That is absolutely not what I am saying. But

happens sometimes. People get lazy or drunk and hope the odds work in their favor. (For the record, I have been there. Had a few long weeks a couple of times and it is certainly no fun.) No I seriously doubt people would rather kill a baby vs using a condom.
But your choice of words is interesting. Your post seems to indicate that you think it is killing a baby, which is the position of the anti-abortion side.
And don't forget, I am not opposed to abortion. I do think if you can't make a decision by 24 weeks (which is more than reasonable and longer than many other countries) , then you can put it up for adoption. (Life of the mother excepted.)
What I find interesting is that a majority of people think overturning RvW will outlaw abortions across the country. It does not.
I think this is an opportunity for the Dems if they don't squander it to change some statehouses in Red states.