PR & DC statehood


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The GOP has shown with Amy Coney Barrett that they don’t even care about appearances anymore and they will play dirty. If the dems in congress have the power to do grant statehood, they should.

The margin this election has been uncomfortably thin, and in 2024 the candidate will likely be just as extreme as Trump but more astute than that bully, and they won’t make the same mistakes, so anything that helps should be done asap.

Also, it would make sense: right now they are literally second class citizens.


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The GOP has shown with Amy Coney Barrett that they don’t even care about appearances anymore and they will play dirty. If the dems in congress have the power to do grant statehood, they should.

The margin this election has been uncomfortably thin, and in 2024 the candidate will likely be just as extreme as Trump but more astute than that bully, and they won’t make the same mistakes, so anything that helps should be done asap.

Also, it would make sense: right now they are literally second class citizens.
It's truly unconscionable that people living in the nation's capital do NOT have a vote in Congress. They should either give them representation or exempt them from federal taxes. Taxation without Representation!!!!
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