TF Guy! You know what it means

One of the original 'gifts' that doesn't stop giving... FLASHBACK TF Gal!!
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1334897778854686720/
One of the original 'gifts' that doesn't stop giving... FLASHBACK TF Gal!!
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1334897778854686720/
At least she's not still a member of Congress. The business practice in Minnesota (Christian counseling) that Michele Bachmann runs with her husband must be needing a boost in these times of the coronavirus.

Did she ever hear the caution about "be careful what you pray for"?

Heh, she prayed for "a true vote". Fancy that. We got what she had coming.

Hope she prays again for the outcomes she wants in the January 5th Georgia runoffs...
WHY?!!!!!!!!!! 😫

And this happened...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1334874087978459136/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1334989336358641666/

Black Panther star Letitia Wright is embroiled in a social media controversy after sharing an anti-vaccination video, which also included anti-trans commentary.

In a now-deleted tweet, Wright originally shared a video on her Twitter account titled "COVID-19 Vaccine, Should We Take It?" Wright's Twitter followers quickly responded with negative comments against the video's anti-vax stance, with some users also pointing out the video host's transphobic views.
Meanwhile, the agencies roll on with their last minute rule changes under Trump.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1335058061623521281/

From the cited Washington Post piece:

The administration, which is racing to lock in a series of regulatory changes before President-elect Joe Biden takes office, can now publish a final rule modifying the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s interpretation of the 1918 Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

The act prohibits unauthorized “take” of protected bird species — regulatory-speak for hunting, killing, capturing, selling or otherwise hurting the animals. For three years, officials at the Interior Department have sought to exclude accidental deaths from the “take” definition, shielding energy companies, construction firms and land developers from prosecution if their operations “incidentally” kill birds.

In August, a federal judge struck down as illegal the administration’s first attempt to weaken the rule, a Dec. 22, 2017, solicitor’s opinion. Referring to Harper Lee’s famous novel, U.S. District Court Judge Valerie E. Caproni wrote: “It is not only a sin to kill a mockingbird, it is also a crime. … But if the Department of the Interior has its way, many mockingbirds and other migratory birds that delight people and support ecosystems throughout the country will be killed without legal consequence.”

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1335041279663742977/

Heh, Representative Presley's public speech choices are so well mannered.

While I admire her succinct public response there, I'd love to hear what she really thinks.

Meanwhile I have my own down-home type private thoughts on how high the Wall Street traders really are in any official list of "essential" recipients of a covid vaccination.

Are you kiddin' me? What about supermarket clerks and transit and postal workers. WTF?

Imma let my congresscritter know the edited version of my down home opinion on Monday.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1335623284117876738/

GTF Gone already!!!
Her lower eyelids and the area around the eyes have been swollen lately. I compared to her looks in August, and even though she (or her staff) is very good at make-up, I think she's been either having very poor sleep and/or crying a lot lately. Mark my words, once she'll face some financial difficulties (which can happen next year if she doesn't get a consultant job somewhere, or in 5 years after Trump's re-election hopes are nixed), she'll publish a book on this describing how hard this job was and she cried herself to sleep every night, the only question will be [determined by what's more lucrative] whether she'll blame the nasty treatment by the press, or the toughness of the job and her guilty conscience.
Her lower eyelids and the area around the eyes have been swollen lately. I compared to her looks in August, and even though she (or her staff) is very good at make-up, I think she's been either having very poor sleep and/or crying a lot lately. Mark my words, once she'll face some financial difficulties (which can happen next year if she doesn't get a consultant job somewhere, or in 5 years after Trump's re-election hopes are nixed), she'll publish a book on this describing how hard this job was and she cried herself to sleep every night, the only question will be [determined by what's more lucrative] whether she'll blame the nasty treatment by the press, or the toughness of the job and her guilty conscience.

She will play perpetual victim, and I'm sure she'll end up working for the GOP or the NRA or some other shady money-laundering operation.

She's trash. Like her boss and his family.
She will play perpetual victim, and I'm sure she'll end up working for the GOP or the NRA or some other shady money-laundering operation.

She's trash. Like her boss and his family.
I feel a sort of shallow sympathy for her, like I felt for Sean Spicer, whom I think was going trough the same emotions, just when it was a lot less obvious situation.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1335588857174249472/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1335673010754301958/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1335589966290808833/
WOW! 👀

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1336168144604450817/

When was the last time THIS ever happened?

NOTE: I apologize, apparently a proclamation was made 3 days ago preemptively about a national remembrance. So others should get on that I guess.
Last edited:
And true to form, Georgia election officials are flashing some voter suppresion cards as they ramp up for the two runoff Senate races scheduled for January 5.

They have closed 6 of 11 early voting locations in Cobb county: it's the third largest county in the state, it is heavily Black and Latino and it went big for Joe Biden in November.

Further, in the southern part of Cobb County where most of the Black and Latino population resides, officials consolidated four voting locations into one at the very bottom of the county, and so not all voters will be able to get to it. Voters even elsewhere may have to travel five to 12 miles to an open early voting site and there is little to no public transit in some of the areas.

Officials countered that it's a staffing problem due to covid and holidays and that anyway on Election Day all the regular polling places will be open or voters could use absentee ballots to vote early.

Voting rights advocates noted that during the general election with all the polls open, some Georgians encountered waits of five to ten hours.
