Roe vs. Wade overturned

From what I can tell, tyranny is when their policies end up effecting them personally.

Remember when Right to Work was a big Republican talking point? I do. Your place of business has no obligation to keep you on board, and can fire you for any reason whatsoever. Don't like it? Whine somewhere else, libtard.

Then the pandemic came, and suddenly all these businesses were requiring that their employees either get vaccinated, or look for another job. Suddenly, Right to Work laws were yet another example of big government tyranny. After all, these people need their jobs to live, and they shouldn't be let go over something they consider an act of personal freedom, down entirely to personal choice!

They never care until it affects them.

The same people that say "Just comply" were running around with "I will not comply" social media pics when it came to covid vaccines.
The same people that say "Just comply" were running around with "I will not comply" social media pics when it came to covid vaccines.

They don't have a coherent political standpoint. They're just a bunch of people jumping from one outrage to the next, always screaming about how X or Y is DESTROYING AMERICA, even if X or Y was something they supported previously, and was supposed to Save America.

It's knee-jerk reactionism taking to the nth degree.
Considering a good 20% of pregnancies end up in miscarriage...

My understanding is that that number is waaaay too low. In the real world, a sexually active woman will conceive repeatedly and have a "difficult period" instead of becoming pregnant. If a zygote is to be classified as a person, just about every woman in the world will instantly be guilty of serial manslaughter.
My understanding is that that number is waaaay too low. In the real world, a sexually active woman will conceive repeatedly and have a "difficult period" instead of becoming pregnant. If a zygote is to be classified as a person, just about every woman in the world will instantly be guilty of serial manslaughter.

Well, it might be slightly different, since most natural miscarriages are God's will.

...but hey, we'll obviously need a specially trained police force to determine that.
Well, it might be slightly different, since most natural miscarriages are God's will.

...but hey, we'll obviously need a specially trained police force to determine that.
yes the police force that cant tell a gun from a empty hand.
yes the police force that cant tell a gun from a empty hand.

We really need to look at this from a different perspective. Abortions are loathed because they're performed in hospitals, by those godless doctors using their damnable sciences.

What we need to do is find a righteous way to terminate a pregnancy. For that, I suggest we shoot the fetuses. When the miscarriage police come by to investigate, the mothers-that-were can always say they heard a noise, and decided to exercise their 2nd Amendment right as guaranteed by the Constitution.

Also, it looked like a black guy. I'm not racist, but...
We really need to look at this from a different perspective. Abortions are loathed because they're performed in hospitals, by those godless doctors using their damnable sciences.

What we need to do is find a righteous way to terminate a pregnancy. For that, I suggest we shoot the fetuses. When the miscarriage police come by to investigate, the mothers-that-were can always say they heard a noise, and decided to exercise their 2nd Amendment right as guaranteed by the Constitution.

Also, it looked like a black guy. I'm not racist, but...
that doesn’t work either.


"It’s also a reminder of how minoritarian the United States government is. While the vast majority of Americans support the right to an abortion in at least some circumstances, five Supreme Court justices appointed by two presidents who lost the popular vote are positioned to overturn that right — and the judges’ draft opinion scoffs at the idea that they have any responsibility to represent what the public wants."
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1523752283023892482/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1523842705004060675/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1524032418377867264/
And, of course, where would we be without the incite of Raphael,

Cruz in an appearance on (redacted) Monday said the protests, which came after the Supreme Court leak that shows the Court is prepared to overturn Roe v. Wade, revealed "complete hypocrisy" by Democrats and the media.

"On January 6 of 2021, you had tens of thousands of people peacefully protesting, and yet the corporate media and Democrats slander them with the made-up term 'insurrectionist,' … And yet in this instance, they are not willing to call off their goons even now, even now, as this has the potential to escalate and escalate further," Cruz said, referencing the protestors in front of the Justices' homes.

Thanks, Canada, will you please take him back now?
Regarding Alito and his deference to ancient common law:

I wonder if Alito regularly puts insanity like this in his drafts, but it gets edited out by others before it becomes public. It makes him look horrible. He cares more about common law of the 17th century than about actual human beings living in the 21st century. He, as a white Catholic man, would be at the top of the food chain in such a society (arguably he is anyway but the idea of minorities getting rights seems threatening to him). So of course he longs for days when his tribe is basically unopposed by women, non-white people, etc. He has told on himself and it isn’t pretty.

I listened to a story about all the South American countries that, despite a much heavier Catholic influence than the US, are removing their abortion bans. Why are we going the other way? We have fascists in charge. Each Republican President has picked far right judges. They work constantly to take away the right to vote, and when you take that away, the rest of the rights just fall like dominos. It starts with the unelected judges appointed by minority-supported Presidents. Then voting rights are stripped by them, gerrymanders are not blocked by them, and the systematic dismantling of our Democracy continues.

When (not if, when), the popular backlash to this comes, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth from the right. When it becomes clear that 60-70% of people don’t support a supposedly democratic government? All it will take is one “wave” election. And at that point, Congress can aggressively work to displace the fascists. 50 states? DC and PR not states? They could combine a bunch of “mostly land” states and give statehood to other areas, then split CA into 4-5 states if they wanted. Get rid of the guaranteed Senate seats for places like Wyoming or North Dakota. Fewer people than DC, but 2 Senators while DC folks get 0? They can pack the court if they need to. Once they re-align the states, they can push constitutional amendments to get 70% of states approving them. Enshrine rights for abortion, LGBTQ people, WOMEN (how is the ERA still not in the constitution?), etc, etc. Give the power back to the people instead of a handful of wealthy power brokers.
Now its being speculated that Clearance Thomas’ extremist activist wife was the leaker to get a few wavering justices onboard. This goes along with Thomas’ “we won’t be bullied” statement. Bullied by each other, sure, but not by the popular will of the people. This also signals to the right to start getting their anti-abortion legislation on the books now. No need to wait. By the time it could get challenged in the supreme court it will be a moot point.

I’ve heard several people say the supreme court only has as much power as we let it and there’s been several times in our history when we’ve given the middle finger to supreme court decisions. Unfortunately they didn’t give specific examples. But year after year Congress refuses to do their damn job and instead outsource it to the supreme court so they can go “Out of our hands. Sorry, not sorry.”
Now its being speculated that Clearance Thomas’ extremist activist wife was the leaker to get a few wavering justices onboard. This goes along with Thomas’ “we won’t be bullied” statement. Bullied by each other, sure, but not by the popular will of the people. This also signals to the right to start getting their anti-abortion legislation on the books now. No need to wait. By the time it could get challenged in the supreme court it will be a moot point.

I’ve heard several people say the supreme court only has as much power as we let it and there’s been several times in our history when we’ve given the middle finger to supreme court decisions. Unfortunately they didn’t give specific examples. But year after year Congress refuses to do their damn job and instead outsource it to the supreme court so they can go “Out of our hands. Sorry, not sorry.”
That speculation was actually floated around over the weekend, then made it's way on social media Monday.

And some speculation...:unsure:
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1523359141997080576/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1523401090795933696/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1523360959686873088/

Seems the Supreme Court isn't good with it's plausible deniability, because people figured out a WSJ opinion piece laying the ground work posted before the leak was somehow very prescient. It looks more & more like the Supreme Court is just as political as any other body, and willing to play the same games.

Hoping none of this is true.