Some years ago on Nikon Cafe a member who lives in New Zealand one day discovered a Praying Mantis clinging to the drapes in his living room. He was charmed and decided to let this interesting creature be, having noted that there seemed to be something wrong with one leg/foot. Well....he was more than disconcerted when his houseguest eventually presented him with a whole family of little Mantises, having deposited eggs here-and there on the drapes and in other places around the house. Oops....!!!.
To make a long story short for the next year or so this member kept all of us on the Cafe amused by posting updates on the adventures of his now permanent female resident and he gave her a name..... He actually wrote a short book about her, too.
So yes, Chew Toy: giving your little resident a name (Waldo or maybe Walda?) and creating a blog or just posting updates on here would be so much fun!