TF Guy! You know what it means

Maybe...just maybe nobody called to defund the police because police were actually doing their jobs without excessive force?!:D I mean soundbites are everything, but he didn't think about that people's unhappiness with the police depends on the quality of the job they do?!:D

Point well taken... at least today and outside that wacko buncha let's-object House bots last night.

But it's still a two-point dock for using the word "think" with reference to Gaetz.
Maybe...just maybe nobody called to defund the police because police were actually doing their jobs without excessive force?!:D I mean soundbites are everything, but he didn't think about that people's unhappiness with the police depends on the quality of the job they do?!:D
That was probably before the pictures of the protestors before the storming with the cops taking salutations & selfies got out.

Now even the police are being looked at.
A gift from Trump to any of his followers who stormed the Capitol yesterday and have been arrested w/ evidence:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347231516838006793/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347378498458054658/

What the hell else Lindsay? Start a nuclear war as a distraction, THAT would finally be too much?
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347378498458054658/

What the hell else Lindsay? Start a nuclear war as a distraction, THAT would finally be too much?

Saw a tweet from Omar around 2230 thurs that an impeachment article might be brought as soon as Friday.

This seems a stretch since no pro forma session until Monday but House Dems are caucusing tomorrow, so maybe something's up. The sooner they impeach him the sooner he's on trial in the Senate. I imagine McConnell can round up enough Republicans to help make the 2/3 vote on conviction and removal this time, with implacable relish. When you've gone too far w/ McConnell, it's time to pay...

There are Trump supporters who don't like what happened in DC on the 6th of January, and are likely saying so to their reps and senators: there is always some limit, and Trump have may crossed it for people riding w/ Trump for promises about high court justices or tax breaks. They may not be able to hold their nose on other issues after Wednesday's events.

Plus he burned all his Jan 6th fans by urging them to go on down to the Capitol.... and do what, try their luck getting busted and serving a 10 year automatic sentence for vandalizing federal property? An ornament to justice that Trump himself added.
I imagine McConnell can round up enough Republicans to help make the 2/3 vote on conviction and removal this time, with implacable relish. When you've gone too far w/ McConnell, it's time to pay...

Regardless of the technicalities, the original intent of the 25th was always to deal with strokes and comas. The proper remedy for an immoral president who wants to harm the country is impeachment and removal. But maybe the choice was just made by the the Secretary of Transportation and the Senate Majority Leader at the breakfast table: "It's your turn to take out the trash, Mitch!"

One distinct advantage with the impeachment alternative is that it forces all the republicans in congress to go on the record as either Law And Order Republicans or Cop Killer Republicans.
There are also some that supported what happened on the 6th and are now questioning whether he has abandoned them after his speech yesterday. Another popular theory by the degenerates is that he is being controlled / told what to do. In my mind it is clearly the work of the saucer people in conjunction with the RAND corporation. Reverse vampires cannot be discounted just yet either.
FBI should set up another “rally” whose specific stated reason is to overthrow the government... spread it far and wide on Parler. When they get there, the feds scoop them all up in vans and off to jail they go for sedition.
FBI should set up another “rally” whose specific stated reason is to overthrow the government... spread it far and wide on Parler. When they get there, the feds scoop them all up in vans and off to jail they go for sedition.

Well it would be a step up from how it went down in the scenario that actually occurred, i.e. there are those who think that Parler itself is just a honeypot owned by the FBI, but what's hilarious in a grim sort of way is that someone in the FBI has surely by now set up honeypot accounts all over social media bragging on having been to the Capitol and etc etc and hoping to scoop up actual culprits, of which there seem plenty dumb enough to end up nailed.

What's not hilarious is how the hell did this incursion of our seat of government happen when the planning for this event like a lot of right wing rallies was done in the clear on social media to begin with. The problem with any protest that is planned in the open is that anyone else can attempt to co-opt it for their own purposes (whatever those may be). A Politico piece referenced some law enforcement guy saying publicly on Facebook that there were "off-duty police officers and members of the military" involved and flashing badges to get into the Capitol. The focus of that section of the piece was on concerns about white supremacy in law enforcement and the military, but after it ran I saw a few tweets suggesting that Erik Prince was all over the scenario that unfolded at the Capitol on January 6th. Heh no wonder deVos has bailed. Even if that is a total crock it was going to be time for her to leave if and when her notorious bro's name surfaced.

But Capitol Police are now facing a reckoning after appearing to feed the rioters’ perception that they would not be severely punished for their behavior, as one congressional staffer said — videos have circulated online appearing to show a Capitol police officer taking selfies with the protesters, and some Metro D.C. police officers were seen chatting and joking around with protesters who had breached the perimeter.

“The fact is that it’s explicitly because they were white dudes with the support of the president that law enforcement basically did nothing,” the staffer said.

One current Metro D.C. police officer said in a public Facebook post that off-duty police officers and members of the military, who were among the rioters, flashed their badges and I.D. cards as they attempted to overrun the building. “If these people can storm the Capitol building with no regard to punishment, you have to wonder how much they abuse their powers when they put on their uniforms,” the officer wrote.
Also because it's probably been a whole hour since I last said it... TF guy Graham needs to be in another capitol storming, only no officer risks their life for him

F' that guy!

Preach sister
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347585309547110400/
Lindsey has been a busy little boy.

3rd time in this thread today. I will avoid saying what I really want as it involves removing things, and just post...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347740694610407425/
Lindsey has been a busy little boy.

3rd time in this thread today. I will avoid saying what I really want as it involves removing things, and just post...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347740694610407425/
Graham is very crumbly...
Lindsey has been a busy little boy.

3rd time in this thread today. I will avoid saying what I really want as it involves removing things, and just post...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347740694610407425/
Did he cry?:D Seriously. This guy is falling apart.