TF Guy! You know what it means

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1332781573826080769/

If you are wondering what church he is talking about...

It's the church that the democratic challenger for the Georgia seat up for runoff, is a Pastor at.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1332781573826080769/

If you are wondering what church he is talking about...

It's the church that the democratic challenger for the Georgia seat up for runoff, is a Pastor at.
Yes, it certainly is very Christian to call your fellow believers such names when they don’t agree with you on every issue. Nice to see the other ”christians” in the crowd cheering when he says it too.
Yes, it certainly is very Christian to call your fellow believers such names when they don’t agree with you on every issue. Nice to see the other ”christians” in the crowd cheering when he says it too.

Wow. Republicans posturing as true believers while offering a religious judgment on their co-religionists and political opponents could tempt any actual deity to shake the toys off the rug and just start the game over.

Not about religion though, really, is it. It's about fear mongering and rejection of the very idea of our equality under rule of law, especially at the ballot box. It's already out there that some Republicans in Georgia think the biggest problem with voting this year in their state stemmed from Stacey Abrams successfully engaging many more people to exercise their right to vote.

Many more Democrats. Many more Black voters. Ah. Yeah.

The objection of those Republicans had nothing whatsoever to do with Stacey Abrams' religion, nor the religion of people who flipped the state blue at the top of the ticket in 2020. It's about their politics and assumption about the intersection of their race, their political preferences and the Senate candidacy of the Rev. Ralph Warnock. It's a little trickier going after Jon Ossoff in the other contest, at least with reference to race or religion... but only a little trickier... just give the far right of the GOP time and they'll probably disgrace themselves there as well.

The Republicans of 2020 are not fazed by calls that they have no shame. They've had no shame since Trump hijacked their party in 2016 and they lay down for the assurance they'd get their tax cuts, deregulation and "conservative" SCOTUS picks. It was hard to see how much lower they could go at every turn now and then as Trump's presidency unfolded, particularly after the Senate's phoney "trial" of Trump's impeachment. But no one outside the GOP's bubble wrap now would be surprised if it turns out they've been digging a nearly bottomless pit in which eventually to bury their once honorable banner forever.

These two Senate runoff contests in Georgia are bound to get even more heated than they are right now. The stakes are always high for a Senate seat, and it just happens that these two seats could flip the Senate blue just as the White House also turns blue again and after the Dems managed to fend off a challenge to their House majority. No wonder everyone's saying "buckle up" as we head towards the January votes in Georgia.

I hope some cooler heads on campaign staff of both sides are also saying "chill out" now and then, though... just to keep the contests in the realm of run-offs and not world class champions in the category of Nastiest Two Senate Campaigns Ever. So far it looks like the GOP is willing to go for that pair of medals though.
Quite aside from all the Hatch Act violations, there are other Trump staffer legal issues pending..

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1333184142394191872/

But about the Hatch Act? So many violations during this administration that the look-see into them may not just be abandoned when the White House changes hands in January and the sixteen lawbreakers leave office.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1333501449628770305/
Really SHE'S going to try that card?

During a Tuesday morning interview on Fox and Friends, McEnany took a moment to reflect on the trials of being a woman propaganda piece for the President of the United States, which sometimes entails being questioned by a reporter for Playboy.

“If you’re a female woman in the Republican party who takes that podium, guess what your worry is: having a Playboy reporter shout questions at you—demeaning misogynistic questions—during a briefing,” McEnany said. “It’s a double standard, it’s one that’s ridiculous, and one that the White House Correspondents Association should look into...”
McEnany was referring to Brian Karem, a White House reporter for the legendary men’s lifestyle and nudie magazine. McEnany’s attempt to invoke second-wave feminist ire and the culture wars of yesteryear might move those who have a kneejerk reaction to mentions of Playboy, but unfortunately for McEnany, being asked questions you don’t care to answer is not misogynistic.
McEnany’s grudge against Karem isn’t new—he has shouted questions at her regarding the Trump administration’s dismal covid-19 response and her reluctance to wear a mask in the past. But the most recent incident she was likely referencing during her Fox and Friends interview occurred during a November 20 press briefing. McEnany called on only a handful of reporters in the first White House press briefing since early October, leaving several journalists in the room outraged. This included CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, who McEnany sneeringly referred to as an “activist” before vacating the podium.

While this occurred, Karem asked a retreating McEnany if she understands the definition of “sedition” and whether she acknowledges that President Trump lost the 2020 presidential election (despite his adamant denial).
Yes, Karem shouted. So do all of the other reporters in the room. The only difference is that Karem works for a magazine better known for its lecherous founder and nude centerfolds than its politics and culture writing. Whether McEnany likes it or not, Karem’s employer doesn’t negate the legitimacy of his questions, nor does it absolve McEnany from taking those questions seriously.

