It's really more like 5%. I think Reagan might've been the last time I saw a president win by a double digit margin, and I was, like, 1 year old when that happened.
If it's a 5% margin for a landslide these days, then yeah in a fair count, Biden-Harris will rack up a landslide in 2020 and then some.
As far as Reagan's first win went, I remember sitting there watching the returns come in on a TV in my bedroom and thinking that Orwell's
1984 had somehow arrived to the USA in 19fricken80.
The Republican Party's antics while in power during the Nixon era had long since put me off them as ballot options, and Reagan's unctuous patter about morning in America didn't do anything to dissuade me from thinking these guys were going to outdo even Orwell's imagination in no time flat.
Some Americans made derisive remarks about Reagan having acted in the comedy
Bedtime for Bonzo, while admirers took to calling him The Great Communicator.
What always stuck in my mind though were those notorious lines from a speech that Reagan had made in 1976:
"Whereas once the problem was just welfare queens and strapping young bucks, now it’s the entire middle and lower classes, the lazy union members, the credit card deadbeats, the unemployed so content with their benefits that they don’t look for work."
There's the GOP's core set of beliefs with Reagan's unctuous veneer stripped off.
So 2020, is that like 1980? Nah. We know this is no "morning in America" gig coming over the hill, no matter who wins this election.
Those lines from Reagan's '76 speech are fightin' words for maybe 85% of the population at this point because it's just about all of us potentially months or even days from "down and out" -- except for the top 1% or so, thanks to the covid-19 and Trump's monumental incompetence and willful destruction of government agency.
It's true that Trump talked about
carnage in America back in 2016... but neither he nor we had seen real carnage yet. The question is now that we have seen it, do we believe our own eyes, or as Trump has often urged his followers, should we look to him to define what has really happened?
Well if we look to him, Trump is suggesting scenarios in which mailed ballots are "the problem" and that without them, his continuation in office will be the obvious outcome. And so far only a few Republicans have gainsaid him in public.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1309490066746638338/