Photo of the Day - September 2021


While in London, Mork and I were taking a walk and he found this kitten in a bush, making the story short, it made the trip back to Bedford. LOL!
How long do you sit?

That stop was about 10-12 minutes, that added 160 miles miles of range (on the 60 miles present when we stopped).

So you know, walk into the store, use the restroom, look at the snacks, grab something to drink, come back out, top off my Beast with ice from the cooler, hop in, gone.

(i.e., no sitting :D)

More info here:

So that was ~260 miles, a < 15 minute stop, and getting home with enough power that if I needed to use the car in the very short term, I'd have have over 130 miles of total range left without any additional charging.

I was reading a little of the "Who's thinking about buying an electric car?" thread on MR a week or so ago, and there's quite a few dated / erroneous takes on how ownership works.
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Thanks, Eric! It was a surprise encounter -- don't know who was more startled, him or me! I had the 100-400mm on the camera and also did a little cropping, so he wasn't quite as close as he appears to be here. I converted the image to B&W because the background around him was pretty messy and multicolored, so I did the conversion and then a bit of judicious burning-in to darken the area surrounding him. A lot easier on the computer in an editing program than it used to be on an enlarger!
Shot a quick macro with the 13PM outside, front yard, this is a called a Mexican Petunia (it's considered an invasive species, but you just have to manage them). Really nice detail, there's some fidelity loss with the export >> resize >> upload, but close enough :)
