Roe vs. Wade overturned

It will increase poverty for sure. But hey, poverty has nothing to do with crime. Or guns. It's all just purely evil people guided by Satan. It's just that simple. And there's no way a child saved from being aborted will grow up to be evil. That's science!

FUN FACT: The states with the strictest abortion restrictions/bans also have the highest maternal mortality rate. Pro life!
I’m still waiting for every state that has criminalized abortion to announce massive increases in social services to care for all the new babies. I’m sure they’ll get to it right after they announce all the mental health funding they’re going to use to stop gun violence.
We need a better movement for abortion rights. Planned Parenthood of Montana is worried about getting sued, so they are preemptively preventing people from getting abortion pills if they are from another state?

F them. Where are the people with some courage and conscience? Your organization failed to protect abortion rights in many states, and now you won’t even fight in places where those rights still exist? Why? To protect your worthless organization that failed to protect a right supported by AT LEAST 2/3rds of women?

Time for people to take care of this on their own and stop depending on organizations that care more about their own continued existence and financial well-being than about women’s rights.

I’m still waiting for every state that has criminalized abortion to announce massive increases in social services to care for all the new babies. I’m sure they’ll get to it right after they announce all the mental health funding they’re going to use to stop gun violence.

In an evolution of No Child Left Behind the Republicans will follow through with their single door fortified schools solution preparing students for a prison environment and upon graduation they will get to apply to which prison they’d like to be assigned to and work for $0.25 a day when they get convicted of a moral crime.
I just thought of an unintended consequence of this decision. A lot of men celebrating this are probably at least incel adjacent pissed off at women for not sleeping with them. How do they think removing the right for them to have an abortion is going to increase that likelihood? It’s probably advanced to the top of the list of rejection reasons. Might even be the only reason behind that decision in some cases.
I just thought of an unintended consequence of this decision. A lot of men celebrating this are probably at least incel adjacent pissed off at women for not sleeping with them. How do they think removing the right for them to have an abortion is going to increase that likelihood? It’s probably advanced to the top of the list of rejection reasons. Might even be the only reason behind that decision in some cases.
They can rape women and the women will be forced to carry their evil spawn. The penalty for abortion is worse than for rape in some states.
I just thought of an unintended consequence of this decision. A lot of men celebrating this are probably at least incel adjacent pissed off at women for not sleeping with them. How do they think removing the right for them to have an abortion is going to increase that likelihood? It’s probably advanced to the top of the list of rejection reasons. Might even be the only reason behind that decision in some cases.

The same men who are on social media telling women to "just keep their legs closed" are the same men that can't take no for an answer. And the same men that don't want to wear a condom for whatever reason. The same men that try to get laid as much as possible...and they have the nerves to tell women to just keep their legs closed.
THIS really hammers things home for me about some of the justices. Before this ( knowing the backlash was coming ) whined about not being called political, before doing things based on politics, and now like any other politician don't want to face the consequences ( the public ) for their actions. They now want protections not afforded other individuals, because...?

Protesting at abortion clinics became an allowable thing, even with strange transparent gating that allowed individuals to basically terrify vulnerable women exercising their right. Now that that can be turned on them, because they eliminated that right for women... 😭😭😭😭

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1545520642396659713/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1545525828024508424/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1545525829131706371/

This is the world they helped make, and were alright with.

How do these clueless nits NOT get that everything is cyclical, that Karma is a concept?

What you once had no problem with when it happened to others, is now the thing you must contend with because of your actions.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1545437071166394368/
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https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1545578712732688386/
lets hope they Neve have a peaceful mean again. time ti really rub in free speech.

Brett Kavanaugh Flees Steakhouse When Protesters Gather Outside​

Everywhere they go, they should be greeted the same way women going to get abortions are treated.

Look at this list of things women need to do to protect themselves from harassment:

  • Park somewhere where protesters cannot see your car.
  • Do not engage with protesters.
  • Try wearing ear plugs so you don’t hear protesters.
  • Ignore protest signs; they are full of lies and designed to be upsetting.
  • Ask the clinic if they have escorts.
  • Call the police if a protester threatens or touches you.
  • Take someone with you to the clinic for additional support.
SCOTUS Justices who ruled that such harassment is legal should not whine when they suffer the exact same treatment.
Get a job at the steakhouse.

Oh yeah!

"Sir, would you like to see the deserts?"


Desert cart wheels up, I'm hiding underneath, and BOOM, I jump out and go Sonny Corleone on his ass!

(RIP to one of the greats)
Desert cart wheels up, I'm hiding underneath, and BOOM, I jump out and go Sonny Corleone on his ass!

I was thinking a little more subtle. Get a job in the kitchen. "Whose dessert did you say this was? Oh, OK. Now, where did I put that Exploding Napalm Brûlée custard …"
I think the most impressive thing here is the inability to see the irony in the letterhead.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1545838337725964290/

"Freedom is for everyone, that does what we say. Also we hate big gov't, intrusive gov't, and gov't overreach. So we will use the gov't if you don't do what we say. Also, if you aren't careful, we'll take that right away as well."