Roe vs. Wade overturned

Just let this sink in
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1523472149389791233/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1523458858437406720/
Why? Just answer why?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1523343712788525056/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1523487452328910850/
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More thoughts from Twitter

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1523414925384716290/:oops:
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1523671083043659776/

And some speculation...:unsure:
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1523359141997080576/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1523401090795933696/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1523360959686873088/
Was listening to the Wellred podcast which is 3 liberal “redneck” standup comedians. Normally they don’t get political but this really weighed on them and they don’t think it’s a laughing matter. One of them lives in MTG's district and said just about everybody he knows either had an abortion or paid for one. One of the cohosts said he has also paid for friends' abortions. They come from a poor white background. Meanwhile, with my middle class northern California background I know very few people who have had an abortion, admittedly some might have that just haven’t talked about it. Nobody in my circle has paid for a friend’s abortion, that I am aware of.

So if these guys are to be believed, it sounds like there’s an epidemic of abortion having in the poor south. This isn’t exactly news, but accordingly these bans will affect the poor the most, the people least equipped to have kids and will become a drain on the welfare system. But, hey, a woman’s highest calling is to make more babies for the reich, and a good amount of babies will be born into that belief system. You don’t need to pay your bills when you’re in a cult.
Was listening to the Wellred podcast which is 3 liberal “redneck” standup comedians. Normally they don’t get political but this really weighed on them and they don’t think it’s a laughing matter. One of them lives in MTG's district and said just about everybody he knows either had an abortion or paid for one. One of the cohosts said he has also paid for friends' abortions. They come from a poor white background. Meanwhile, with my middle class northern California background I know very few people who have had an abortion, admittedly some might have that just haven’t talked about it. Nobody in my circle has paid for a friend’s abortion, that I am aware of.

So if these guys are to be believed, it sounds like there’s an epidemic of abortion having in the poor south. This isn’t exactly news, but accordingly these bans will affect the poor the most, the people least equipped to have kids and will become a drain on the welfare system. But, hey, a woman’s highest calling is to make more babies for the reich, and a good amount of babies will be born into that belief system. You don’t need to pay your bills when you’re in a cult.
It won't be a drain on the welfare system, because as Amy insists those children should be put up for adoption. Thus adding to the Domestic Infant supply pool. Or what will be known later I'm sure as the Strategic Infant Supplemental Supremacist Youth program. She believes that woman should give up their children so that woman with the means can adopt them as infants, furthering the dwindling base her party needs.
One of them lives in MTG's district and said just about everybody he knows either had an abortion or paid for one.

Corey Forrester. He lives about a town over from me in Chickamauga.

His claims don't surprise me in the least. We like to act all pious on Sunday, but every other day of the week, we're all a bunch of ho-bags.
Corey Forrester. He lives about a town over from me in Chickamauga.

His claims don't surprise me in the least. We like to act all pious on Sunday, but every other day of the week, we're all a bunch of ho-bags.
Is that not the point of religion? You can Ted Bundy all week long, as long as you apologize to christ on Sunday and do the cannibalism thing to make it all good.
Is that not the point of religion? You can Ted Bundy all week long, as long as you apologize to christ on Sunday and do the cannibalism thing to make it all good.

Yeah, pretty much. So long as you feel bad about it on Sunday, you can sin all you want Monday through Saturday.

It's God's biggest loophole. How to be saved, and have fun too!
The long game is criminalizing abortion, and making it a crime to even have a miscarriage. Then it will be a felony, and now those women cannot vote.

This is what you get when you go high when republicans go low. I keep telling everyone that you cannot play fair and be nice with people that lie, cheat, and steal their way. Conservatives, and mainly conservative white men and women are scared as fuck of becoming the minority in this country and will do ANYTHING to stay in power. ANYTHING!
The long game is criminalizing abortion, and making it a crime to even have a miscarriage. Then it will be a felony, and now those women cannot vote.

Considering a good 20% of pregnancies end up in miscarriage... We're gonna run out of jail space!
Considering a good 20% of pregnancies end up in miscarriage... We're gonna run out of jail space!

I have a friend that is pro-life. She has always voted Republican because of that issue. She also has had 2 or 3 miscarriages over the last few years. I'm curious to ask her opinion on being a criminal according to the party she votes for. :)
I have a friend that is pro-life. She has always voted Republican because of that issue. She also has had 2 or 3 miscarriages over the last few years. I'm curious to ask her opinion on being a criminal according to the party she votes for. :)

I'm counting down the days until the fallout from nixing Roe v. Wade becomes yet another example of Democrat tyranny that the Republicans will run against.
caring anbout anyone seems to be tyranny to republicans.

From what I can tell, tyranny is when their policies end up effecting them personally.

Remember when Right to Work was a big Republican talking point? I do. Your place of business has no obligation to keep you on board, and can fire you for any reason whatsoever. Don't like it? Whine somewhere else, libtard.

Then the pandemic came, and suddenly all these businesses were requiring that their employees either get vaccinated, or look for another job. Suddenly, Right to Work laws were yet another example of big government tyranny. After all, these people need their jobs to live, and they shouldn't be let go over something they consider an act of personal freedom, down entirely to personal choice!