More than 270 medical experts call out Spotify, Joe Rogan for spreading COVID-19 misinformation

Maybe, but maybe not.

You lost me when they cut away from Kamala Harris at "well, it's gonna be an issue for all of us":D
Well, coming from the crowd saying how Trump's words were always taken out of context.

I periodically check the correlation of COVID vaccination rates and party representation in congress. Last time I checked ≥90 of the 100 highest vaccination rate districts had Democratic representation and ≥90 of the 100 lowest vaccination rate districts have Republican representatives. You do this thing where you get debunked, disappear, and then weeks later try to convince us of the same debunked idea again.

I hope you run your business better than you do with reasoning, LOL.
Hard to argue what comes directly out of their mouths. Although I am sure some here will try.
Curious BTW, would you be willing to review the transcripts of the interviews these single sentence snippets were taken from? Are you willing to do the work, or do you really take videos like this at face value?

I'm asking, because I started reading Trumps transcripts after a while because I couldn't believe the stupid shit he was quoted to say.
It’s not though. The “anti-mandate” instead of “anti-vaccine” was a fake pivot by the usual suspects, hoping to get some recruits at the event. But at the event itself, they jumped right back on the crazy train.

The article I posted should take you far less time for you to read than it took me to listen to the podcast; it explains how they tried to change the message to attract more people… with very limited success.

Here’s a bit more coverage of the rally:

I realize shortly after I attempted to clarify myself that I wasn't clear enough, but by that time I was already in my car on the way home, a real "Fuck! I left the oven on!" just as the plane left the runway moment.

Seems like you get it though from the articles you posted, anti-vax and anti-mandate aren't the same thing. Now if pro-vax/anti-mandate people are showing up, as stated probably in limited numbers, because of some dishonest PR campaign that's possible, but the sources I follow were skeptical of the mandates before actual protests about it were a thing. As an example I know this is most likely a right wing talking point, but that's not where I am getting it from. What's with the arbitrary 100 employee number? What's the science behind that? It's the healthcare equivalent of saying we can solve illegal immigration by building a wall on less than 1/4 of the US perimeter.
I don’t even understand why people listen to podcasts. if you need to listen to YouTube videos and podcasts to formulate your opinion on politics, then that was your first step in the wrong direction.

Gluing yourself to mainstream media is a much better idea and you'll be the most informed.
I realize shortly after I attempted to clarify myself that I wasn't clear enough, but by that time I was already in my car on the way home, a real "Fuck! I left the oven on!" just as the plane left the runway moment.

Seems like you get it though from the articles you posted, anti-vax and anti-mandate aren't the same thing. Now if pro-vax/anti-mandate people are showing up, as stated probably in limited numbers, because of some dishonest PR campaign that's possible, but the sources I follow were skeptical of the mandates before actual protests about it were a thing. As an example I know this is most likely a right wing talking point, but that's not where I am getting it from. What's with the arbitrary 100 employee number? What's the science behind that? It's the healthcare equivalent of saying we can solve illegal immigration by building a wall on less than 1/4 of the US perimeter.
Anybody that is pro-vaccine, and anti-mandate doesn’t understand science.,The vaccine needs to go into as many arms as possible. The best way to do that is a mandate. Look at the military… over 96% vaccinated, and less than .02% death rate… 100x lower than the rest of the country. PS - ALL 52 Military members that died of COVID did NOT get fully vaccinated.

It is possible to make an argument that asking people nicely to get the vaccine would be more effective. The thing is, that was tried, and a huge portion of Americans, OVERWHELMINGLY Trump supporters, gave the middle finger to the rest of America. But the leaders of these rallies are NOT making such an argument. They are crying about how “they” are stealing our freedoms, putting fluoride in the water to ruin our “precious bodily fluids” (allegedly), and all other sorts of insane theories.

Peeling off a couple crazy fringe conspiracy theorists on the far left into the anti-vaccine movement by labeling it “anti-mandate” is NOT evidence that this “movement” is now bipartisan. But hey, it seems some folks are content with “1 liberal was there so I’m right” while totally ignoring the root of this anti-vaccine garbage… which is really just an anti-COVID vaccine movement.

The numbers don’t lie. The unvaccinated are almost exclusively Republicans. If you want to ignore that, fine, stick your head in the sand.

If you want to listen to Blumenthal and friends, have fun. You can obsess endlessly over Julian Assange, the Steele Dossier, the “faked” moon landing, JFK killed by aliens, and who knows what else…
Gluing yourself to mainstream media is a much better idea and you'll be the most informed.
There's no harm in applying critical thinking skills, maybe look for corroborating evidence (check scopes, politifact, or any non-alt-right sites) prior to posting "Space aliens just anal-probed me"
That’s the other thing that also amuses me. Repubs genuinely believe that finding something bad about cnn is going to be a “gotcha” moment and will be upset non-repubs. It’s an interesting form of projection that should be studied by psychologists to dive deeper into some people’s unhealthy relationships with their sources of news.

I'd say there are A LOT more supposed "gotcha" moments coming from the left aimed at upsetting the right, and a lot more damning and fact based, and the right clearly couldn't give less of a shit. Stolen election? 1/6? Mountains of gotcha's. Zero fucks given. The left are unfazed amateurs. The right are jedi masters.
Gluing yourself to mainstream media is a much better idea and you'll be the most informed.
This is the problem, if you really want to be informed, you actually have to do your actual research. Which involves a lot of reading.

