Police Reform thoughts

I went the HS in Portland. You can see my old High School in a Gus van Sant movie called Elephant, but not in real life because it was razed to a grassy field. My school was about half African-American. I was in the Haynes School-within-a-School, which was headed by Audrey Haynes, an African-American. This was more than four decades ago, so to say that there are not very many blacks in Oregon is not accurate.

In the 1920s, the Klan raised a large membership in Oregon, but after a few years, it fizzled out because Oregon was still very white at the time. But the borders were leaky even in the mid twentieth century. Portland has a sizable black population. Outlying areas, outside the cities, do tend to be very white, though I am pretty sure that that is the case in most of the American West.
i once lived off Sandy Blvd in NE (among several other places i lived in within Portland).
i didn't have a car at the time, and i didn't venture much into N Portland.
each compass direction of Portland definitely has its own distinct feel and residents.
you are also right about there once being quite a big KKK in Oregon.
Oregon has been blessed with very vibrant Asian American (specifically Japanese-American) presence before and after WW II.