TF Guy! You know what it means

He generally had interesting and/or educated people on and I liked his long casual conversation format. Guests don’t have to slam in their talking points or try to get in sound bytes in 10 minutes. I don’t even mind when he has people on who I disagree with like Alex Jones or Ben Shapiro. With the long conversation format I can get a better idea what they are really about, and like OG Nazis, they aren’t literal monsters which is the most unsettling part for most people. You get an idea of their methods and appeal to some.

Aside from Joe spewing right wing lunacy including thinking at worst Trump was just an inept clown who he actually found quite literally funny at times, it also got on my nerves that he takes every opportunity to try to connect any topic to MMA fighting and then he’ll monologue on that endlessly. In general I’m not into the “bro” stuff he often goes into.
So is he a martial artist?
So is he a martial artist?

Yeah, he's been doing that stuff since he was in high school I believe and I think he's in his 50's now.

He likes to put comedian at the top of his resume, but at this point I think in public opinion it's one of the least things he's known for.
Like TF Guy should be anywhere near gov't again

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1387991607379648512/

In the end, the decision seemed inevitable. After a seven-day trial in Kansas City federal court in March, in which Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach needed to be tutored on basic trial procedure by the judge and was found in contempt for his “willful failure” to obey a ruling, even he knew his chances were slim. Kobach told The Kansas City Star at the time that he expected the judge would rule against him (though he expressed optimism in his chances on appeal).

Sure enough, yesterday federal Judge Julie Robinson overturned the law that Kobach was defending as lead counsel for the state, dealing him an unalloyed defeat. The statute, championed by Kobach and signed into law in 2013, required Kansans to present proof of citizenship in order to register to vote. The American Civil Liberties Union sued, contending that the law violated the National Voter Registration Act (AKA the “motor voter” law), which was designed to make it easy to register.

The trial had a significance that extends far beyond the Jayhawk state. One of the fundamental questions in the debate over alleged voter fraud — whether a substantial number of non-citizens are in fact registering to vote — was one of two issues to be determined in the Kansas proceedings. (The second was whether there was a less burdensome solution than what Kansas had adopted.) That made the trial a telling opportunity to remove the voter fraud claims from the charged, and largely proof-free, realms of political campaigns and cable news shoutfests and examine them under the exacting strictures of the rules of evidence.

That’s precisely what occurred and according to Robinson, an appointee of George W. Bush, the proof that voter fraud is widespread was utterly lacking. As the judge put it, “the court finds no credible evidence that a substantial number of noncitizens registered to vote” even under the previous law, which Kobach had claimed was weak.

This mutha fucka sucked at the job the first time so bad, he got a job with the 45 administration. Now that that shit show is over, he wants to go back.

It’s like a damn Onion article. “I’m not a respected source of information” says man with $100 million broadcasting contract.
Since neither Rogan or Carlson are actual news, why can't we get them off the air.

It’s like a damn Onion article. “I’m not a respected source of information” says man with $100 million broadcasting contract.
Since neither Rogan or Carlson are actual news, why can't we get them off the air.
What I read is he actually just doubled down on his opinion. He just uses the *I'm a moron* thing as a disclaimer.
That said, I don't understand why people would want to listen to a moron.
Since neither Rogan or Carlson are actual news, why can't we get them off the air.

I think Rogan thinks way too highly of the comedian aspect of his career and personality. He'll have respected scientists, economists, and special forces on his show and then thinks his listeners should hear it as nothing more than a morning zoo crew radio show.

Personally I think he's potentially more dangerous than Trump, Trumpy politicians, or Fox News because he has the air of a respected cool guy. So low information cynics may not trust politicians or stuffed corporate suits but will trust Rogan. If Rogan says/thinks it then it must be true.
Ya know all those Dems who supposedly voted from the grave? Ya? No? Well... a Republican guy has stepped forward to face consequences for having cast his dead mother's vote for Trump. Yeah. In Delaware County, Pennsylvania.

A Delaware County man was sentenced to five years of probation Friday after admitting he cast an illegal ballot last fall for former President Donald Trump in his dead mother’s name.

Bruce Bartman, 70, apologized to County Judge Richard Cappelli during a hearing in Media, saying he took full responsibility for his actions.

“I was isolated last year in lockdown,” Bartman said. “I listened to too much propaganda and made a stupid mistake.”

Bartman, who lives in Marple Township, entered a guilty plea Friday to two counts of perjury and one count of unlawful voting. In addition to his probation, he is unable to vote in an election for four years, and is no longer eligible to serve on a jury.

Cappelli, in imposing the sentence, said the case is serious and “goes to the heart of our democracy,” but he commended Bartman for acknowledging his crimes.

Bartman was one of three Pennsylvania men accused of committing voter fraud by casting illegal ballots for former President Donald Trump during the presidential election. The two others — Ralph Thurman of Chester County and Richard Lynn of Luzerne County — have their criminal cases pending.

So the PA legislature has been considering at least 14 more restrictive voting laws because of the threat that Democrats might win if they all can manage to turn out and vote again in the future as so many did in 2020... and as the GOP insists so many Democrats did by subverting existing law. Hmm.
Ya know all those Dems who supposedly voted from the grave? Ya? No? Well... a Republican guy has stepped forward to face consequences for having cast his dead mother's vote for Trump. Yeah. In Delaware County, Pennsylvania.

So the PA legislature has been considering at least 14 more restrictive voting laws because of the threat that Democrats might win if they all can manage to turn out and vote again in the future as so many did in 2020... and as the GOP insists so many Democrats did by subverting existing law. Hmm.

AFAIK all the handful of actual voter fraud incidents discovered in the 2020 election were done by Republicans.

At this point you can safely assume anything the Republicans are just accusing Democrats of doing are in fact being done by Republicans including wealth redistribution except they are redistributing it to the top.
AFAIK all the handful of actual voter fraud incidents discovered in the 2020 election were done by Republicans.

At this point you can safely assume anything the Republicans are just accusing Democrats of doing are in fact being done by Republicans including wealth redistribution except they are redistributing it to the top.

Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.

But no no no. The reason only Republicans get caught voter frauding is that The Deep State protects the Democrats. Anyone trying to prosecute a Democrat will immediately be taken care of by BLM, Auntie Fa, and/or Jewish Space Lasers and then replaced by a vaccinated clone.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1388362487272296451/

I wasn’t aware that other states needed a constitutional amendment to be added. Lovely that Manchin used findings from Edwin f-ing Meese as his justification. As somebody who has no representation in Congress, seriously... he is truly TF Guy.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1388362487272296451/

I wasn’t aware that other states needed a constitutional amendment to be added. Lovely that Manchin used findings from Edwin f-ing Meese as his justification. As somebody who has no representation in Congress, seriously... he is truly TF Guy.

I don't understand why Democrats don't have a permanent weekly spot on their calendar to censure this guy.


9:30 Infrastructure and housing development committee

10:30 Covid-19 update

11:00 Censure Joe Manchin

11:30 Fundraising lunch
For those who don’t remember Edwin Meese, here’s a small taste:

U.S News & World Report: You criticize the Miranda ruling, which gives suspects the right to have a lawyer present before police questioning. Shouldn't people, who may be innocent, have such protection?
Meese: Suspects who are innocent of a crime should. But the thing is, you don't have many suspects who are innocent of a crime. That's contradictory. If a person is innocent of a crime, then he is not a suspect.

It gets worse. Again, Manchin loses all credibility by invoking Meese.
