Nuvia: don’t hold your breath

Initial reviews:

On the Asus 15” Vivobook with a 3.2K 120hz OLED display, 70wh battery, plenty nits etc.

No performance loss on battery, and about 20-30% longer battery life than a Meteor Lake Asus laptop with a very similar OLED (but 14 inch) display and battery size — when web browsing anyways.

Meteor Lake already wasn’t terrible on “battery life”, so this is actually a good result if responsiveness is much better.

It’s not going to really have M1 shock value even for Windows, but I sort of suspect people are under adjusting for things like responsiveness and thermals — a lot of reports that fans barely come on at all — now that we’re seeing some shrugs.

More reviews from more systems will be clarifying too though.
I can't recall are you getting one? If so, which model?
Basically, I am going to wait it out. A lot of what I want at a base level if ported like with Python’s interpreter, and IDLE, and top packages, or now VS64, openJDK for a long time now (which is awesome and thanks MS for that) Chrome now, but the third-party modules and plugins for major programming languages that are still concerning.

Apple was just a different ballgame on this stuff with M1 and I think there are several reasons but not necessarily about the velocity of porting more generally (though that was still huge lol).

But like 1) basic office work and 2) some dev stuff should be the biggest arm64 Windows use cases and smooth transitions and thus far ports and interest reflects this. So that’s encouraging.

I would really like games to work at a B+ status even though I’m not a huge gamer but it’s not crucial to my ROI.

But also I just want to see all the laptop reviews. I think the Lenovo Yoga 7S, XPS, and Inspiron Plus look the best by far so far.
Still haven't had a suspension yet (been there since 2004), and I've said far worse on the forums. Who knows how they decide who to suspend.
I have never been suspended either but moderators did edit some of my posts to remove some paragraphs I had written (while keeping others). One of the main reasons I stopped posting there (that and @Cmaier's suspension). It was *not okay* to edit my posts to remove the bits they didn't like while keeping the others. Made it look as if I was saying something completely different to my initial unedited posts.

I've been on internet forums for a while and I had never seen anything like that. Removing posts, sure. But editing them? That's a no-no for me.
I have never been suspended either but moderators did edit some of my posts to remove some paragraphs I had written (while keeping others). One of the main reasons I stopped posting there (that and @Cmaier's suspension). It was *not okay* to edit my posts to remove the bits they didn't like while keeping the others. Made it look as if I was saying something completely different to my initial unedited posts.

I've been on internet forums for a while and I had never seen anything like that. Removing posts, sure. But editing them? That's a no-no for me.

I’ve never been able to figure out their moderation philosophy other than “feed the trolls” and “Go MAGA!”

As far as I can remember, the only stuff I’ve deleted here is spam.
Their suspension policy is very chaotic and not uniformly applied - even when their "rules" are obeyed. I still have two weeks left on my current suspension. I was very careful to not say anything personal directed towards any member. Speaking the truth in broad strokes, even when it's not directed towards any other member, is apparently frowned upon when *others* disagree and get a case of the shakes. I do like their Dan and Hartley product reviews.
Their suspension policy is very chaotic and not uniformly applied - even when their "rules" are obeyed. I still have two weeks left on my current suspension. I was very careful to not say anything personal directed towards any member. Speaking the truth in broad strokes, even when it's not directed towards any other member, is apparently frowned upon when others disagree and get a case of the shakes. I do like their Dan and Hartley product reviews.
yes, that’s what got me my permaban.
https://Twitter or X not allowed/za...led-x-elites-benchmark-scores.2408596/page-28


Basically, I am going to wait it out. A lot of what I want at a base level if ported like with Python’s interpreter, and IDLE, and top packages, or now VS64, openJDK for a long time now (which is awesome and thanks MS for that) Chrome now, but the third-party modules and plugins for major programming languages that are still concerning.

Apple was just a different ballgame on this stuff with M1 and I think there are several reasons but not necessarily about the velocity of porting more generally (though that was still huge lol).

