Roe vs. Wade overturned

The party of freedoms that cry about democrats taking away freedoms are actually the ones that are taking away your freedoms. The party of less government is using government to control women and charge people for helping someone get an abortion out of state.

If that letter doesn’t piss everyone off enough to go out and vote then we are screwed as a country. The downfall of America is happening.
The party of freedoms that cry about democrats taking away freedoms are actually the ones that are taking away your freedoms. The party of less government is using government to control women and charge people for helping someone get an abortion out of state.

If that letter doesn’t piss everyone off enough to go out and vote then we are screwed as a country. The downfall of America is happening.
Unfortunately too many people don't care unless it personally involves them. They fail to realize that eventually they may be next. Between that and people only voting every four years, expecting a savior in the White House when so much depends on who is occupying Governor's mansions, State Houses, City/Town Halls, etc.

These stupid anti-abortion laws are going to have real-world consequences for more people than they realize - not just pregnant women.

If that letter doesn’t piss everyone off enough to go out and vote then we are screwed as a country. The downfall of America is happening.

We're thinking about selling the house and buying a big giant RV. You want us to swing by and pick you up? We're probably headed north ...
The hypocrisy is just more apparent now

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1545767225335975937/

What's being referred to

(CNN)Sen. Rand Paul refused to speak Thursday with a federal judge whose son was shot by a man who ambushed their New Jersey home almost two years.

US District Judge Esther Salas, whose 20-year-old son, Daniel, was killed in the attack, carried out by a disgruntled attorney who had appeared before her in court, tried to stop the Kentucky Republican outside a hearing.

She wanted to persuade him to stop blocking legislation that would prohibit the publication of the private information of federal judges, such as home addresses, vehicle information and other data that could put them at risk of retaliation.

Paul says he supports the bill but is insisting it be changed so the privacy protections would be extended to members of Congress. He has refused to allow it to pass by unanimous consent despite multiple attempts by the bill's supporters, including New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez, whose staff informed CNN ahead of time that Salas intended to try to speak to Paul.

CNN witnessed Salas' effort to confront Paul in the Dirksen Senate Office Building. He shook her hand as he appeared, but he then kept walking down a long hall, saying that if she wanted to talk to him, she would have to make an appointment with his office.
The judge replied, "Senator, you won't talk to me?" and he repeated, "If you've got an appointment. Call the office, please."

The justices knew this was coming, which is why the crying about people being mean to them. I guess now some of them didn't realize they hadn't really seen mean yet, and felt they should not have to face the ire they raised.


We all know the phrase, "you reap what you sow".

The difference? When it's AOC or other dems, that's a price they should be willing to pay. When it's them, "what are we paying the police for?"
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The hypocrisy is just more apparent now

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1545767225335975937/

What's being referred to

The justices knew this was coming, which is why the crying about people being mean to them. I guess now some of them didn't realize they hadn't really seen mean yet, and felt they should not have to face the ire they raised.


We all know the phrase, "you reap what you sow".

The difference? When it's AOC or other dems, that's a price they should be willing to pay. When it's them, "what are we paying the police for?"
A violent mob attacks the Capitol - tourism and legitimate political discourse.

Protesting peacefully outside a restaurant - terrorism!!!!

Also, I saw that Morton’s whined about the protest in a tweet, claiming the “right to eat dinner.” So does that mean they’re offering free food now? I agree that eating dinner is a human right. It’s not one every American gets to enjoy.
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If that letter doesn’t piss everyone off enough to go out and vote then we are screwed as a country. The downfall of America is happening.
But it’s only happening in Texas. Why doe people in Utah have to worry about it?

That’s the problem.
Am I the only one who is suspicious of how the host kept bringing up "your husband?"

Well, he did it the one time. He did kinda emphasize the word, but any connotations that could've been brought from it were quickly brushed aside by Buttigieg beating the host half to death with the pointed facts.
Well, he did it the one time. He did kinda emphasize the word, but any connotations that could've been brought from it were quickly brushed aside by Buttigieg beating the host half to death with the pointed facts.
I counted two, and they were "your _husband_". Did they all go to the Doocey skool of riporting?
I’m completely floored that the White House’s response is that they won’t bend to the will of activists who don’t represent mainstream voters. Poll, after poll, after fucking poll has shown that Roe v Wade was popular across the political spectrum for decades and most at least supported the minimum protections it set which many states are now flushing down the toilet. These aren’t the views of extremists by any measure. And these assholes want you to vote for them.
I’m completely floored that the White House’s response is that they won’t bend to the will of activists who don’t represent mainstream voters. Poll, after poll, after fucking poll has shown that Roe v Wade was popular across the political spectrum for decades and most at least supported the minimum protections it set which many states are now flushing down the toilet. These aren’t the views of extremists by any measure. And these assholes want you to vote for them.
What response are you talking about? Can you post a link?
What response are you talking about? Can you post a link?

KATE BEDINGFIELD, the outgoing comms director, with a statement making waves online: “Joe Biden’s goal in responding to Dobbs is not to satisfy some activists who have been consistently out of step with the mainstream of the Democratic Party. It’s to deliver help to women who are in danger and assemble a broad-based coalition to defend a woman’s right to choose now, just as he assembled such a coalition to win during the 2020 campaign.”
KATE BEDINGFIELD, the outgoing comms director
One official, who is leaving the post? You should compare that to Biden’s speeches about the issue. I’ll take his word over the statement of somebody already packing up their desk. I don’t get the point of being so outraged over a minor comment like that from an outgoing official.
One official, who is leaving the post? You should compare that to Biden’s speeches about the issue. I’ll take his word over the statement of somebody already packing up their desk. I don’t get the point of being so outraged over a minor comment like that from an outgoing official.

It was made by an official. Doesn't matter that they were outgoing. I haven't heard anybody in the current administration disputing it. But there's also plenty to be outraged about beyond that statement. They knew this decision was likely coming down for months before it happened and once again we get snail pace reactionary bullshit. The only thing they had prepared instantly was telling people to vote Democrat.
Some more unintended consequences...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1546555919294730252/

But is it really? :unsure: I mean we know how much those states hate elitist college types, until they elect them because those elitist college types told them to hate elitist coll-


How do these people not see the need for abortion, with the people they put in charge?
Some more unintended consequences...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1546555919294730252/

But is it really? :unsure: I mean we know how much those states hate elitist college types, until they elect them because those elitist college types told them to hate elitist coll-


How do these people not see the need for abortion, with the people they put in charge?

In a related unintended consequence of this unintended consequence will be more straight males taking this into consideration as well.

These red states are going to become statewide brodeos.