Musk offers to buy Twitter

Will Twitter even still be online by next week if this keeps up? 🧵

Wow, that thread is... alarming. Sorry but had trouble quashing laughter at the Chiquita one.

Musk said he's losing $4 million a day now. And sold more Tesla to keep things going.

Assuming they don't just go into bankruptcy and go dark for a specified period of time (is there a comeback though if an online platform does that??!) then Twitter may at least end up taking the platform down for a little while to weed all that fake stuff out.

Or maybe just get radical and delete every account added since Musk tweeted that "the bird is free". Keep it really simple. Then go back and look for accounts with name changes after that date.

Then the question is do they even have the staff or the legal ability to operate any more? They are technically no longer in compliance at FTC and doubtless the EU since have no compliance or risk officers on board any more etc etc.

Woot! Everybody would get at least a little vacation from Twitter... I would dearly miss the bird photos i start out looking at every morning. The rest, well... some accounts would end up at Instagram, others at FB or Mastodon etc. Damn. I hope against hope they can keep Twitter from just vaporizing. But obviously how it's working right now doesn't cut it and won't be tolerated by regulators much longer.
Well the guys who know bankruptcy from a hole in the ground are starting to write threads about it,., it sounds like Musk may already have been given notice by lenders or other investors that some agreements have been broken. He's gonna have to make good on it or file for bankruptcy and he can't get the employees back that he needs to make a fit company re regulators.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1590842230864216065/
This guy's tweet and replies provide some explaining on the Twitter revaluation:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1590801975339540480/
Well, his comment of how he "just killed it" - it likely took awhile for him to hire the engineers back, so he could disable it (and then fire them again). Because, you know, sustainability is for the uncool platforms. :D

At some point have to ask if there came a time when he figured driving it into bankruptcy had more upside than down... for him anyway.... protection from creditors during reorganization... and then the question would be when that thought occurred to him.
Really who didn't see this coming? Well before he set the record straight on which way he leans politically. He just seemed like a prima donna with too much money and way too big of an ego to require two seats in first class (one for him and the other for the ego).

I knew he would come in and think that he knew the best way to run this company, which would be the opposite of the correct way to stir it back on track. Not that I will miss the cesspool that is twitter, but I shudder to think what will fill the void that will happen. Will the demise of twitter save truthsocial?
Wow. Just wow re: all the latest Twitter news shared here & what I'm seeing over my morning cup of Joe.
So many folks now sharing their sparkling new Mastodon accounts should Twitter go down.

Aside from memes, a funny browser extension made its appearance yesterday.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1590746596115111936/

If you want to save your history:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1591078441243537410/

Then various commentary:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1590903448039755778/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1591106602803007489/

Poor Musk Rat. His world is falling apart and he knows it.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1591124091599474690/
For all of the issues I've had with Twitter over the years you never had any idea of how much of a well oiled machine they were until Musk took over.
For all of the issues I've had with Twitter over the years you never had any idea of how much of a well oiled machine they were until Musk took over.

Yeah I kinda feel bad for trashing the previous regime, apparently its not easy running a sewage treatment company.
It's almost as if it was designed to prevent that to begin with.

When a wave of imposter accounts began using the verified checkmarks from Twitter's Blue paid subscription service to post misleading tweets while pretending to be some of the world’s biggest brands, it created so much chaos that Elon Musk seemingly had no choice but to revoke the paid checkmarks entirely.

“Basically, tricking people is not OK,” Musk tweeted, as some users began reporting that the option to pay $7.99 for a Twitter Blue subscription had disappeared, while others who had been verified previously found that their "Official" blue checkmarks had been reinstated.

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