But like 1) basic office work and 2) some dev stuff should be the biggest arm64 Windows use cases and smooth transitions and thus far ports and interest reflects this. So that’s encouraging.

I would really like games to work at a B+ status even though I’m not a huge gamer but it’s not crucial to my ROI.

But also I just want to see all the laptop reviews. I think the Lenovo Yoga 7S, XPS, and Inspiron Plus look the best by far so far.

If you do I have a completely unreasonable request to run multiple Cinebench multithreaded benchmarks with different thread counts to test a pet theory of mine! 🙃

Basically I feel like the 12 P-core model should have better multithreaded scores given the single threaded score and my working hypothesis is that the 12 P-cores are bandwidth starved by either the RAM bus or the SLC size. Testing that with different thread counts would let us see if there is a drop-off unexplained by clock speed from moving from say 4 to 8 threads. That sort of thing.
Curious... what was it that caused your ascension to the halls of "perma" status?

I had to go back and remind myself by reading an old thread here.

Arn reached out to me complaining that i was mentioning this site (or linking to it or something), but telling me how valuable i was and blah blah blah.

Then in one of the threads where people were just trolling, i said something general like “i don’t understand why people come to an Apple-focussed site to complain about apple” and i got permabanned.
Basically, I am going to wait it out. A lot of what I want at a base level if ported like with Python’s interpreter, and IDLE, and top packages, or now VS64, openJDK for a long time now (which is awesome and thanks MS for that) Chrome now, but the third-party modules and plugins for major programming languages that are still concerning.

Apple was just a different ballgame on this stuff with M1 and I think there are several reasons but not necessarily about the velocity of porting more generally (though that was still huge lol).

But like 1) basic office work and 2) some dev stuff should be the biggest arm64 Windows use cases and smooth transitions and thus far ports and interest reflects this. So that’s encouraging.

I would really like games to work at a B+ status even though I’m not a huge gamer but it’s not crucial to my ROI.

But also I just want to see all the laptop reviews. I think the Lenovo Yoga 7S, XPS, and Inspiron Plus look the best by far so far.
Tbqh, I would be significantly less interested in this other than for academic and “spread the Apple IP heck yeah, break the X86 wall on computing” element if Apple’s RAM/storage margins and starting prices weren’t so patently insane. I can suck it up etc depending on the case but it really does piss me off as a matter of principle lol.

The whole “but it’s good RAM” etc thing is also B S, it’s always been exorbitant on the margin even pre-on package or big bus! Lol. And even LPDDR5x-7000++ or 8000 is being sold at really reasonable marginal prices in the PC world, or LPDDR5 was even from Dell like a year or two ago. Talking like + $400 to get to 64GB from 8 with an already low entry, even with a storage upgrade (and that’s another thing, lol, god).

In the iPhone and iPad I can tolerate Apple being Apple on modest starting storage/RAM stuff, really. Hasn’t been unacceptably low in a while too. Android offer better sheet hardware values still like with LTPO, 8GB LPDDR5x & 256GB for 900 and all, but it doesn’t feel that crazy tangible like the compute stuff does. It’s more a “ya well Apple is usually conservative and needs its premiums”.

But the computer stuff is just insulting, and I am not someone who whines about removable RAM/SSDs! That stuff is stupid. LPDDR = awesome.

The problem is just that Apple has a monopoly on their market and people kinda put up with it, which I get but still. In the Windows [or with any other hypothetical desktop OS licensed] world you just can’t get away with the same kind of crazy marginal pricing or starting pricing, because competition exists — removable often misses the plot.

It also sorta limits the Mac. Not that Apple cares, they want the margins. But they could get much more influence and market share by dialing it back two notches lol
https://Twitter or X not allowed/za...led-x-elites-benchmark-scores.2408596/page-28


If you do I have a completely unreasonable request to run multiple Cinebench multithreaded benchmarks with different thread counts to test a pet theory of mine! 🙃

Basically I feel like the 12 P-core model should have better multithreaded scores given the single threaded score and my working hypothesis is that the 12 P-cores are bandwidth starved by either the RAM bus or the SLC size. Testing that with different thread counts would let us see if there is a drop-off unexplained by clock speed from moving from say 4 to 8 threads. That sort of thing.
Yep, if I do later this year I’d have an open season of tests if you guys want to know anything haha
By “have the bandwidth” I meant in terms of speed of the RAM data rate. In terms of fitting the bus width, no lol, we agree.

