court is stacked with the former guy's appointees. They could very well run out the clock with court delays and ultimately a favorable ruling(s) for their side.

The only thing they may be able to do for now is try to hold on to both chambers and continue to investigate and shed light on misdeeds. But it's looking very shaky in the House with extreme gerrymandering. And the Senate is still a problem unless the Dems can pick up 2/3 seats since Sinema and Manchin are not giving a fuck about anything but themselves. I'm not sure that's doable at this point.

If Dem voters are going to engage in factionalism and/or stay at home while the other side votes for their miscreants no matter what....
What do you propose the Dems do? They have an extremely slim majority in the House. The GQP is not going to do jackshit. They can't break the rules of law in order to punish those that, y'know, broke the rule of law. They have to gather evidence. They may have to impeach colleagues from the other side who'll have unanimous support of their fellow GQP members. The courts are stacked with the assistance of their party leader in the Senate. The Supreme Court is stacked with the former guy's appointees. They could very well run out the clock with court delays and ultimately a favorable ruling(s) for their side.

The only thing they may be able to do for now is try to hold on to both chambers and continue to investigate and shed light on misdeeds. But it's looking very shaky in the House with extreme gerrymandering. And the Senate is still a problem unless the Dems can pick up 2/3 seats since Sinema and Manchin are not giving a fuck about anything but themselves. I'm not sure that's doable at this point.

If Dem voters are going to engage in factionalism and/or stay at home while the other side votes for their miscreants no matter what....

I don’t really have a solution off the top of my head, just pointing out what I feel the reality is. I’m also not entirely blaming Democrats. If anything I’m blaming apathetic or shortsighted voters of all political leanings and unfortunately it seems the most active voters are the most ill informed and/or unhinged.

I could be wrong here, but it seems like the Democrats’ main message to voters is still “at least I’m not that nutjob” or every other message is getting drowned out by that one. I also don’t know what they can do in regions where nutjobs are quite popular.

It’s also disconcerting that things are coming down to a handful of states that most people don’t live in. What can you really do about that? Currently it seems like Kentucky and Virginia are making decisions for everybody.

Franken would not/could not definitively say that he never touched women inappropriately. He was stupid enough to give the other side ammunition and then held a shit-grenade in his mouth after pulling the pin. Had he not resigned, the Dems would have been wiping off shit for the entirety of that election cycle. In the words of President Obama: "Don't do stupid shit!"
Franken would not/could not definitively say that he never touched women inappropriately. He was stupid enough to give the other side ammunition and then held a shit-grenade in his mouth after pulling the pin. Had he not resigned, the Dems would have been wiping off shit for the entirety of that election cycle. In the words of President Obama: "Don't do stupid shit!"


Well, let's not forget who the victim of the Al Frankon photo is. By accident I think she was tranforming into a confluencer around that time...
What do you propose the Dems do? They have an extremely slim majority in the House. The GQP is not going to do jackshit. They can't break the rules of law in order to punish those that, y'know, broke the rule of law. They have to gather evidence. They may have to impeach colleagues from the other side who'll have unanimous support of their fellow GQP members. The courts are stacked with the assistance of their party leader in the Senate. The Supreme Court is stacked with the former guy's appointees. They could very well run out the clock with court delays and ultimately a favorable ruling(s) for their side.

The only thing they may be able to do for now is try to hold on to both chambers and continue to investigate and shed light on misdeeds. But it's looking very shaky in the House with extreme gerrymandering. And the Senate is still a problem unless the Dems can pick up 2/3 seats since Sinema and Manchin are not giving a fuck about anything but themselves. I'm not sure that's doable at this point.

If Dem voters are going to engage in factionalism and/or stay at home while the other side votes for their miscreants no matter what....
The thing is, the only person who has poll-armor is Trump, because many of his voters are really ashamed of voting for him.
So good Dem polling is a maybe, but bad polling is disaster.

That said I agree with everything you say there.

I also think that the evidence accumulating now is really really damning on the GOP, and these folks lost my vote for a lifetime.
There's been a saying we have, the moment a benchmark becomes the goal, it stops measuring what it was supposed to measure.
True about politics too. If your only agenda is to hold onto power for power's sake, you no longer deserve the power vested in you.
Well, let's not forget who the victim of the Al Frankon photo is. By accident I think she was tranforming into a confluencer around that time...
The photo was still a gift and he didn't respond strongly enough to show it was reciprocal humor. But at least 8 women made accusations (there may have been more, I can't remember years later) In his own words:

“Some women have found my greetings or embraces for a hug or photo inappropriate, and I respect their feelings about that,” Franken continued. “I’ve thought a lot in recent days about how that could happen, and recognize that I need to be much more careful and sensitive in these situations. I feel terribly that I’ve made some women feel badly and for that I am so sorry, and I want to make sure that never happens again.”
That was a self-imposed kiss of death for his political career. He could've stayed on until a congressional investigation. By choosing his words wisely and then resigning shortly, IMO, he dodged even more damaging allegations coming out about his "inappropriate" behavior.
What do you propose the Dems do? They have an extremely slim majority in the House.
I don’t really have a solution off the top of my head, just pointing out what I feel the reality is.
I could be naive here, but were I Merrick Garland I'd be checking out using either the Insurrection Act or RICO laws to declare the Republican party a seditious, terrorist and/or organized crime group. Then I'd have the FBI investigate and bring charges against Trump, Giuliani, Meadows and the rest of those traitors.

But that's just me.