I’ll give you a very specific example. This YouTube talking head was discussing the Available information, and the media coverageof one of the officers who died after the capital riot. Although he specified he’s not a doctor, he still went on to speculate that there was too much time between the capital events, and the hospitalization death of the officer. I had many arguments about this, and I said it in advance that I’ve only seen one stroke syndrome that kills people in hours and that it’s super rare. The guy concluded that the death is unlikely to be related to the events. Bear in mind that at that time the autopsy results were not public. This YouTuber isa person whose videos you often post. The mechanism of this kind of stroke is very similar to a heart attack. If he had a heart attack, would anybody say it was unrelated to the events? No. Can you persecute based on this? Not very successfully. That’s why the murder charges were dropped against the bearsprayers.

Was “the mainstream media” wrong about the cause of death? Yes. What is the alternative media correct about the cause of death? No. Did you get Better informed about the events listening to these guys. No.

I will add that it’s extremely naïve to think, the people posing as alternative media, don’t have their own conflict of interest. Even If assuming the most innocent motives, in order to maintain subscribers, they have to consistently deliver Information that deviates from “the mainstream media” coverage. Would you have been able to get the same information and draw your own informed conclusion without these guys telling you what do you think? Absolutely. It would’ve just taken time and effort.

The key thing about disinformation, is that they overwhelm your critical thinking by the sheer volume of information presented.
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Anybody that is pro-vaccine, and anti-mandate doesn’t understand science.,The vaccine needs to go into as many arms as possible. The best way to do that is a mandate. Look at the military… over 96% vaccinated, and less than .02% death rate… 100x lower than the rest of the country. PS - ALL 52 Military members that died of COVID did NOT get fully vaccinated.
This is where we disagree a little bit, and this is a major ethics dilemma. The science is absolutely clear about that if we want to save as many lives as possible, then we need to vaccinate as many people as possible. In a society that values the life of those who were actually born as the most sacred of all things, getting vaccinated is the most congruent thing to do with this value system. However, is it ethical to force people if human life only has secondary value in their value system? Plenty to debate about. Except for healthcare. No space for debate there. And a military that allows its service members to be vulnerable biological warfare is straight up laughable. After all it's called military and not militia. However, I do think that people who wanton waste healthcare resources should contribute proportionally more to healthcare funding.
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If the timing had been different, with vaccines getting released while Trump was still in office and lead medical experts saying it's safe, I can say with confidence I would have gotten the shot just as fast, and I assume most of the left would as well. Biden was simply saying that he doesn't trust Donald Trump, which is the sanest statement imaginable. Trump is indeed, untrustworthy.

Trump would have pushed the vaccines from the Oval, his dumb acolytes would have lined up for it. It wouldn't have gotten us out of Delta or Omicron but far less US deaths. And Trump would still be president.

Timing, man...
I'll be honest and say that once people start talking about "mainstream media" I tend to switch off and move on. However, in this case, I'll ask a few questions.

What do you consider mainstream media?

Is a podcaster with around 10 to 12 million listeners in a multi million pound deal to produce podcasts mainstream media?
I don't even watch cable news, I watch local newscasts and the nightly news on either ABC or NBC to get the highlights of what's going on. To these people I think those would be considered "mainstream media" and they're simply reporting the news with no spin one way or the other.

But for some reason they can't be trusted and you hear stuff like "listen to this trusted youtuber, they have an inside scoop" or "This trusted doctor is questioning the vaccine, you should read this article about the benefits of Ivermectin" kind of stuff that breeds ignorance or makes you a "critical thinker".
Who is trying to find fault constantly with Fox here and presenting little snippets as gotchas against you?
It’s very telling when right-wingers post a “gotcha” about CNN. They assume all liberals watch it because the high viewership of Fox by middle-aged and older conservatives. They assume that since Fox is clearly and obviously right-wing propaganda, that CNN is therefore left-wing propaganda... and that every other news except Fox is also left-wing propaganda.

Fox has more than double the viewers that CNN has, and there are more liberals than conservatives in America (based on popular presidential vote in the last few decades). So I think that should tell you something about the relative popularity of each platform, and why it’s really out-of-touch when right-wingers think they “PWNED” the liberals by posting something negative about CNN.

As for finding “gotchas” with Fox, it’s way too easy, like shooting fish in a barrel. They lie and promote Republican politicians (and their talking points) without question constantly.
But for some reason they can't be trusted and you hear stuff like "listen to this trusted youtuber, they have an inside scoop" or "This trusted doctor is questioning the vaccine, you should read this article about the benefits of Ivermectin" kind of stuff that breeds ignorance or makes you a "critical thinker".

Eric, do your research ...
Eric, do your research ...
Dr. with 50 years of experience: "You have an infection that if not treated with antibiotics will kill you within days"

Me who just listened to a podcast: "I think I'll do my own research"

Seems legit.
Dr. with 50 years of experience: "You have an infection that if not treated with antibiotics will kill you within days"

Me who just listened to a podcast: "I think I'll do my own research"

Seems legit.

Someone on NextDoor months ago was constantly babbling about "Do your search ...", which is crazy-speak for, "Find a source that corroborates your wack job perspective ...", and I asked her about her research protocols and data models, etc., hahaha, she just went off, then she got banned :D
It’s very telling when right-wingers post a “gotcha” about CNN. They assume all liberals watch it because the high viewership of Fox by middle-aged and older conservatives.

Just as liberals think Conservatives only watch Fox.

I don't think I have had FoxNews on since the election. And mainly had CNN on that night because I really like how John King breaks things down. Completely apolitical.

I have 4 news tabs open in my browser: Fox, CNN, Drudge, local news. I read CNN as much as I do Fox.

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