LPCAMM2 with LPDDR is really about workstation and replacing SODIMMs.

LPDDR as in non-LPCAMM and on-PCB or on-package is here to stay, because LPCAMM is still too big. DIY guys don’t get this. They think LPCAMM is the end of soldiered RAM — hardly. It’s the beginning of more bandwidth and lower power for workstation stuff, but I don’t think we’re going to see like wide memory bespoke stuff switch from LPDDR on-package to LPDDR LPCAMM or even 28W mainstream AMD/Intel CPUs switch from LPDDR (regular and off-package) to LPDDR LPCAMM.

It’s still too big! Which sucks, but for now it’s the truth, and probably will be in the future.
You know I have since softened my stance on this, apparently there is going to be further work on CAMM modules, I don't know if they'll call it CAMM3 or not, to make them tool-less to replace (and maybe smaller?). There was also apparently work in the original CAMM modules to make a quad-data channel version in the same size which obviously didn't survive conversion to JEDEC standard in LP/CAMM2. However, if that were to happen, then depending on the memory configurations offered, right now the only offerings are 32 to 128GB, you could certainly envision a "modular" memory version of the Max. I put it in quotes because truthfully you'd still need to populate all available slots (2 for quad channel memory) and if you wanted aftermarket upgraded you'd have to resell your old ones, not just add new ones. Which of course is not quite the same as buying the minimum number of SODIMMs and then adding your own or getting more later. I don't know that this will happen and as you say it'll still be bigger and somewhat more power-hungry than on-package (or even on-die if Apple goes there) memory (which are naturally the only reasons Apple wouldn't consider it, no other reasons whatsoever, no sir). But it could be practical.

Let's posit that someone made a quad channel 32 or even better 24 LPCAMM3 module, then two of the latter would be 48GB of memory on a 512-bit bus, exactly the same as the current M3 Max. You'd have to be able to fit 4 LPDDR 6GB modules on this hypothetical LPCAMM3 module. Sounds doable in theory? And with only two such modules, the space taken up on the motherboard wouldn't be that bad especially if LPCAMM3 modules were also smaller.

Tbqh, I would be significantly less interested in this other than for academic and “spread the Apple IP heck yeah, break the X86 wall on computing” element if Apple’s RAM/storage margins and starting prices weren’t so patently insane. I can suck it up etc depending on the case but it really does piss me off as a matter of principle lol.

The whole “but it’s good RAM” etc thing is also B S, it’s always been exorbitant on the margin even pre-on package or big bus! Lol. And even LPDDR5x-7000++ or 8000 is being sold at really reasonable marginal prices in the PC world, or LPDDR5 was even from Dell like a year or two ago. Talking like + $400 to get to 64GB from 8 with an already low entry, even with a storage upgrade (and that’s another thing, lol, god).

In the iPhone and iPad I can tolerate Apple being Apple on modest starting storage/RAM stuff, really. Hasn’t been unacceptably low in a while too. Android offer better sheet hardware values still like with LTPO, 8GB LPDDR5x & 256GB for 900 and all, but it doesn’t feel that crazy tangible like the compute stuff does. It’s more a “ya well Apple is usually conservative and needs its premiums”.

But the computer stuff is just insulting, and I am not someone who whines about removable RAM/SSDs! That stuff is stupid. LPDDR = awesome.

