The 2020 Presidential Debates, #1: Trump vs. Biden

Who won debate #1?

  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 13 100.0%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Huh. You got people working on putting out the Cuyahoga after that fiasco?

Not yet... they're going for a full floating dumpster fire in Ohio.

[ their governor sez Trump did a great job...]

Governor of Ohio remarks on debate 9:29:20.jpg
I enjoyed the WaPo's post-debate chats and a few clips from the debates to illustrate the points they were making. Gee, Trump was completely unable to follow the rules the campaigns had agreed on. I suppose his bullying thrilled his supporters, but the constant interruptions were exasperating.

Wallace probably did the best anyone could with Trump just steamrolling. Trump only hears keywords of questions or remarks by his opponent and then just goes off. He must be nightmare in a policy meeting.

Maybe the mods of remaining prez debates should be able to turn off mics and tell the debaters ahead of time "when this flashing red light comes on you're not on air any more so STFU."
I don't think turning off mics will work. Instead it will be another thing for the crowd that yells how tough they are & hate PC & snowflakes, to fall back into their regularly scheduled 'full victim' mode. They already whine that Wallace was mean. Nothing will satisfy that crowd. Instead 45 if mics are cut, will just make faces during the entire time Biden is talking hoping to distract, and shuffle about. It just has to be realized, 45 is doing this for theatre, he has nothing to debate. It's an attention grabber and he will do whatever it takes to get the most attention good or bad. He gives no fucks.

Why people can't grasp THAT after all this time, boggles my mind.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1311357145816989696/

While this is the truth...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1311358467542790145/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1311361307510280193/

Fuck that mother fucker. Dictators only respond to dictators. Dictate!

Explain the rules with ONE additional qualifier, interrupt past 2 or 3 times, you CEDE the rest of the debate to the other. The rest of the floor time is your opponent's to answer the moderator's question as long as they like. Congratulations!

If you can't shut the Fuck up, you basically create the BIGGEST TV ad for your opponent. It's then up to your opponent to sink or swim in the remaining time, while you storm off looking like a dumb ass because you can't pretend to be mature.
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Also this...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1311164714043543554/

The Commission should just do the hard part of their job and cancel the remaining presidential debates.

Trump's uncontrollable. Only his hardcore base could have been thrilled by last night's offering anyway. That's not what the RNC logically would have been hoping for, because that base is not large enough to re-elect him. So it seems as though either the Republicans figure they're going to lose top to bottom in 2020 and have viewed the "debates" as just a call to arms for white militia and such... or else they're just suicidally depressed and unable to focus on isolating Trump --as best they can with zero control over his tweetbox-- while supporting downballot efforts needed to salvage some margin in the Senate.

Pence and Harris might be able to debate "issues" in the VP debate, but if I were Harris I'd be unable to resist throwing in a couple zinging sidebar challenges about the limits of Pence's policy support having got mired in sycophancy versus provision of advice and counsel. I'd still like to see that debate though, even though I suspect Pence will try to mire Harris in the GOP's flag-waving god-fearing law'n'order hypocrizanza*... and not want to be talking economic or public health issues.

*yeah i made that word up.
My stop watch is running to see how long before Tim Scott decides he’s been played.
My stop watch is running to see how long before Tim Scott decides he’s been played.
I think you are confusing your stopwatch with the Atomic clock. 😒

The Commission should just do the hard part of their job and cancel the remaining presidential debates.

Trump's uncontrollable. Only his hardcore base could have been thrilled by last night's offering anyway. That's not what the RNC logically would have been hoping for, because that base is not large enough to re-elect him. So it seems as though either the Republicans figure they're going to lose top to bottom in 2020 and have viewed the "debates" as just a call to arms for white militia and such... or else they're just suicidally depressed and unable to focus on isolating Trump --as best they can with zero control over his tweetbox-- while supporting downballot efforts needed to salvage some margin in the Senate.

