I was originally going to go into SF to try and get the moon setting behind the Golden Gate bridge but wanted to avoid other people so I decided to get it in my local neighborhood instead. I used the PhotoPills app to get the time and place.
Yesterday afternoon when glancing out the sliding door I saw some of the hooded mergansers fairly close on my side of the lake, so grabbed the RX10 IV, which was sitting on a nearby table, and went out on the deck to grab some shots. I noticed one guy in particular was flipping and flopping around all over the place, rather unusual behavior, not something I'd seen any of them do before -- this wasn't preening/grooming, nor was it chasing another merganser (usually one of the females) and frolicking. I zoomed in on him and saw that he was engaged in an epic battle with what he wanted to have for lunch! Fascinating to watch, as duck and fish struggled, the fish trying valiantly to escape.....
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