Roe vs. Wade overturned

Thank goodness they stopped this guy before he could commit violence:

Meanwhile, he’s hard at work blocking legislation to protect little kids from being gunned down. Priorities.
Are we sure it wasn't just an attempt at "political legal discourse"? :rolleyes:

I mean. I don't see muscomitch getting worked up over the assassination of the judge in Wisconsin.

Musco's only concern is that Beerchugger is necessary for his agenda, so he needs all the protection in the world.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1534578785474977792/

We would literally have guns off the street yesterday.
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The Know Your Enemy podcast did an interesting history of the pro-life movement, how it essentially started as a Catholic pet issue that Evangelicals and Protestants were reluctant to get near and as late as 1974 (after Roe, mind you), conservative institutions like the Southern Baptist Convention were saying that abortion should be legal (albeit restricted)--not to mention Ronald Reagan legalizing abortion in California when he was governor. People act like everything was more conservative in the past, but this widespread support for outright banning it is relatively recent.
The Know Your Enemy podcast did an interesting history of the pro-life movement, how it essentially started as a Catholic pet issue that Evangelicals and Protestants were reluctant to get near and as late as 1974 (after Roe, mind you), conservative institutions like the Southern Baptist Convention were saying that abortion should be legal (albeit restricted)--not to mention Ronald Reagan legalizing abortion in California when he was governor. People act like everything was more conservative in the past, but this widespread support for outright banning it is relatively recent.

Similarly, I mentioned in the gun threat that it was Ronald Reagan who banned open carry in CA, albeit as a result of witnessing armed Black Panthers, but he still did it.

This didn’t happen in the US but you can look forward to it happening in the US soon.
The cruelty is the point.

At the time of Roe v Wade, we also passed Title IX. Everybody associates it with sports, but that wasn’t what it was meant for. At the time, graduate programs literally had quotas limiting how many women they would admit. Engineers, doctors, lawyers... All intentionally limited female participation.

Systemic sexism - wonder why we still have a gender pay gap today?

The right wants to take us back 60-70 years to a time when white men controlled everything and had women and minorities under their thumbs.
I wonder if women from red states can make a trip to blue states to get an abortion, or would they need to prove they are a permanent resident with State I.D do such?
Well it just got overturned. :cry:

But states have the right to ban or allow it as they please. We already know what the majority of southern states will do.
We KNOW what will happen as a result of this. It’s a part of our history.

Enjoy the summer. While the court is out of session, they can’t take away anymore of our rights.
I wonder if women from red states can make a trip to blue states to get an abortion, or would they need to prove they are a permanent resident with State I.D do such?
a few states are trying to even make that illegal. its crazy the control they are attempting. of course these same states could care less about he kids born.
I wonder if women from red states can make a trip to blue states to get an abortion, or would they need to prove they are a permanent resident with State I.D do such?
I haven’t read the ruling, but I read that abortion-rights states already have laws in the works to protect those who come from other states to get an abortion.
Elect dumb evangelical bible thumpers, and you get these results.

Or, elect stupid conmen who have no moral compass or concern for or against abortion but will overturn it anyways because they find it politically expedient, and you get the same results.

There's no denying that if you are a "pro-life" Trump supporter, this is a huge victory.

A majority of supreme court judges, three of which were seated by a president who didn't have the support of the majority of Americans, made this decision. It will be reversed again. Abortions will still happen. You can't govern a woman's body, its that simple. I actually am not oblivious to the argument that people feel strongly towards unborn children. It's not that hard of a concept to grasp, really. Most people who support a woman's right to choose are not "pro-abortion". It's "pro-choice". I would like to have resources available for pregnant women and victims of sexual assault and rape. You know, kinda like what Planned Parenthood does, which they want to gut as well.

But the simple fact remains that an unborn child resides inside of a woman's body, and I believe people should have complete autonomy over their body, regardless of what I think. Its not. my. decision. Period.

There are so many reasons outside of "irresponsibility" that a woman may need to terminate a pregnancy that its asinine these conservative judges - not elected by the American people, directly or indirectly thanks to our outdated electoral system - stripped away a half-century of precedent.

My only hope is some of these judges live long enough to see their decision overturned and Roe vs. Wade is re-codified into law, with additional protections. A woman's right to healthcare and autonomy over her own body should be absolute, period.

Hopefully, this encourages democrats to get out the vote. Democrats win when turnout is high. If we don't, expect more rights to be stripped away. They're already chipping away at voting rights, when they should be doing the opposite.
a few states are trying to even make that illegal. its crazy the control they are attempting. of course these same states could care less about he kids born.

I haven’t read the ruling, but I read that abortion-rights states already have laws in the works to protect those who come from other states to get an abortion.

That's crazy. It's one thing to say, not on our land, but to extend that elsewhere is just being vindictive.
Honestly, all one had to do was read about the Dred Scott decision and Plessy vs. Ferguson and lose respect for the SCOTUS. But at least we could tell ourselves "it's better now".

Expect more rights-rollbacks to come.
Done and done. Would love for Republicans to explain this... regulation won't work for gun control but it will work for abortions?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1540337911538786305/
Honestly, all one had to do was read about the Dred Scott decision and Plessy vs. Ferguson and lose respect for the SCOTUS. But at least we could tell ourselves "it's better now".

Expect more rights-rollbacks to come.
Relying on the court for rights has been shown to be a failure. A federal law (and possibly a constitutional amendment) protecting bodily autonomy will be needed.

Because if Congress says abortion must be legal throughout the country, I could see this court killing such a law.
Local Fox News affiliate who refused to cover the hearings now have their pants at their ankles covering this one, I had to change the channel. Anytime someone is stripped of their fundamental rights Fox News is front and center.
Honestly, all one had to do was read about the Dred Scott decision and Plessy vs. Ferguson and lose respect for the SCOTUS. But at least we could tell ourselves "it's better now".

Expect more rights-rollbacks to come.

"Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh all wrote their own concurring opinions. In his concurrence, Thomas wrote that the court should now "reconsider" its decisions that found a right to contraception, sex between consenting adult men, and same-sex marriage — and "correct the error" made in cases like "Griswold, Lawerence and Obergefell."

Our politics have become a cartoonish horror movie.

Republicans: "Here's exactly what we are going to do"

Does it.

Democrats: "I can't believe they just did that."