Roe vs. Wade overturned

That pregnancy could very well kill her. But if a doctor performed the abortion, the state might not agree that it was life-threatening. These laws are utter bullshit. If they truly want to make “life of the mother” a thing, then they need to allow for a panel of doctors, or give full authority to the doctor that makes the “life or death” decision. As it stands, nobody knows WHO makes the life or death decision. A District Attorney running for election in an ultra-MAGA district? A jury of all pro-life voters? This extremist Supreme Court? Who knows?

I want to be clear that I don’t think they should have the law, period. But the fact that the law doesn’t create a way to handle the realities of things that can go wrong during a pregnancy? It proves that this is nothing but far-right ideology. It has fuck-all to do with saving lives.
I hate this state sometimes. 😡
If Chew Toy's video is broken, this is the words version:

(In Ohio) Abortions beyond (6 weeks) are legal if the provider determines it's a medical emergency and necessary to prevent the pregnant person's death or "serious risk of the substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function." There are no exceptions for cases of rape and incest or fatal fetal anomalies.

In other words a 10y/o cannot get an abortion on the grounds of rape/incest/both, ad if the fetus dies late-term, the woman is not allowed to have it removed (even, I suspect, by induced labor).
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If Chew Toy's video is broken, this is the words version:

(In Ohio) Abortions beyond (6 weeks) are legal if the provider determines it's a medical emergency and necessary to prevent the pregnant person's death or "serious risk of the substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function." There are no exceptions for cases of rape and incest or fatal fetal anomalies.

In other words a 10y/o cannot get an abortion on the grounds of rape/incest/both, ad if the fetus dies late-term, the woman is not allowed to have it removed (even, I suspect, by induced labor).

The video isn't broken, just the image...weirdly.

I think the big take away is have no doubt, a Republican controlled Congress will move for a federal ban. They're too drunk on power and momentum to consider popular opinion.
In other words a 10y/o cannot get an abortion on the grounds of rape/incest/both, ad if the fetus dies late-term, the woman is not allowed to have it removed (even, I suspect, by induced labor).
And i bet the docs and mother would get into more trouble than who impregnated her.
This is... something. :cautious:

“Burn every fucking government building down right the fuck now,” she wrote in a now-deleted tweet.. “Slaughter them all. Fuck you god damn pigs.”

Six days later, Walker says, officers arrived at her door. One of the questions they asked, she says, was, “Do you still plan on burning any government buildings down?”

“I said, ‘No, sir. That wasn’t my plan in the first place,’” Walker told me in a phone interview. “I was like, I honestly haven’t even been able to make it to any protests yet.”

She was issued a letter from DHS that read in part: “This letter is to advise you that any further communications containing any real or implied harassment/threats against the personal safety of agencies, employees or contractors towards government officials are unwarranted and unwelcome. You are advised as of the date of this letter to cease and desist in any conduct deemed harassing/threatening in nature when communicating to or about the federal government.”

(Joshua Henry, the special agent for DHS who authored the letter, confirmed its authenticity to the Dallas Morning News.)

“Failure to comply with this request could result in the filing of criminal charges,” the letter added.

“I wasn’t directly threatening,” Walker says. “It was simply just a tweet. I didn’t tag anybody.”

“DHS’s Federal Protective Service (FPS) coordinates with law enforcement partners across the country to protect federal facilities, and those who work in and visit those buildings, from violence,” DHS wrote in a statement to Jezebel. “FPS may issue warnings as a result of threats made to federal facilities and federal employees, in line with standard law enforcement practices. Americans’ freedom of speech and right to peacefully protest are fundamental Constitutional rights. Those rights do not extend to violence and other illegal activity.”

Walker says that her experience made her recall a local news story—that of the anti-LGBTQ Stedfast Baptist Church in Watauga, Texas. In response to her initial viral tweet, she posted an NBC News Story about a recent incident in which one of the church’s pastors issued a call for mass murder from the pulpit, but as of yet has faced no known repercussions from law enforcement.

“These people should be put to death,” church pastor Dillon Awes said during his sermon. “Every single homosexual in our country should be charged with a crime. The abomination of homosexuality that they have, they should be convicted in a lawful trial. They should be sentenced with death. They should be lined up against the wall and shot in the back of the head.”

The church has been the regular subject of protests, as well as a public forum at a local city council meeting in which one man affiliated with the church said, “If you study history, that homosexuality was a capital punishment in this country, and I still believe that should be true today.”

However, the local police determined said that Steadfast Baptist Church’s calls for genocide were protected by the First Amendment.

