photo of the day | december 2023


seeker of light
Site Donor
Jul 22, 2021
Main Camera
Welcome to the Photo of the Day thread for this month! All members are invited to participate, share your favorite and/or best images, posting only one per day.

Images must have been taken by yourself and make sure they are safe for work. Images can be new or archived.
Can you have a "holiday" at Alcatraz?

Way back in 2005 and then again in 2007, the National Park Service (which manages Alcatraz), negotiated with a photography club to permit a small group of photographers, around 15, to have total access to the island for 3 days and 2 nights. Which was never offered before, or again.

IIRC, the organizer had to take out a special insurance policy indemnifying the government, as the normal off-limits areas were dangerous due to steep cliffs overlooking the bay and deteriorating building/structures.

I lucked out both times, as those 15 slots filled almost instantly.