Roe vs. Wade overturned

Pro life former Tea Party Congressman Joe Walsh had the best response I think you could get from his side. First, he waited a week to chime in. He didn’t want to be part of the reflexive reactionary noise. Second, he has empathy for the pro choice side from the viewpoint of a 2nd amendment supporter who would also be outraged if he woke up one day and the 2nd amendment was repealed. He admits that’s a crass comparison, but no matter how you slice it this would be removing a protected right that has been there since the 70’s. Third, he finds the attacks from the right, well, deplorable…especially from the hyper hypocrites saying the left whines when things don’t go their way.
The hypocrisy of “how dare you protest at a Supreme Court Justice’s house?” Is pointed out by Jen Psaki.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1524105247177592832/
Interesting that these same people have no problem with this right outside the door of a Planned Parenthood.

And as rare as possible.
i’m definitely against late term abortions, excepting the health of the mother, but i cannot judge someone else’s position, regardless of my personal feelings. i would not have one; i would not counsel someone to have one. but i am in a position of privilege to most women in that circumstance and i think everyone has the right to a safe and legal procedure.

i’m also not adopting any extra kids and the system is overwhelmed as it is. this is a decision for a woman and her doctor. not me.
A reminder of what Justice Amy Coney Barrett said during her rushed confirmation hearing.

“Judges can’t just wake up one day and say ‘I have an agenda — I like guns, I hate guns, I like abortion, I hate abortion’ — and walk in like a royal queen and impose their will on the world,” “It’s not the law of Amy. It’s the law of the American people.”

And as rare as possible.
This assumes that mechanical contraception (e.g., condoms, IUDs) and pharmacological contraception (e.g., Plan B, RU-486) are widely available and affordable, especially to poor populations that are least likely to have healthcare coverage. Also, none of these methods are infallible, and even some desired pregnancies don't proceed well due to fetal or maternal conditions that are not manifest or can't be detected until quite late, when surgical abortion is the only option.
This assumes that mechanical contraception (e.g., condoms, IUDs) and pharmacological contraception (e.g., Plan B, RU-486) are widely available and affordable, especially to poor populations that are least likely to have healthcare coverage. Also, none of these methods are infallible, and even some desired pregnancies don't proceed well due to fetal or maternal conditions that are not manifest or can't be detected until quite late, when surgical abortion is the only option.

Agree 100%.

I just don't think abortion should be used as a form of birth control.
Agree 100%.

I just don't think abortion should be used as a form of birth control.
That's thing though about this country. It's about choice. Taking what for some women is a medically necessary procedure, a life saving procedure, a life altering procedure away based on the choice of those not involved with those women, is completely antithetical of what many believe this country is about. The fact that some can use abortion as birth control should NOT erase the option for ALL women. As you say you don't believe it should be used for abortion & that belief / choice / decision should ONLY affect you & yours. That's where others jump the shark philosophically, when they want to enforce your thought ( I am NOT saying you specifically, I am saying others who agree with you & then take it too far ) onto others without their say so.

It will be the same people wanting to force their choice on others to NOT have a choice, based on personal / religious beliefs. Nothing scientific or factual. Then turn around wanting to say "their body, their choice" when it comes to wearing a mask or getting vaccine, completely oblivious to the hypocrisy. One could always see the game given away when accommodations were made.

'Okay, we'll distastefully go along if exceptions are made for rape / incest, and provide enough time for a woman to find out and make a choice.' 'NO! No exceptions!' 'Why?' NO EXCEPTIONS! Even a child created from rape should be carried to term by the mother to live with the rape!'

That's fucked up.

The thing about choice is that it's one choice how to use that choice. People have shown if you try to limit or ration that choice, it won't be enough for them. They will want that choice completely removed for others. Some want it to be choice for them to make choices for others only. Supposedly choice if it only affects one self ( if one believes the fetus is a self, that's a personal thing ) is left to one's self. What makes it horrific is the same people who will say that, complain about the intrusion of gov't, want to to use said gov't to enforce their choice on everyone else. That has to be unacceptable. Because as we know from the removing of exceptions for abortions, the extremists won't stop with abortion, they WILL be happy with other things being left to the states as well. Just to enforce their choices on others, and remove choices.

That's fucked up.
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Agree 100%.

I just don't think abortion should be used as a form of birth control.
Yeah, I doubt a statistically significant amount of people think abortion is proper birth control. And I’m not claiming that’s what you’re saying but right wing media/politicians toss off comments implying that lefties are all horny for and just loving abortions which is such bullshit.

Like, literally nobody likes abortions. People don’t want to perform them or get them but it’s one of life’s unfortunate realities. It sucks. The right wing won’t tell you that though, as a democrat, I just can’t get enough abortions, apparently, like I’m writing some abortion fan fiction right now, I love it so much.
Drama much?
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1525379665623494656/

Because the drama is coming from INSIDE the house
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1525491998609768448/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1525481658689933312/
Margaret Atwood, author of The Handmaid’s Tale, has written an article for The Atlantic.

Although I eventually completed this novel and called it The Handmaid’s Tale, I stopped writing it several times, because I considered it too far-fetched. Silly me. Theocratic dictatorships do not lie only in the distant past: There are a number of them on the planet today. What is to prevent the United States from becoming one of them?
Margaret Atwood, author of The Handmaid’s Tale, has written an article for The Atlantic.

That’s where we are headed. Right wing fascism. The Supreme Court is corrupted. We have politicians that are actively fighting against democracy by saying the last election was stolen, and making it harder to vote. The amount of people I see on social media that just love authority is crazy to me. They love authority when they think it’s being used on people they hate. But what they fail to see is that eventually they’ll come for you too. Scared white conservatives in this country would rather see the US torn apart and collapse than lose power to democrats.

Get your guns and learn to use them! You’ll need them when crazy republicans turn this country into Gilead. Don’t say I didn’t warn y’all :-)

It’s happening in front of our eyes and people are just letting it.
How much overlap is there between people who opposed vaccine and mask mandates but support abortion bans? Refusing to give up a bit of their own freedom to save lives during a pandemic, but happy to take away the freedom of OTHERS in order to save fetuses?
How much overlap is there between people who opposed vaccine and mask mandates but support abortion bans? Refusing to give up a bit of their own freedom to save lives during a pandemic, but happy to take away the freedom of OTHERS in order to save fetuses?

As long as it doesn't die in the womb, then it's God's will. Oh well.
I just don't think abortion should be used as a form of birth control.
I’ve never seen one thing that suggested anyone uses abortion as birth control. Personally, I don’t believe anyone does. But it’s 100% effective, while birth control is not. Ever looked at the stats on pregnancies to women on the pill?
I’ve never seen one thing that suggested anyone uses abortion as birth control. Personally, I don’t believe anyone does. But it’s 100% effective, while birth control is not. Ever looked at the stats on pregnancies to women on the pill?

Stats? No. But my wife's friend has 2 pill babies so I know it isn't 100%.