“The language used by the Pastor of the Stedfast Baptist Church is likely to be offensive to many people,” the Wautaga Police department wrote in a statement to NBC news. “However, at this time, the reported language of the sermon appears to be Constitutionally protected free speech. We will continue to monitor this evolving situation.”

“I just find it highly hypocritical,” said Walker. “There’s places like Stedfast Baptist Church that are freely able to walk around and threaten violence against people of color, or gay people, or women in general. I don’t understand why places like that are able to make comments and get away with it.”

It's impressive when some will selectively decide to enforce laws & regulations

“She’s kind of taking it as a joke,” Henry, the DHS agent, told the Dallas News. “She’s not remorseful about these statements, so that’ll be presented a United State Attorney and they’ll make a decision on [sic] that.” (Henry did not respond to Jezebel’s request for comment by publication time.)

Walker says that she intends to watch what she says online going forward. “Obviously, I’m not trying to go to prison over this,” she told Jezebel. “There could’ve been a better way for me to go about it, actively going to protest or speaking out in public or things like that. I guess maybe Twitter wasn’t exactly the best idea to pull out the stops with.”

Still, she urged other abortion rights supporters to “keep speaking up” and attending protests.
I’m visiting Cincinnati for work. This morning I took a walk and a woman was driving slowly around the neighborhood with her window down. She had a megaphone and was declaring “Women are not free!”

A sad reminder that just a short distance from where I live, women are being denied a basic right that almost all other nations have.
Kristina Karamo, the Donald Trump-endorsed Republican nominee for Michigan’s secretary of state, has made preposterous claims about abortion and demonic possession, according to clips from a 2020 podcast episode unearthed by CNN’s KFILE.
“Abortion is really nothing new. The child sacrifice is a very satanic practice, and that’s precisely what abortion is. And we need to see it as such,” Karamo, a community college professor, said in an Oct. 2020 episode of her podcast.

She also called abortion “the greatest crime of our nation’s history.”
In another episode of the podcast, in Sept. 2020, she said that “demonic possession is real” and can be transmitted by “having intimate relationships with people who are demonically possessed or oppressed.”

Kristina Karamo, the Donald Trump-endorsed Republican nominee for Michigan’s secretary of state, has made preposterous claims about abortion and demonic possession, according to clips from a 2020 podcast episode unearthed by CNN’s KFILE.
“Abortion is really nothing new. The child sacrifice is a very satanic practice, and that’s precisely what abortion is. And we need to see it as such,” Karamo, a community college professor, said in an Oct. 2020 episode of her podcast.

She also called abortion “the greatest crime of our nation’s history.”
In another episode of the podcast, in Sept. 2020, she said that “demonic possession is real” and can be transmitted by “having intimate relationships with people who are demonically possessed or oppressed.”

Well, if abortion is a religious practice, then shouldn’t the court protect it?
Worse than Trump?

I remember people saying they held their nose and voted for Trump because they wanted a conservative court. In some ways, this court could be just as destructive as Trump to America.

So I do not give a single excuse to anybody that voted for Trump. Either they voted for HIM, or they voted for this court that they hoped would do exactly what it is doing. Either way, they voted against the rights of others.
Well, if abortion is a religious practice, then shouldn’t the court protect it?
If you’re willing to go back to “the old testament” or what some of us call the Bible, abortion is a necessity and must be provided. Judaism says that life begins with the first breath and that a fetus must be removed if it causes the mother any problems - physical or mental.

So, yes.
I read an interesting hypothesis. It posits that a big reason crime dropped in the 1990s was the legalization of abortion in 1973.

The idea is that unwanted children (or children the parents cannot afford to take care of) are more likely to commit crimes.

Will we see a spike in crime 15-20 years from now? Will it be mainly in states that criminalized abortion? If so, we can thank today’s off-the-rails Supreme Court.
I read an interesting hypothesis. It posits that a big reason crime dropped in the 1990s was the legalization of abortion in 1973.

The idea is that unwanted children (or children the parents cannot afford to take care of) are more likely to commit crimes.

Will we see a spike in crime 15-20 years from now? Will it be mainly in states that criminalized abortion? If so, we can thank today’s off-the-rails Supreme Court.

It will increase poverty for sure. But hey, poverty has nothing to do with crime. Or guns. It's all just purely evil people guided by Satan. It's just that simple. And there's no way a child saved from being aborted will grow up to be evil. That's science!

FUN FACT: The states with the strictest abortion restrictions/bans also have the highest maternal mortality rate. Pro life!