TF Guy! You know what it means

In 2018, the Republican-controlled House tried to head off strict gun control legislation by instead passing Florida GOP Rep. John Rutherford’s bill authorizing new resources for “evidence-based strategies and programs to prevent violence, which may include the use of appropriate technologies, including the placement and use of metal detectors.”

Among those voting for the metal detector legislation were Republican Reps. Steve Scalise, Steve Stivers, Larry Bucshon, Louie Gohmert, Rodney Davis, Markwayne Mullin, and Steve Womack.

NBC News reported that Scalise, Stivers, Bucshon, and Gohmert were among the “Republican lawmakers [who] complained about — or outright bypassed — the metal detectors to enter the House floor” that were installed after the chamber was attacked in last week’s violent insurrection. Fox News reported that Davis “exchanged harsh words with Capitol Police” about the new security measures and called them “political correctness run amok.” And CNN reported that Mullin and Womack “erupted at Capitol Police as they were forced to go through” the metal detectors.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1349498224239894529/
Just stay gone, your place in history is secure, I wouldn't remind people of it.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1349498224239894529/
Just stay gone, your place in history is secure, I wouldn't remind people of it.
Scientific fact: tall men get picked ahead of others due to unconscious bias inherent to human beings. Comey’s only qualification seems to have been that he is 6-foot-8.
Cannot verify this story since the left is keeping quiet and it's all over the right conservative media. I am sure that this will be waved around as further proof of widespread election fraud. This is what happens when people who don't normally pay attention start to pay attention.

If true, then this is pretty darn stupid and it does not help anyone.
It's like people freaking out about vaccine trial updates. They've never ever followed anything alike in their lives now they are suddenly experts on adverse event reporting (even most physicians aren't).
Figures. Can't let the hired help use the bathrooms.

Coming home has been interesting lately. The sports channel in my town is forever in commercial breaks, which sometimes leads me to switch over to see if Rush is going ballistic. He wasn't there, but a caller was going on about how the libs are ignoring the wishes of 70,000,000 people.

It's called voting, you big dummy. You know, just like the nearly 66 million that voted for Hillary were "ignored".

I swear to god, it's like these people felt they were so tantalizingly close to taking over the United States completely, and now that it's all crashed and burned they're absolutely furious.
Oh yeah, this one doesn't get a pass either
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1349721703576907777/

As compared to...
Obama said in her post that it took "strength and maturity to put my anger aside." In doing so, she proceeded to invite Melania Trump to the White House.

Obama said she answered Trump's questions about "the heightened scrutiny that comes with being a first lady to what it's like to raise kids in the White House." As CNN previously reported, Melania Trump has yet to invite first lady-elect Jill Biden to the White House to continue the tradition.
Cawthorn at first claimed he was on the House floor and armed last week during the Capitol breach. Later there was some question about exactly where he was or if he had carried the weapon onto the floor... since congress critters may carry on the grounds but not on the floor of either house.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1349775692028911622/

From the tweet's cited piece

Cawthorn told the Smoky Mountain News a day after the attack that he was on the House floor when he and other lawmakers were told to evacuate as rioters began to break down windows and doors, after forcing their way into the Capitol building.

“Fortunately, I was armed, so we would have been able to protect ourselves,” Cawthorn told the North Carolina newspaper.

It's not entirely clear if Cawthorn carried a gun on to the House floor.

Cawthorn’s director of communications, Micah Bock, said in an emailed statement to The Hill that Cawthorn “exercises his 2nd Amendment rights, as well as privileges accorded to him as a member of Congress.”

Bock added that “Congressman Cawthorn seeks to abide by all known Capitol Police regulations.”

According to a 1967 regulation, members of Congress are exempt from a federal law banning firearms on the Capitol grounds, though it still bars weapons from being carried on the House floor.

There has been a response to that. It's a good start.

Cannot verify this story since the left is keeping quiet and it's all over the right conservative media. I am sure that this will be waved around as further proof of widespread election fraud. This is what happens when people who don't normally pay attention start to pay attention.

If true, then this is pretty darn stupid and it does not help anyone.
Definitely doesn’t help anyone. But still doesn’t catch up to the number of illegal Trump voters. Just sayin’.
FFS. These people cannot be gone soon enough
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1349766994560630784/
Will the traitor tots keep their secret service details after daddy’s out of office?
Why the separation of church & state makes us such a great country
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1349787637868097536/
This guy

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1350209764681080839/

When someone tries to explain away 4 years of Trump, this art piece comes to my mind and the people praising it.
Why the separation of church & state makes us such a great country
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1349787637868097536/

Franklin Graham is a perfect example of an evangelist who left actual Christian principles in the dust along a straight road to hell.

Still I never thought I'd see him stand as apologist for a rogue president who incited insurrection in hope of retaining power despite having lost a bid for re-election. These guys who are ripping down the separation of church and state in the interests of Christian nationalism have blind spots the size of Texas.