This post could belong in "what are you doing today" but it's more related to this thread.
So today at the moment I am recovering from the shock of hearing a friend say on the phone --after remarking that she loathes reading the news lately, which I'm sure anyone can understand-- that as far as the conflict in Ukraine goes, it's her opinion that Ukraine should "just give them back the land, stop the fighting already, so much suffering."
"Give them back the land?"
Wow. I was speechless for long enough that she inquired if our connection had broken. Then I reminded her that Ukraine was a sovereign nation, and that the world had already learned that appeasing a dictator does not sate his appetite for empire.
She said again that it was just her opinion and anyway everyone was tired of it. I suggested that "being tired of war" does not mean it's time to roll over for a guy schooled in the ways of the old USSR and thinking by force to revive and cement control of neighbors.
The European Union gets that: it just bumped support for Ukraine by another $500 million to a total of $3.1 billion. But I decided it was time to stir the soup simmering on back of stove... and with that we agreed to "talk soon," wishing each other a good day.
Honestly I can't think what to say to her next time we speak. Odd for a news junkie like me to hope that whatever's on our minds, the news doesn't then rise to top of the agenda.
An example - and a rather dismal one - of "privilege", in this sense geographic - the US is protected by its considerable power and by two large oceans - rather than a privilege derived from ethnicity, gender, or social class.
I'll wager if she lived in Europe she might hold a different opinion.
In any case, I will readily concede that I'm as much of a "champagne socialist" as you can find, I am more than partial to the good things in life, yet, to me, this is an existential struggle, and I will argue for - and strongly support - whatever (lawful) measures Europe needs to take to counter this, oppose this, resist this, and yes, help to defeat this: Conceding that principle (don't invade sovereign countries) at this stage to that moral monster (and his cronies) in the Kremlin means rewarding the aggressor, and rewarding this conduct in international affairs (invasion of a sovereign state, mass murder, bombing civilians, forcible resettlement, killing artists, destroying robbing, raping, plundering, wrecking).
It would mean traducing and utterly destroying belief in the very concept of the rule of law, and that the rule of law is above all and should be applied to all - that there exist principles that all should abide by and uphold - (which, for what it is worth, I now think is one of the major motivations behind Mr Putin's "special military operation", and is at least as important as the mad imperative to restore spaces once ruled by Russia to Russian rule).
And conceding this principle - you don't invade sovereign countries - would allow a world where the strong could invade and over-power the weak at will, a world where statecraft and diplomacy are replaced by Mafia morality at state level.