Photo of the Day - November 2021

Thank you, Citypix! Since you're new here, allow me to introduce you to my favorite "neighbor." This is our resident Great Blue Heron (GBH) who has been around for several years now and I've named him "Alfred". I love being able to get shots of him, and last year I was pretty lucky. Lately we haven't seen much of him so I was tickled when out of the corner of my eye I saw movement and when I checked realized it was indeed Alfred. I have other shots which I haven't processed yet, but this one immediately stood out.

Needless to say, I did need to do some judicious cropping in PP, though, he wasn't as close as he appears! The A1, 200-600mm [AKA "The Bazooka"] and 1.4x TC make a great combo, though. I was surprised that I didn't have much trouble hand-holding it, as that is an awkward and rather heavy lens that I normally put on the tripod. However, when I looked out the sliding glass door and saw that the Hooded Mergansers were pretty close to my deck I decided to just go with handholding as I knew that by the time I hauled the tripod out there and got the lens comfortably settled on it that the subjects would have long since disappeared -- they're very skittish little guys. As it was they did move away pretty quickly when I did get out there, camera and lens in hand. Even silent shooting wasn't enough to keep them from going further away to where they felt safer. I was pleased that I could capture a few shots, though. I guess my regular jaunts around the neighborhood carrying the 100-400mm (somewhat lighter and smaller than the Bazooka, but not that much so) have paid off! :)
We've all come to know and love Alfred!
Practicing for the rapture. Don't be late!

No, maybe five or so years ago! :)
Even then that's nuts, how people do that daily is beyond me. I haven't ridden BART since the early 90s, I'll deal with traffic and parking issues to drive instead lol.
Stayed up for the eclipse (until 1 AM) but the clouds moved in and blocked out the sky. However, I was able to get this shot earlier as the clouds were moving in.

Even then that's nuts, how people do that daily is beyond me. I haven't ridden BART since the early 90s, I'll deal with traffic and parking issues to drive instead lol.

Ah ya miss all the fun that way. Back in the 60s in NYC the Transit Authority even had platform "conductors" also known as meatpackers to make sure all train cars were what the TA euphemistically called "fully occupied" during the rush hours. Eventually they realized the passengers would pack themselves in, no platform conductors required.

Not my photo... but definitely meets my recollection.

60s nyc trains.jpg