TF Guy! You know what it means


People are still confused why the response to protestors on 1/6 was so lacking compared to ANY BLM protest.

This kind of thinking ( out loud ) explains why...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1370434031532314625/

This is who he doesn't worry about, because they "love this country".

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1370702691643531268/
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Nope, I saw right-wingers discussing this. They are convinced that within the first month-and-a-half of a Biden administration, all the senior military leaders are “woke” now and Carlson is right.

So much for “support the troops.” I guess that only applies to white male troops who vote for Trump.
Carlson doubled down on his statements in the next show. Apparently, Biden is going to destroy the military with maternity flight suits.
Carlson doubled down on his statements in the next show. Apparently, Biden is going to destroy the military with maternity flight suits.
I love how Fucker Tucker says this when he never served. That kind of individual never ceases to piss me off. I’d put my uniform back on for a chance to kick his ass.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1370051671858900995/

"We have to look at the quality of the votes"??

Whadafuq iz dat?!!

Cause if that's an attempt to day "we have to who's vote counts", it's a pretty piss poor attempt.
Using this logic, if they stopped every disinformed Republican from voting, Democrats would win everywhere by 5-1 margins.
This crosses over with @JayMysteri0 ’s post above, but Ron Johnson is really making a bid for F-ing Guy of the Week.

Johnson said he "never felt threatened" as thousands of rioters broke through barricades, forcing Congress to evacuate parts of the building and abruptly pause a ceremonial event affirming that President-elect Joe Biden won the November election.
“And mainly because I knew that even though those thousands of people that were marching the Capitol were trying to pressure people like me to vote the way they wanted me to vote, I knew those were people that loved this country, that truly respect law enforcement, would never do anything to break a law, and so I wasn’t concerned," Johnson told The Joe Pags Show, which airs nationally from WOAI in San Antonio, Texas.
"Now had the tables been turned, now Joe this will get me in trouble, had the tables been turned and President Trump won the election and those were tens of thousands of Black Lives Matter and Antifa protesters, I might have been a little concerned.”

Oh really?! 🤨

THIS family really can't control themselves

A dog rescue charity linked to Lara Trump, Big Dog Ranch Rescue, has reportedly spent almost $1.9 million on former president Donald Trump’s properties since 2014, according to a HuffPost story based on Internal Revenue Service filings

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1370837860358709250/

At 10:07 am this morning in Washington D.C., the House of Representatives held a Roll Call vote on a Motion to Adjourn, which is absolutely as stupid as it sounds.

The Motion to Adjourn failed to pass, but not before 149 Republican Members of Congress voted ‘YES’ on ending their day before it even began — including Colorado Reps. Lauren “Q*Bert” Boebert (R-ifle) and Doug Lamborn (R-Colorado Springs). This has been a common vote recently, spearheaded by Boebert’s fellow Qaucus member, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. As The Hill reported last week:

A brief reminder of our new TF guys, like this 👆 one who wants credit from her constituents even though she went 'party over people' & shit on them.
Another group of TF guys... Wells Fargo.


Some got notification of their stimulus payments already, but...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1370523810567495681/

Which of course earns this reaction...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1370857385074556928/

Is that correct? Doesn't matter to people who want that money.

You have an entire marketing department / advertisers & a history of crappy banking behavior, and you went with that? 😖
Another group of TF guys... Wells Fargo.


Some got notification of their stimulus payments already, but...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1370523810567495681/

Which of course earns this reaction...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1370857385074556928/

You have an entire marketing department / advertisers & a history of crappy banking behavior, and you went with that? 😖
I have to think people are just ignorant of the news. Wells Fargo making accounts for their customers without asking and then charging them fees on said accounts…. Should have resulted in jail time for fraud. It was all over the news, but people still deposit their money there??!?!?!?!?!!? Wake up people!
Another group of TF guys... Wells Fargo.


Some got notification of their stimulus payments already, but...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1370523810567495681/

Which of course earns this reaction...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1370857385074556928/

Is that correct? Doesn't matter to people who want that money.

You have an entire marketing department / advertisers & a history of crappy banking behavior, and you went with that? 😖
That is so on-brand for that company.

Meanwhile, check out this group of F-ing women.