Pence and Harris might be able to debate "issues" in the VP debate, but if I were Harris I'd be unable to resist throwing in a couple zinging sidebar challenges about the limits of Pence's policy support having got mired in sycophancy versus provision of advice and counsel. I'd still like to see that debate though, even though I suspect Pence will try to mire Harris in the GOP's flag-waving god-fearing law'n'order hypocrizanza*... and not want to be talking economic or public health issues.

*yeah i made that word up.
You know if they are cancelled, 45 & friends will be screaming because it's to protect Joe.

If it wasn't for their age, I'd suggest electrodes. Interrupt, moderator gets annoyed... ⚡

Team of active fact checkers in back, lie told... ⚡

Suddenly the VP debate is THE presidential debate. Problem solved. 🍻

Debates suddenly add the age fitness requirement to running for president. Win. Win.
Debates suddenly add the age fitness requirement to running for president.

Well I am still wondering how both parties rolled the viewfinder back and picked septuagenarians after a lot of us had pretty much figured the baton had been passed permanently to an energetic next generation in 2008.

The answer must have something to do with fear that "well ok Obama was a rock star but that was a fluke (yeah, twice in a row, sure...) but what if there was a campaign and no donors showed up because the candidates didn't have any star value?"

God forbid our system should be revealed in all its underpinnings of reality TV and high dollar supplication from K street to both sides of the aisle in America. But here we are having picked two old white guys to see which one should run a superpower that our frenemies continue making an effort to weaken. Somehow, that says something about us. What that is though continues to elude me, particularly because in 2020 the two candidates could hardly be less like each other in personality, experience, competence, even celebrity. But they're roughly the same age and decades older than Obama was when he was running for that office.

Also.... you ever wonder what happens to the billions of dollars now expended on our elections? Looking at the numbers through assorted filters offered by Open Secrets is only somewhat enlightening. It offers options for detailed views, but not really a human look at the nitty gritty of pizza shop evenings vs gala fundraisers -- or at whatever goes on over (or under) the tables of both of those categories. I wonder what we really think we're buying when we plunk down dollars to try to buy "free speech" during the silly seasons. And I wonder what we're really buying, which is probably something else.

But Mr. President, the police are supposed to be dealing with these hate groups.

All he had to do was say “I denounce white supremacists.” It should have been so easy.
And this is at the top of every headline today, he didn't do himself any favors with this last night.
But Mr. President, the police are supposed to be dealing with these hate groups.​

All he had to do was say “I denounce white supremacists.” It should have been so easy.

See this time he didn't have a teleprompter telling him to say that. After Charlottesville he did, so he read it (like a kid told to write "I will not tie Joey's shoelaces together ever again" 100 times on a chalkboard) but then immediately walked away from it... and anyway had read it off in that tone of voice that signified to his white supremacist followers "you know I just have to read this stuff right now, yes?"

But today when Trump had to "revise and extend" certain remarks from last night, it was a little less painful to him than after his Charlottesville walkback, because last night he hadn't renounced anything.... and had apparently felt fine with it. Only wonderment I have is which aide or Fox News person or RNC staffer or high dollar GOP Senate race aficionado from the deep South called him up this morning and said look ya gotta take that Proud Boys thing back man or we're gonna lose the Senate.

I hardly even know them
I don't even know who they are
I don't know anything about them really

The rest of us do. Words have consequences. Take-backs and do-overs are not erasers.
This is weird ... in/on trump's head (pic from the recent Town Hall meeting):


People are suggesting that looks like an RNS (Responsive Neurostimulation) device, used for treating epilepsy[?]
This is weird ... in/on trump's head (pic from the recent Town Hall meeting):

View attachment 592

People are suggesting that looks like an RNS (Responsive Neurostimulation) device, used for treating epilepsy[?]
WTF? Man I'm telling you one of these days he's going to pull off that fucking Darth Vader helmet and blow all of our minds.
I only heard this as a glancing aside on the TV, but I believe they've cancelled the rest of the scheduled debates.