Mr Trump Refuses To Commit To A Peaceful Transfer Of Power If Defeated

My ideal situation is Biden wins. We hold his feet to the fire and then we work hard and support a progressive candidate. I want real change. This middle of the road BS isn’t working for me.

Right now, the who is not so important as the getting rid of the Trumpublicans. We know Joe will be an interim. We know that he will probably spend his entire term trying to returning things to some semblance of normalcy. But he will listen to the progressives as well as the conservatives. And he will take advice from the economy to the pandemic.

Donand Trump is a dire threat to our institutions, because his enablers primarily the GOP, and minion Kool aid gulpers break bad, displaying a break from reality, or even have a National death wish. This is just how out of touch with reality they are and these kind of choices harm us greatly.

This is why it is as important to remember the down ballot votes as the presidential. We must get rid of these crazy apologists. Whether they have done harm directly or not, the GOP has enabled Trump’s every step. They all must go.
(We can send the GOP home too in Nov).

Some of those GOP Senate races have tightened up... remains to be seen what happens after Trump's court pick and during the vetting of his nominee. Still it's a hard sell to unseat an incumbent Senator unless they've really messed up somehow.

Someone needs to wake Kentucky up. I wish McGrath were doing better. It's weird... McConnell is unpopular but still leads in the polls for his re-election. I'm going to throw five more bucks at Amy McGrath just so I don't regret not having done it. She's down but not as far down as Mitch probably figured she'd be.
I don’t see this as anything new for Trump. Has he ever said he’d step aside if voted out? He’s danced around it his entire presidency. To suggest that he’d leave the WH would make him a loser, and he’s no loser.

This‘ll dominate the cycle today, and seems a waste of time.

The Senate apparently thought it was enough of a thing to require them to at least throw a brushback pitch at Trump, pro forma though it may have been:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1309207545417011202/​
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