TF Guy! You know what it means

Easily in the running for the #2 or #3 TFG spot ...

Also this:

There is a special place in hell for people who jeopardize the health and safety of thousands/millions others by lying for their own political agenda. He can hang out with the other mass murderers down there after he kicks the bucket.
There is a special place in hell for people who jeopardize the health and safety of thousands/millions others by lying for their own political agenda. He can hang out with the other mass murderers down there after he kicks the bucket.

He's shitty enough to probably need his own thread, especially given how he's positioning himself for the future.
Kinda random, but I can’t wait for a miniseries or movie saga to be made about this stuff. It’s full of movie-like characters… Trump and his loin litter, Pence. Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Stormy Daniels, Rudy, and I’m sure I’m forgetting a few dozen. It’s going to be a comedy no matter how seriously they write, direct and perform it. It’s too surreal to believe if you didn’t live through it.
Easily in the running for the #2 or #3 TFG spot ...

Also this:

What a miserable douche. I'd be PISSED if that was one of my kids. I thought they were ok with masks being optional? He didn't have one on, who cares?

Let's face it, he wasn't really talking to those kids, but using them as props. The fact he spoke down to them and a couple of them were black kids probably sent tingles up the spines of his sycophants.
Finally a TFG that isn't in politics

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1502883808382660611/

Four letters to live by... D B A D

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1502889680819290112/
Today, from a "TFG" who's probably all about keeping politics out of school, until they weren't

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1505577744305905667/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1505620124396531712/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1505582398410563593/

At some point we need to talk about some people & critical thinking. Forget CRT, just plain critical thinking, and considering that this was somehow alright for other people's children when you haven't asked.
Today, from a "TFG" who's probably all about keeping politics out of school, until they weren't

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1505577744305905667/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1505620124396531712/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1505582398410563593/

At some point we need to talk about some people & critical thinking. Forget CRT, just plain critical thinking, and considering that this was somehow alright for other people's children when you haven't asked.

The cult is out of control.
Not surprising at all, but facepalm-inducing nonetheless...

And don't get me wrong, it's not that celebrities can't be smart or informed. Most are certainly probably a lot smarter than Trump, since that's a pretty damn low bar we're talking about. But.... seriously???

Not surprising at all, but facepalm-inducing nonetheless...

And don't get me wrong, it's not that celebrities can't be smart or informed. Most are certainly probably a lot smarter than Trump, since that's a pretty damn low bar we're talking about. But.... seriously???

What an idiot. Everybody knows if you want sound foreign policy advice you go to Motley Crue's Mick Mars.
One of our regulars in action again, toting his whinery with him

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1505995912354562048/

In fairness, he shouldn't be called a racist. He should be called a racist dick.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1506282250492596232/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1506282471658246146/

Are people really this fucking fuzzy on the separation of church & state thing?
One of our regulars in action again, toting his whinery with him

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1505995912354562048/

In fairness, he shouldn't be called a racist. He should be called a racist dick.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1506282250492596232/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1506282471658246146/

Are people really this fucking fuzzy on the separation of church & state thing?

Lindsey Graham was basically demonstrating he's unable to control his anger over the fact that Judge Jackson was nominated instead of Judge Michelle Childs from his home state of South Carolina. Gee, you'd think he had bet the ranch on Judge Childs or something.

Anyway Senator Graham's so-called "questioning" was close to incoherent sometimes due to his incandescent rage. Of course he's been roundly mocked since his circus act this morning, when he stormed off the set after his bit. He and some other GOP critters in Congress seem to be treating all of government --in all of its branches-- as no more than political theatre, ever since Trump got the Republican Party's benighted blessing in 2016.

About the only truth in all the Trumpish GOP rantings against the nomination of Judge Jackson is that they are well and truly against government run by rule of law under our Constitution as amended. That makes them at heart a bunch of anarchists. Funny for guys allegedly so much in favor of law and order, showing up at government hearings to rail about liberals being soft on crime.
One of our regulars in action again, toting his whinery with him

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1505995912354562048/

In fairness, he shouldn't be called a racist. He should be called a racist dick.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1506282250492596232/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1506282471658246146/

Are people really this fucking fuzzy on the separation of church & state thing?