The problem is just that Apple has a monopoly on their market and people kinda put up with it, which I get but still. In the Windows [or with any other hypothetical desktop OS licensed] world you just can’t get away with the same kind of crazy marginal pricing or starting pricing, because competition exists — removable often misses the plot.
I don't think you'll find much disagreement here that Apple's base specs and upgrade pricing can be pretty exorbitant - especially on the base M-series. While storage never really gets good (some models starting at 1TB are fine for their price points, but even for those the upgrade to 2TB is still really bad), I feel like the RAM gets better on the higher model - like the M3 Max, even to a lesser extent the M3 Pro, especially since it doubles as high bandwidth GPU memory which is normally even pricier. If you think of it as CPU memory, then yeah it's pretty pricy, but if you think of it as VRAM it ranges from decent to absolutely amazing (and the higher tiers on the Max are nowhere near as bad - $800 for to add 64GB to 64GB or 60 to 36 is a lot better than $400 to add 18 to 18). So somewhere in between terrible and amazing for the totality? 🙃

This is one thing I'm hoping that further competition in the PC space will rectify for everyone (GPU VRAM pricing and Apple's, especially base, RAM - the tea leaves for the M4 are looking half-positive that base storage and maybe RAM bumps are coming to the Mac).

Yep, if I do later this year I’d have an open season of tests if you guys want to know anything haha

Yeah the thing about my tests are that it may not even work as I'm not sure about how the base clocks respond to multiple threads which adds an extra confounding factor that you'd have to keep track of during the runs (i.e. record clock speeds during the tests) and each Cinebench run takes like 10 minutes. So it'd be a pain and if you were into it, I'd more than understand. Still I think it's a neat question though if you were up for it.
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Ah never mind it’s business as usual @mr_roboto was suspended for calling out this poster:

To give credit where credit is due they also suspended Minghold. I still feel suspending @mr_roboto was overly harsh under the circumstances but at least they aren't letting the troll stay like they did in the old days. That is an improvement.
To give credit where credit is due they also suspended Minghold. I still feel suspending @mr_roboto was overly harsh under the circumstances but at least they aren't letting the troll stay like they did in the old days. That is an improvement.
He was not suspended when I checked this morning. Not even sure if this happened due to the same incident.
He was not suspended when I checked this morning. Not even sure if this happened due to the same incident.
The quote I link to from him is now deleted. Also, full disclosure, I reported it. Others may have done so as well. He may have done other things as well but even by MR standards that post crossed at least as many lines as the one that earned @mr_roboto his suspension (more in my opinion) so what’s good for the goose …
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Then in one of the threads where people were just trolling, i said something general like “i don’t understand why people come to an Apple-focussed site to complain about apple” and i got permabanned.

I'll never understand that either. I chalk it up to there are people in life who are perpetually unhappy, and that having a good whine against "The Man" helps them to feel better. For a minute or two, anyway.

Maybe I should have been a therapist? :)
I'll never understand that either. I chalk it up to there are people in life who are perpetually unhappy, and that having a good whine against "The Man" helps them to feel better. For a minute or two, anyway.

Maybe I should have been a therapist? :)
my wife is a therapist. she loves to troll.
I have never been suspended either but moderators did edit some of my posts to remove some paragraphs I had written (while keeping others). One of the main reasons I stopped posting there (that and @Cmaier's suspension). It was *not okay* to edit my posts to remove the bits they didn't like while keeping the others. Made it look as if I was saying something completely different to my initial unedited posts.

I've been on internet forums for a while and I had never seen anything like that. Removing posts, sure. But editing them? That's a no-no for me.
Just go in and edit your whole post. “Moderator Edited, deleting”. Then be prepared to be suspended or banned ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
The quote I link to from him is now deleted. Also, full disclosure, I reported it. Others may have done so as well. He may have done other things as well but even by MR standards that post crossed at least as many lines as the one that earned @mr_roboto his suspension (more in my opinion) so what’s good for the goose …
Of all the bans I've gotten over there, I have to say I'm most surprised by this one.

I guess maybe they didn't like it when I described his posts as un-earned arrogance? But I think that was completely accurate - minghold was being very condescending towards people who didn't accept his claim that Apple is doing evil things with all your private data, but he didn't bring anything real to back that up.