Watch: Uber driver berated and coughed on by maskless passenger

Driver Subhakar Khadka says he canceled an Uber ride after a passenger refused to wear a mask. The tense conflict that followed was recorded on the driver's dashcam.​

Lunatics... 😠

People intentionally voted for TF guy / gal

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1371144099630350342/

Then she turned around & voted 'NO' on getting those same people money. 🤦‍♀️

People really don't grasp the concept of "voting against your best interest".
^^ A lot of voters don't really read news. They read whatever is highlighted in the "most emailed" and "most popular" etc.

The nitty gritty of corrupt practices doesn't land in those categories until some perp walk involves a white collar arrest.
Wow, glad this guy isn't my neighbor. This goes past derangement syndrome... I wouldn't even know what to say to him or her.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1371151340337041409/

Edit: tweet was apparently removed... It was a picture of a lawn littered with dozens of Trump signs as if they were spring flowers coming up in the grass...
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TF 4th-grade teacher:

North Carolina… in 2021, teaching kids to be proud of slavery... looks like the school is doing something now only because of the bad press. Who knows how long this school has been indoctrinating new generations of racists?

During the pandemic, Mississippi has had the highest COVID-19 death rate of any state outside the Northeast. On Friday, the state’s Republican governor, Tate Reeves, said he remained committed to denying access to Medicaid for constituents near the poverty line, even though expanding eligibility would make money for Mississippi as a result of the new stimulus bill.

“My position has not changed. I am opposed to expanding Medicaid in Mississippi,” Gov. Reeves said during a press conference covered by the Mississippi Free Press. When asked by Vox if the prospect of additional funding might make him reconsider his opposition to Medicaid expansion, Reeves said, “No, sir, it will not.”

As part of Obamacare, the federal government covers 90 percent of the cost of expanding Medicaid to people who make up to 138 percent of the federal poverty line, or about $30,000 for a family of four. Twelve Republican-led states have refused that offer, leaving about 2.2 million of their constituents without health insurance.

On top of the 90 percent match, the stimulus bill President Joe Biden signed Thursday would give Mississippi, the poorest state in the country, an estimated $600 million over two years to expand Medicaid to the roughly 200,000 to 300,000 people in the state who would be eligible. Nearly 60 percent of people who’d gain health insurance as a result of Medicaid expansion in Mississippi would be people of color. The vast majority of those people are Black.

“For a number of years, the federal government has been offering us $1 million a day to take care of sick people,” Bryan said. “Now they are offering $1 million a day to take that other $1 million a day. You can’t make this stuff up.”

Instead of providing health insurance, Reeves is targeting transgender people. As my colleague Laura Thompson reported, Reeves signed a bill on Thursday that blocks transgender athletes from competing on women’s sports teams. Mississippi is the first state to enact such a law.

At what point do we admit that some actions are just dickery & pettiness?

At what point do we admit that some actions are just dickery & pettiness?

That is one of the stupidest moves I ever heard of a governor of a southern US state deciding to double down on. I've got used to their taking federal money --like startup funds for regional enterprise zones etc.-- and then kinda pretending it didn't actually come from the federal government, even when there are photos floating around of one of the state's US Senators and a governor in the same photo in newspaper articles about the windfall. But not taking this extra money to take the original money to expand Medicaid, and meanwhile consigning tens of thousands of citizens to continue suffering from lack of medical care or anxiety over ability to pay for it? Beyond comprehension. Also beyond my understanding is why these incompetent hyperpartisans keep getting re-elected.
That is one of the stupidest moves I ever heard of a governor of a southern US state deciding to double down on. I've got used to their taking federal money --like startup funds for regional enterprise zones etc.-- and then kinda pretending it didn't actually come from the federal government, even when there are photos floating around of one of the state's US Senators and a governor in the same photo in newspaper articles about the windfall. But not taking this extra money to take the original money to expand Medicaid, and meanwhile consigning tens of thousands of citizens to continue suffering from lack of medical care or anxiety over ability to pay for it? Beyond comprehension. Also beyond my understanding is why these incompetent hyperpartisans keep getting re-elected.
Can’t you see how hard he is pwning the libz? Freeeedummm!!!!