Asking tough questions or philosophical questions isn't in and of itself racist. It's only racist depending on how and to whom your choose direct your snarky-ass questions.

Lindsey Graham used to be able to muster a modicum of respect from different sides of the aisle for his service and being pretty consistent on foreign policy, but that flew out the window with his capitulating to Trump. Just another loser who's career can be summed up as a Trump cultist. Trump really ruined the careers of a lot of people in the GOP. I've said this before, but I actually thought Graham performed well in his minor-league debates in 2016 and was very outspoken on Trump. That all flew the coop after Trump's inauguration though.

To be honest, I have avoided the hearings as I can't stomach the GOP's racism, which I'm sure based on one soundclip I've heard is mixed in with a lot of "We're not racist though!" grandstanding.

On a separate but related note, I realize I bring Trump up an awful lot, but its really hard not to see how his theatrics have oozed into all forms of government, especially at the federal level, which was already only a nudge away from being a dog and pony show anyways. It's hard not to see his congress subordinates channeling him in virtually everything they do now, as its all about trying to leech off of his appeal to the base anyways.
Just a reminder that TFG is an asshole & a dick whether he's on the political clock or not.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) continues to disgrace the surname of Cruz with his assholery. This time, the Cancun-loving senator, to whom I am not related, was so unruly and rude to airport staff at Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport on Sunday that police had to be summoned.

In a video posted to the Bozeman subreddit, Cruz is seen arguing with employees after he missed his flight check-in. It’s unclear why he was in Montana in the first place, though we know he loves an ill-timed vacation. But he’s probably incensed for two reasons: First, and I can’t believe I’m giving him an out, I have a theory that airports with all their security theater turn us into our worst selves; though Cruz’s worst self is arguably much worse than most of ours. Second, Cruz needed to get out of Montana because he had a confirmation hearing to attend on Monday morning.

According to the redditor who shared the original video, Cruz was frustrated with the re-booking process and yelling obnoxious things, including, “Do you know who I am?”

The poster, who is presumably an airport employee, said Cruz “wasn’t given any special treatment (positively or negatively).”

“It’s not an uncommon scene at the airport,” they added in an update. “An entitled ‘Karen’ misses their flight and demands special treatment. They deny any wrongdoing of their own and somehow come to the conclusion that it’s the airline’s fault that they missed their flight. Often a verbal argument then ensues and if the passenger starts making a scene, sometimes law enforcement will come and help defuse the situation.”

Bozeman airport deputy director Scott Humphrey told The Daily Mail that a ticket lobby cop was “asked to assist with a frustrated passenger at the United ticket counter (which is not unusual). The passenger had missed the check-in window for his flight and re-booking options were limited out of Bozeman due to Spring Break.”

The cop apparently had no idea who Cruz was until after the incident, which did make me laugh out loud.
Ole Rafael, the latino who goes by a different name to sound more white so he could be accepted in the Republican party lol

I went to HS with a guy like that. His name was Luis, but he wrote it as Louis.
This is a new one for the thread, ...the US Navy

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1503880943190249472/
It was early November, weeks before the Navy revealed the Pearl Harbor-area drinking water was contaminated with jet fuel, and Meredith Wilson wasn’t feeling well.

Wilson, the wife of an Air Force musician, was suffering from dizziness and disorientation that made her feel like she was outside of her own body. She’d experienced vertigo before, but not like this. When she visited a military doctor on Nov. 2, the physician told her something that has been burned into her memory.

“You’re the fifth female I’ve seen in the past two weeks with vertigo symptoms,” she recalls the doctor saying. “Could be something environmental.”

In the months before residents began reporting that their water smelled like fuel, Navy test results showed indications of petroleum contamination and twice logged readings above state safety limits for drinking water, records show. But the Navy kept distributing water to its 93,000 customers, and the Hawaii Department of Health, charged with overseeing the delivery of safe drinking water, didn’t tell residents not to drink the water until it was too late.

“Energy is so expensive today. A gallon? You take a look at your, forget about it. The pump. You take a look at a barrel now. It will be two dollars. It could be, people are saying it’s going to go up to thre— Think of this, people are saying…”