monthly theme | august 2022 | warm


seeker of light
Site Donor
Jul 22, 2021
Main Camera
Welcome to the monthly theme thread!

Each month a new theme will be posted for us to explore. This is not a competition, and you are welcome to post as many photos as you like throughout the month (this rule may be amended in the future depending on the level of participation). You may use any gear you like: phone, digital camera, film, etc. The idea of this thread is to focus on a technique or theme and grow with it over the course of the month. There will be no voting or winners.

You are welcome to ask for constructive criticism for any of your photos, but please do not offer it unless asked. This is a safe space just for sharing. However, discussing techniques or shooting experiences is highly encouraged. Ideally photos posted each month will also be shot during that month (ie, new photos), however, this is not a hard and fast rule as I know we have people with varying schedules and in different parts of the world, which may preclude certain themes throughout the year. Please feel free to include archived photos if you cannot manage to take a new photo throughout the month.

Please note the following:
  • All work must be your own
  • All photos must be Safe For Work
  • Exif data is appreciated, but not required (please include if you are asking for CC)
This month's theme is warm. Please interpret this is you wish!
.. here's a photo of some rose (and other) bushes taken on a neighbourhood walk last week. It was during an extended 'heat wave' here --- with unnormally high temperatures, and lack of precipitation, plus, in this particular case, no watering as well. The bushes had collapsed to the grounds and pavement, and looked 'exhausted'. I could relate, I felt much the same in my apartment!! :)

.. too 'warm' for these parts!!! photo was taken during a happy-hour out on our apartment's balcony -- at the time, it was totally-shaded from any sun -- during a "record breaking" heat wave in July last year. Another extended, declared 'heat wave' this summer, with some close calls of hiigh temp's again!! Totally unheard of temperatures, in these parts (wet, and rainy west coast BC!!), only a few years ago.
