Photo of the Day - August 2021

Still playing with my colorful Slinky:

I went to capture these huge trees and this jogger happened to be there so I grabbed it, it ended up looking like an ad.

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Those remind me of a row of trees along 1, I think just north of where the road from Petaluma comes in. Or maybe just southa there. The trees that look like a century of Pacific winds has got them really pissed off.
We wander about picking up rocks and keeping the ones we like. She keeps the most colorful, the prettiest. Me, I look for the story. Each rock shows you its autobiography, in a language that spans millions or billions of years, that has a lexicon that mostly says "Count yourself lucky you were not there when this happened."


I look at these solidified pieces of time, read what I can of the anger, tedium and torment they have experienced, and thank them for sharing their stories.

(They are mostly found in those places that other people drive past, not giving much thought to what is not where-I-am-going, lonely, off the highway, often visited out of, shall we say, need.)
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@Clix Pix That's the exact color of a solitary maple leaf I saw on my lawn the other day, in that intense grey-green light right before a rainstorm. It reminded me of the coming change of seasons, and my only thought at the moment was NOT YET !!

So I like your lily a whole lot better....
Thank you! I had the vase in the windowsill and so the camera was picking up the background across the lake: green trees and parts of houses...... Then in post-processing I started tinkering around a bit, too, to further enhance the soft focus produced by the lens (Voigtlander 35mm f/1.2). That lens has the most wonderful color rendering, as does my other Voigtlander, too.

Yeah, won't be long now before we do start seeing signs of autumn approaching. There is a tree across the lake which I always start watching right about this time of year, as it's usually the first to begin changing colors and even in August I'll spot a stray red leaf or two on it. OK, just stepped out on the deck for a look and sure enough, I can see a few yellow leaves red ones yet, though.