We can't just have MAGA now...we have Ultra Maga...crazy damn cult.
Now nothing in the latest case from what I have seen brought that kind of evidence. It basically was, " This is a state issue and Roe was wrong" and the current SC went, "Yup!" without having any evidence necessary to overturn precedence.
The Court’s suggestion that Oklahoma enjoys “inherent” authority to try crimes against Native Americans within the Cherokee Reservation makes a mockery of all of Congress’s work from 1834 to 1968. The [General Crimes Act] and [Major Crimes Act]? On the Court’s account, Congress foolishly extended federal criminal law to tribal lands on a mistaken assumption that only tribal law would otherwise apply. Unknown to anyone until today, state law applied all along […] Once more, it seems the Court thinks Congress was hopelessly misguided.
Glenn Youngkin is trying to push abortion restrictions in Virginia. That is guaranteed to be highly unpopular in the state. I think this shows that Youngkin wants to run for Prez in 2024.
RICHMOND — Gov. Glenn Youngkin flew to New York last week to meet privately with GOP megadonors in Manhattan, a move that underscores recent hints that the Republican is considering a run for president in 2024.
The day-long visit, which was not listed on Youngkin’s public calendar and included a trio of national TV interviews, comes as the new governor prepares to headline his first out-of-state political event since taking office, with an appearance next week in Nebraska. He also has begun speaking more often about the needs of “Americans,” not just “Virginians,” and has subtly changed how he answers questions about whether he will seek the White House.
There are definitely some downsides to the VA method of having elections 1 year after a presidential election, and only having 1 term. You can get carpetbaggers like Youngkin who don’t care how unpopular their actions are, as long as it improves their standing on the national stage.As a local living in Northern Virginia, yep, I am not happy with this guy as our governor for many reasons. He's like a malignant tumor that has unfortunately landed and insinuated itself on the Commonwealth. However, since he isn't really interested in this state anyway, and is already setting his sights elsewhere, maybe this will mean that he does less damage than he otherwise already has and could continue to do. (We can hope.....)
Unfortunately, the Commonwealth of Virginia is rather split, with Northern Virginia having a population with distinctly different lifestyles, attitudes and political interests than the southern part of the state, which rather complicates things.
Unfortunately, the Commonwealth of Virginia is rather split, with Northern Virginia having a population with distinctly different lifestyles, attitudes and political interests than the southern part of the state
A President can't sign a bill if it never comes out of committee. And given the financial situation the country was in on January 20, 2009 when he was inaugurated, the congressionally abandoned FOCA couldn't and wouldn't be his top priority.Ouch. Seems it never became a priority.
"With respect to the Freedom of Choice Act, President Obama can't move this bill on his own and, despite our prochoice gains in the last two elections, we don't have the votes in Congress necessary to pass the legislation at this point."
America needs new political parties. Sadly, all we have now is parties beholden to the ruling class, I mean the super rich.Just heard a couple clips of Obama
"First thing I'd do is sign the Freedom of Choice Act." - 2008
"The Freedom of Choice Act isn't my highest priority" -2009
Ouch. Seems it never became a priority.
IMO one good thing is coming out of all this. Anger at the Democrats is finally getting mainstreamed. Not from the right. Not just from Progressives. From everybody. Demand nothing from your politicians and you get nothing, or in this case, worse. All the hurdles given as excuses now are valid, but none of them happened over night or even just since Trump. Took a long time to get here. Long history of bad faith for everybody. They're offering nothing other than begging for donations and votes. Sounds like trying to win over marginal racists isn't the only thing they learned from Trump.
Organizations and people you never heard of (and definitely didn’t vote for) spent hundreds of millions to campaign for the current Supreme Court justices.
Meet Leonard Leo (is that a real name?):
View attachment 15420
One man's outsized role in shaping the Supreme Court and overturning Roe
A dedicated minority of conservative activists has been working for decades to dismantle Roe v. Wade. One man in particular has played an outsized role in that effort: Leonard Leo.www.npr.org
It isn’t even about political parties. It’s about a wealthy “donor class” that can spend unlimited money to put justices on the court... Justices who then overturn campaign finance laws to allow even MORE money to flow in. Citizens United was NOT a coincidence. It was the first of many goals. It was the first step in permanently establishing the oligarchy.
The only way to fight back is publicize this, and vote against every politician associated with this kind of dark money.
Also this.
TikTok can’t stop users from doxxing the Supreme Court
Apparently, TikTok has decided that these judges do not have a right to choose whether or not to keep their personal residences and credit card information private.
Pelosi receives Communion in Vatican amid abortion debate
U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has received Communion during a papal Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, despite her position in support of abortion rights.apnews.com
ROME (AP) — U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi met with Pope Francis on Wednesday and received Communion during a papal Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, witnesses said, despite her position in support of abortion rights.
Pelosi attended the morning Mass marking the feasts of St. Peter and St. Paul, during which Francis bestowed the woolen pallium stole on newly consecrated archbishops. She was seated in a VIP diplomatic section of the basilica and received Communion along with the rest of the congregants, according to two people who witnessed the moment.
Pelosi’s home archbishop, San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, has said he will no longer allow her to receive the sacrament in his archdiocese because of her support for abortion rights. Cordileone, a conservative, has said Pelosi must either repudiate her support for abortion or stop speaking publicly of her Catholic faith.
Pelosi has done neither. She called the recent Supreme Court ruling removing constitutional protections for abortion an “outrageous and heart-wrenching” decision that fulfils the Republican Party’s “dark and extreme goal of ripping away women’s right to make their own reproductive health decisions.”
And she has spoken openly about the Catholic faith, including at a diplomatic reception at the residence of the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See on Tuesday evening marking Independence Day.
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