Karem responded to McEnany’s comments on Twitter. “Speaking truth to power is not misogyny,” Karem wrote. “You work for a misogynist. Your briefings are propaganda. You failed the American people who pay your salary. You’re sore because you can’t answer questions honestly.”
From the individual who began her tenure with "I will never lie to you", then laughingly crapped the bed with that promise, then brought us this...
From literally the day after President Trump was inaugurated, his White House press operation has been anything but a model of honesty and good faith.

And now it appears ready to go out just as it came in.

Trump’s communications team on Sunday took issue with a Washington Post report about President-elect Joe Biden’s new all-female senior communications team. Its argument: We actually did it first.

Trump White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany cried foul from her personal Twitter account Sunday night.

“President @realDonaldTrump already has an ALL FEMALE Senior White House Press Team,” McEnany said. “So does @VP … So does @FLOTUS … So does @SecondLady … The completely DISCREDITED @washingtonpost once again reveals their blinding propagandist Fake News proclivities.”

The message was promoted by others at the White House and self-styled conservative media watchdogs.

There are two problems with this.
The second problem, though, is that McEnany et al. are erecting a straw man. The headline McEnany featured in her tweet said merely that Biden had appointed an all-female senior communications team, which is true no matter how you define “senior.” The headline doesn’t reference a claim that this is in some way unprecedented or that Trump didn’t do the same. Yet McEnany suggested that headline was somehow “fake news” that discredits The Post.

The Post report does include a reference along these lines: “It is the first time all of the top aides tasked with speaking on behalf of an administration and shaping its message will be female.” Again, we can debate “top,” just as we can debate “senior.” But, again, three of the seven jobs that were just filled by women are now held by men. And those are unquestionably top jobs when it comes to “speaking on behalf of the administration”; Deere and Morgenstern do a large chunk of that work for the Trump White House, as reporters will attest.
The Trump White House has elevated women to the top communications jobs frequently. There is no questioning that. But this is a thoroughly odd parsing by the White House — almost as if it is looking for things to complain about.
To paraphrase,

"Bye Kayleigh"
I present a late possible pick from the lame duck president to a position in the Pentagon

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1334404333044178945/
Continuing on with this individual, because I want this person returned to Faux News where I will NEVER see them again

"I am nodding my head YES, which means NO I have no real answers for your radical leftist msm questions."
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1334586452160679938/
Some less good (but probably not surprising) news: Trump administration continues to rush on trying to make life difficult for Biden administration to implement policy changes. This one is a rushed announcement of intent to auction off coastal plain drilling rights in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge early in January. So rushed they can't even say which parcels... so it's not about that, it's about Trump being pissed off he lost the election and so just throwing sand in the eyes of the incoming administration.

The Interior Department announced Thursday it will hold the auction on Jan. 6 -- an accelerated timetable meant to ensure the oil and gas leases are formally issued before Biden is sworn in Jan. 20. Biden has vowed to permanently protect the refuge, but formal leases are contracts with the federal government and are difficult to cancel.

Not even determined yet: any details, like which parcels of the coastal plain will have their rights up for sale, much less financial info like terms of sale or the minimum required bid. Major oil exploration outfits may well sit out this auction anyway. There are lots of reasons for that, not least that the sale of the rights does not guarantee subsequent permits to drill. Lawsuits ahead = caution light.

But boss Trump will figure it's the idea that counts... the idea that Biden might grind his teeth over these antics.

What a guy The Don is, eh? Immature and selfish to the bitter end.
Every GOP member that are making a big stink about Neera Tanden "mean" tweets, but seemed to be Okay with Trump's disgusting and name calling tweets. I am looking at you Senators Cornyn and Cotton. Disagree with her if you must, but the issues of the tweets cannot be used. You have lost that right!
Every GOP member that are making a big stink about Neera Tanden "mean" tweets, but seemed to be Okay with Trump's disgusting and name calling tweets. I am looking at you Senators Cornyn and Cotton. Disagree with her if you must, but the issues of the tweets cannot be used. You have lost that right!

Yah the GOP is going to be hard pressed to get their whines to stick to the wall next to Trump's tweets and videotaped remarks made over the past four years, never mind some of the remarks passed by GOP congress critters from time to time. I'm surprised the Republicans can complain with a straight face now over any of their lot ever having been "insulted" by anyone. There are a lot of traits held in common by elected officials in this version of the GOP, but the foremost one seems to be a convenient amnesia about their own antics and lack of decorum.
Unnecessary reminder that the current lame duck administration is a collection of TF Guys/Gals

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1334591926037704704/
Unnecessary reminder that the current lame duck administration is a collection of TF Guys/Gals

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1334591926037704704/
This just angers me to such an extent I can feel my blood pressure rise.

At the same time, I have enjoyed watching Jacob Soboroff’s hair rise over the course of the pandemic. It doesn’t get longer, it just gets higher.