TF Guy! You know what it means

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1337571309266538496/

Yes, the gatherings that have been heavily discouraged, but the WH wanted anyways. Is the event the president bailed on, because the Supreme Court didn't come thru for him.

Guess he really popped his cork over losing that case.

He's probably composing tweets to his three SCOTUS picks telling them they're fired.

"What I can't fire these people? I picked them and they messed up!"

I'd love to be a fly on the wall there right now..
This is why 45 will ALWAYS be TF Guy, even as the putzes try to peddle, "he's not racist".

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1337798304726474758/

Let me guess, he just wandered off the street, like all the ANTIFA & BLM people that visited as well?
For frik sake. This isn't just being TF Guy, this is just plain being a d- because one can...

Joseph Esptein writes a Wall Street Journal opinion piece urging first lady-elect Dr. Jill Biden to stop using the ‘Dr.’ title in front of her name, even though she earned a doctoral degree from the University of Delaware
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1337804907177512962/
The guy even uses the title of "doctor of education". Since she hasn't delivered a child, she's NOT a doctor?

Anyone tell Fauci?
For frik sake. This isn't just being TF Guy, this is just plain being a d- because one can...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1337804907177512962/
The guy even uses the title of "doctor of education". Since she hasn't delivered a child, she's NOT a doctor?

Anyone tell Fauci?
Doesn’t the name Wall Street Journal imply that they do journalism there? Talk about names that need to be changed....

And calling somebody kiddo is behavior usually only seen on far-right message boards where they call people “son” or “kiddo” in a pathetic attempt to be condescending.
Doesn’t the name Wall Street Journal imply that they do journalism there? Talk about names that need to be changed....

And calling somebody kiddo is behavior usually only seen on far-right message boards where they call people “son” or “kiddo” in a pathetic attempt to be condescending.

The WSJ editorial side was always conservative but under Murdoch it's just trash. The rest of the paper is still usually worth reading even though it used to be better and it no longer has those wonderful long form pieces it ran pretty often.

If that editorial offering had been written by a female about a male, I can see guys sitting around during a break on a trading floor suggesting it was just penis envy.
That WSJ opinion piece really blew up on Twitter. Now there's a t-shirt for $20 with proceeds going to the community college where Dr. Biden teaches.... and it says on the front 'That's "Dr. Biden" to you, Sir' -- and they've sold over 900 already.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1337881846756106249/
Those idiots at the WSJ will end up making "kiddo" Biden the most popular First Lady in history before she's even moved into WH. Plus the community college where she teaches will get their education fund shored up by an unexpected bonanza from the sale of those T-shirts.

The op-ed's author got a comeuppance from Northwestern University where he had been a lecturer.

“Northwestern is firmly committed to equity, diversity and inclusion, and strongly disagrees with Mr. Epstein’s misogynistic views,” the University said in a statement to student newspaper The Daily Northwestern.

In a brief statement, the institution’s department of English noted that Epstein had not taught there for nearly 20 years and accused him of casting “unmerited aspersion on Dr. Jill Biden’s rightful public claiming of her doctoral credentials and expertise.”

It added: “The Department rejects this opinion as well as the diminishment of anyone’s duly-earned degrees in any field, from any university.”

Epstein’s profile on the university’s website appears to have been removed since the Journal piece was published on Friday.
For frik sake. This isn't just being TF Guy, this is just plain being a d- because one can...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1337804907177512962/
The guy even uses the title of "doctor of education". Since she hasn't delivered a child, she's NOT a doctor?

Anyone tell Fauci?
I started a separate thread on this. The most hilarious self-own is the suggestion that only he who had delivered a baby should be called a doctor - like women didn't do that all the time... Also, I've delivered no baby ever and would gladly erase the memories of my OB/GYN clerkship.
I started a separate thread on this. The most hilarious self-own is the suggestion that only he who had delivered a baby should be called a doctor - like women didn't do that all the time... Also, I've delivered no baby ever and would gladly erase the memories of my OB/GYN clerkship.
Really. What about all the cops and paramedics who have delivered babies without any kind of advanced degree.
I've seen this; some guys are just so ludicrously, hilariously, predictably and pathetically threatened by an educated, accomplished, qualified, competent woman.
This. It was actually hilarious back in med school to see how my female class mates intimidated a specific type of man. They felt dating was so hard for them, I felt that they've just had a built-in mechanism to repel dudes with fragile masculinity.
This. It was actually hilarious back in med school to see how my female class mates intimidated a specific type of man. They felt dating was so hard for them, I felt that they've just had a built-in mechanism to repel dudes with fragile masculinity.

Oh, gosh, yes.

I remember similar tales from my own days as an undergrad and postgrad.

This is both hilarious and pathetic.