Project 2025


Elite Member
Sep 9, 2020
Main Camera
I'd thought that Project 2025 deserves a thread of its own. Especially with the recent news about the director "stepping down". I'll let @Eric decide if he wants to merge this in with the Election 2024 thread, but it seems like a large enough topic itself.

In the WP linked article, which I do not believe at all, states "Project 2025 to end policy work after Democratic attacks angered Trump". Anyone with an IQ over your average MAGA supporter wouldn't believe that Project 2025 is going to be shelved and never used, but in the WP article title it clearly states that the "policy" work has been shutdown. Project 2025 has four pillars, policy agenda, personnel, training, and a 180-day playbook. Well the policy work is only one of the four pillars of the project, clearly with the published 900+ manifesto that work has completed already.

Don't be fooled, the work on personnel, training, and the yet seen (closely guarded) 180-day playbook will be enacted if the Orange wanna-be dictator gets into the office.

Also Andrew Miller loaded up the entire 900+ page Project 2025 to chatgpt and made a link to a custom GPT. I used it 7 days ago and found it very useful to inform myself on the project, but as of today it is no longer available. I am sure someone on the team Cheeto had the folks at open ai shut it down, since it was getting popular. There are other GPTs around Project 2025, but I don't have any idea of which ones are slanted one way or another.
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I'm just glad to see that this is getting traction in the media now along with all the other crazy shit Trump is saying as well. It's like he's suddenly being taken to task and he clearly doesn't know how to handle it. Seems like the amount of oxygen Biden sucked out of the room due to his age with the press was too much to change their focus at the time.
Trump and the Trump campaign has nothing to do with this! Which I guess is how he got the person who spearheaded the project fired? Sounds like he has nothing to do with it to me?

You could just call the plan "Guide for MAGA-morons" and it wouldn't be much different.

Republicans are so easily fooled, its becoming less funny and quite sad. But still quite funny...
Sorry, no.
You can't run a two-party system with one of them completely F-U.

Understood, but that's already happening, and its the only way to deal with the absolute insanity. I must laugh. Because I must vent, and I'm not a deranged conservative who posts threats, so laughter is my best medicine.
I’m just enjoying Trump getting the defund the police and CRT hysteria treatment on it. Enjoy people disbelieving you the more you try to distance yourself. There’s no nuance, alternative explanations, or gray areas. The worst of it is all you, buddy. Lallalalal..lalalllalalal….I’m not listening!!
Trump: "Look assholes, all I care about is staying out of prison and your little incel roadmap to power here isn't helping my one viable opportunity to keep that from happening."

Project 2025: "But you're the only useful idiot who could potentially implement it."

It's a real standoff.
Project 2025, a second Trump term.. how’s the saying go again? “A turd by any other name”?

It’s all the same. It’s another example of Trump not liking to confront his policies, words, etc. You may as well call Project 2025 “The MAGA Agenda”.
An argument: Trump’s Developing Economic Disaster… it’s on purpose, besides the advantage of chaos, this IS capitalism at work. However before you read this, I know that farmers in Minnesota where have troubles trying to keep their kids on the farm to keep them going, not that this counters what’s said below. But this is Capitalism.

I hear people all around me saying, “They are going to crash the economy. Surely they don’t mean to crash the economy.”

I beg to differ. This is curated failure.

Let me start off by saying that I am not an economist — I don’t even have a finance or accounting degree and I’m really bad at math in the first place.

But I do pay attention. I notice things and I am quick to see a pattern. I observe the world and the people in charge of it. I listen to the words they say and then measure those words against their actions.

You don’t need to be an economist to look around and see that the Trump administration is going to cause economic disaster — a recession or a depression. And it is by design. It is a feature, not a bug.

How do I know this?

I live under a GOP Supermajority. I have lived under their boot for two decades. They have economically damaged my state and it wasn’t by accident. They did it to sell off the state and workers and land to the wealthy. They created a desperate situation in Missouri and that desperation equates to bounty for the oligarchs.

The new Gilded Age. Make America desperate again.

An old shed on our rural Missouri property.
I’ve spent my life in rural parts of rural states. I am uniquely qualified to speak on this issue. I have seen it first-hand. You have heard of Project 2025. Missouri has been running the pilot project for almost two decades.

Many Missourians are now poor and sick and abused and desperate.

The wealthy have thrown shit at the walls in red states to see what sticks. They found the winning formula, wrote it into a plan called Project 2025, and now bring it nationwide.

They have installed the wealthiest man in the world to dismantle the country for himself and his fellow oligarchs. They plan to burn the country down to pay rock-bottom prices for the ashes.

A fire sale.

The plan is to make the US a version of Missouri. And just over 40 days in, we can see that the plan is working.

Let me show you: the small rural American farmer is almost non-existent. He was wiped out decades ago.

In 1988, 32% of the nation's hog production came from family or small operations that produced fewer than 1,000 hogs per year. By 2000, that same size category only produced 2% of the nation's hogs.

Two percent.

Now, almost every pork product eaten in the US is produced on a factory farm. Wealthy corporations moved in and created a monopoly in the market. That monopoly is neither more healthy for Americans nor better for local economies.

Wealthy corporations put most family hog operations out of business and that means farming folks had to go to town for work…for a corporation. They depend on the availability of jobs in town instead of their own farm to pay the bills. When those town jobs dry up, the desperation ensues.

And now we have a trade war, so if your family farm happened to survive the last few decades, Trump’s tariffs on Canada and Mexico — and their retaliatory tariffs — will devastate your family farm. Guess where I found that exact plan? Project 2025.

Shrink American farmers’ access to foreign markets, restricting growth opportunities for producers.

The oligarchs wrote it in black and white.