Another interesting news item
The Persian Gulf monarchies have signaled they won’t help ease surging oil prices unless Washington supports them in Yemen, elsewhere.
Yes, I read that yesterday.
Rather short-sighted on the part of both KSA and UAE.
Snubbing Mr Biden is foolish, (especially given the way they had cosied up to his predecessor), and will prove to be counter-productive.
Besides, if you make your living (and fund your state) through the export of natural resources such as oil and gas, now is the time to drop - reduce - slash - prices, in order to ensure continued dependence on this source of energy, for that would slow - inertia, especially if it is the easier option - will usually be chosen over change, which can be painful at worst, and unsettling and rather disconcerting at best, - western velocity re seeking out secure, stable, sustainable energy alternatives.
Or, rather, if you make the status quo too painful, then, western states will be influenced by considerations of energy security, energy prices, and environmental considerations to spur them into supporting and financing research and development into viable change.